mistake in lastname


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I just received my visa stamping here in chennai. but there is an error in my lastname. they have added my middle name to lastname and also missed one letter from the lastname. I want to correct this error but I don\'t have time. As per official change request form they say name interchanges and all minor typo errors one need not request for change. It took 10 days for visa stamping using drop box and if I want to reapply for change it will take another 10-12 days. When I called chennai consulate people they told me that it is ok to travel back to US. But still I want explore any alternative ways of doing this quick change. Any one had this type of error and travelled without any problems at port of entry. Can I get an appointment at chennai or mumbai consulate ?. Any help would be highly appreciated.

plz post your experience

Please post your experience at chennai consulate. What type of visa, documents
required etc.,
No Title

In these bad times anything can happen at POE, better get you Visa corrected before coming to US, it is worth wating for 10-12 days now.
stamping is not a problem at chennai.

Getting visa stamping is not a problem. situation is as usual. need originals of h1 petition and all other documents xerox copy. need orginal payslips , letter from the employer. Used drop box , it took appr. 12 days. Category h4-h1. and my spouse\'s l1 to h1.
How about a mistake in company name?

My company name was misspelled on the I797. I came to India and filed for the new H1. When I did that I had clearly mentioned that the company name has been misspelled. I did get my visa approved but the company name on the visa is the same as in the I797 approval. When I called the consulate about it, I was told that you will have to talk to the INS once you get there. How big a risk is it? I have all the supporting documents like I129, Labour certificate from DOL, company letter where it is clearly mentioned that there is a spelling mistake. I am not quite sure what else I need to do so that I wont face any issues at the POE.

Please advice

stamping in Chenai

It took 12 days with drop box. they made minor spelling error in my lastname but I didn\'t have any problems at port of entry. Every thing is normal except no of days it takes for visa stamping.