Montreal Dec Interview Dates are out!


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My interivew is scheduled for Dec 20th, was hoping for an early dec date, but what diff does a few weeks make!
NVC mentioned that my lawyer will receive the paperwork in about 2 weeks.

Others for dec interview, pls share your prep and experiences here. Have gotten blood titer reports and am immune to
everything. So, will schedule an appointment with Dr Howard Seiden in Toronto around the end of this month for medicals, by that
time, I am sure I would have gotten the Pkt 4.
Congratulations and good luck!

Did you find a remote POE to make your maiden entry as an immigrant yet? :)
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Thnx gcDrone.

and yes, the best one is somewhere in ND, but the next best is ogdensburg, NY, which works out fine for me since it is
right in the middle of montreal and toronto (hardly any detour) :)
how do you know interview dates are out?

did NVC contact you directly? we\'ve been waiting and expecting a december date as well. can you call NVC and find out directly from them? if so, what is the phone number?

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I called NVC at 603-334-0700 and talked to the operator who informed me of the interview date.

Usually, you get the automated response, and once you follow the prompts and enter your case # (EAC or MTL), for montreal, an
operator will come on line who can inform you of the status of your case.
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This article is from

Police certificates from Canada
Information about police certificate from Canada can be found here.
Department of State mentions different procedure for each province of Canada for obtaining police certificates. That information can be found here.
They are also called RCMP certificate as police certificates from Canada are obtained from RCMP(Royal Canadian Mounted Police). Police certificates are required for consular processing for those currently living in Canada for 6 months or longer or for those not currently living in Canada, but who did live in Canada for more than 1 year.

If you look up the blue pages (government offices) of your phone book, you will see RCMP phone # under "Canada" section. In Toronto the number is 416-363-9072

There are two types of police certificates, one is name check based and other is finger print based. Only name check based police certificates are required for US immigration. Finger print based police certificates are for Canadian immigration.

Other than a valid reason they do not generally do it, just like that. So you have to tell them you need to do it for "US Immigration".

The police station issuing the clearance will red stamp an approval and on the bottom of the form you will see a note; "details cannot be confirmed as relating to the subject of inquiry without fingerprint comparison". Do not be alarmed by this because finger prints are NOT required. If, during your consulate interview the consular officer finds your police clearance has a "hit" or name check problem you may be instructed to be finger printed. In this case the US consular post will furnish Form FD-258 to be used for finger printing. This is the only form they will authorize for finger printing. Not any RCMP fingerprint form. Anyone who has initiated on their own to secure RCMP finger prints is wasting their time. The consular officer has to witness the issuance of finger printing for authenticity. The RCMP fingerprint form is used for Canadian immigration or criminal processing.
what are blood titer reports ?

Grads Torontorian!

I also have got a Dec interview. Just wondering if it
is possible to take care of all the immunization shots
at the time of physical. I have had some of the shots but
I have no records at all.

BTW what are blood titer reports for?


Dear Torontorian,
1) Do I need a H1B stamp on the passport?

I have my H1B approval, but didn\'t travel anywhere other than Canada,
so haven\'t got it stamped on the passport. But I read somewhere
the counsular office asked whether you have the H1 stamp with the
current employer as the petioner.

2) Also, you mentioned you are travelling at the end of Nov to get the medicals done at Howard Seiden\'s. But your interview is Dec 20th.
How long it takes to get the reports?
My interview is on Dec 14th. I plan to go to Toronto (probably to Seiden\'s) by 10th Dec. Please note I don\'t have any immunization records. Would it be enough?, or is it better to get some immunization done in USA to minimize the stay in Toronto?

Thanks a lot.
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duke & ealavan,

check out this link, it provides all the info you need about medicals in describes what a blood titer report is and how
to go about getting one. also, they do recommend that you get the required vaccinations (if you lack proof) prior to your medicals with
your local doctor and show proof of the same.

about h1, it does not apply to me since i am not in the country since a year...but i don\'t think you need a stamp on your passport.

i am just curious, you mentioned that your interview is scheduled for dec 14th, was wondering when the review of your case was
completed. mine was done on sep 20th and was a little surprised that my interview is on dec 20th and not earlier.
Akola & Torontorian,

My dates are as follows:

Pkt 3 was sent May end.
I didn\'t sent all the documents with pkt 3.
So NVC requested me to send Birth Certificates, Canadian PC etc
in September.
They also wanted me to fill-out the skipped/incomplete sections
of the Form 230. This was sent in September middle.
I saw an August 14th time stamp on my Form 230s.
(I think they went by this date for scheduling the interview)

Now I got the word that the interview was scheduled on Dec 14th
and they mailed the packet 4 to my Lawyer today(11/8).

Torontorian, thanks for your valuable info.
My date is first week of Dce.

Hi Torontorian and Otheres,

I think Eleavan might be correct they may be allot dates as per the initial receipt data. My packet was sent back for some clarifications ( silly mistakes check my other posting ) and reviewed by NVC only on 19th of October but I did get an early date in Dec.

Waiting for my packet 4 to be reach me.

Good luck all of U.
That sounds about right

Mine is on Dec 17, Monday. So we are planning on doing
the medical the previous Wednesday. It is too bad they
don\'t have medicals on later part of the week, that way
I don\'t have to spend 4 days waiting for the interview.

Montreal Interview

I am scheduled for interview on December 18th. Does anyone know if I get medical done on Monday at Toronto, what time I can pick up results? I want to take evening train to Montreal and be there Tuesday morning for interview.

I would appreciate input.

Re: Montreal Interview

Dear Ravi Manrao,
>> Does anyone know if I get medical done on Monday at Toronto,
>> what time I can pick up results?

By 4 p.m

Check it yourself at
Set up the appointment by calling them.

Good luck for everything.

There are very few entries in this DB for montreal, it can be a great
resource for others to get realistic current timelines. Why don\'t
all montreals start adding to this?
List of Documents to bring along for the Montreal Interview?

I have just been informed by the NVC that my Packet III forms have been reviewed and completed yesterday Nov 8, 2001. My next step is to wait for the interview date. What are the list of documents that we should bring along for the interview?
Let\'s hope that all of our hard works pay off!!
Lead time for obtaining medical results

Based on my experience, MDS provided us medical results approx. 55 hrs after they completed the medicals at Toronto office (medicals completed Friday noon, results available following Tuesday at 4 pm). Hope that helps.
Got Dec 20th Interview Date..?

I am planning to get my Medical done during Thank Giving Vacations
in Toronto or Montreal..?

Any suggestion on Physician Panel be open on Thanks Giving Day..?