Minneapolis/St. Paul MN - N-400 Timeline

Congrats on your OL!
Even with your name change and then change back, it was still done within 120 days (when you got your OL)! That is one inch of hope for the rest of us waiting in MSP area.

It's just nice to see that MSP is giving OL out! :) I hope we get ours soon!
blurblur - no luck so far. A friend of mine went to attend his oath ceremony yesterday. He had his interview on Sept. 14th and recieved an oath date of Nov. 12th. I had my interview on Sept. 4th and I am still awaiting my oath invitation.

I will keep you and other folks in this thread posted with any updates.
Interview done (St Paul DO - Bloomington office)


I had my N400 interview today at the Bloomington office. It went very well. The interview experience is posted here:


Any further news on the movements in your individual cases for the N400 Oath? I was told to wait for 2-3 months for the Oath Letter. :mad:

It would be nice to see the progress of oaths in MN.

Dear All,
I finally received my oath letter today around 4:00 PM. Just when I was about to lose hope and resorted to wait forever, I received this pleasant surprise. Minneapolis/St. Paul office is really lagging behind in scheduling oath ceremonies for applicants. I was given December 10th as the oath date. I will post my experience once I am done with the ceremony.

Good luck to you all and I hope you see your oath letters in your mailboxes soon.

Haraputta when was your interview date and where will your ceremony be held i.e Bethal college etc I am also waiting for my oath letter.
My interview was conducted on Sept.04th, 2008. The ceremony is scheduled at Minneapolis Court house in downtown Mpls.
Good luck to you.
My interview was conducted on Sept.04th, 2008. The ceremony is scheduled at Minneapolis Court house in downtown Mpls.
Good luck to you.


Ignore my question on the other threas. Congrats once again and good luck.

Looks like mine will be sometime in late Jan or Feb given this timeline. I had my interview last week (11/18).

Thanks Tabaliya. Yes you are correct you should expect your oath sometime in Jan or early Feb. This last step should not take this long of a wait but unfortunately St. Paul office for some reason has application backed up for Oath.
Got my OL

Hey guys.
Got my OL in the mail yesterday. My interview was Oct 20th, got OL Dec 6th, and have my oath ceremony January 7th in St. Paul court house.

Does anyone know if this is a big court room or smaller?
How long does it usually take? It said to show up at 1pm, and that the ceremony is at 2pm.

Good luck to all of you that are still waiting! I hope your OL comes very soon!!!
I had my oath ceremony today. All went well. There were about 68 new citizens in the ceremony that lasted for about 45 minutes.

Hey guys.
Got my OL in the mail yesterday. My interview was Oct 20th, got OL Dec 6th, and have my oath ceremony January 7th in St. Paul court house.

Does anyone know if this is a big court room or smaller?
How long does it usually take? It said to show up at 1pm, and that the ceremony is at 2pm.

Good luck to all of you that are still waiting! I hope your OL comes very soon!!!

Hi Thunder1,

Just curious - did the note at the end of the interview say for you "congrats you have been approved" or something else? I'm just to understand the correlation between the text on that letter the amount of delay between the interview and the oath. It appears some case went back into the so called "reverification" after interview especially when the "congrats ..." statement was not the one checked in the letter.

I did not get the "congratulations" on my letter after my interview. I had it checked where it said that the decision could not be made and that they will notify me of their decision. 40+ some days later, I got the Oath letter in the mail.

I did have a very-very young IO and there was another IO overseeing his interview. So, he was probably not able to make the decision and it needed to be reviewed before it was approved. That's all I could guess. But, I've seen a lot of people with the same experience.

Good luck!
for those still waiting for oath dates for St Paul and Minneapolis Minnesota I found the following dates for 2009 oath ceremony. let's keep up our hopes for the dates listed below





11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Davis
2:00 - Judge Rosenbaum

14th - Landmark Center
10:00 - Judge Davis
2:00 - Judge Rosenbaum


11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Tunheim
2:00 - Judge Montgomery

11:00 - Judge Ericksen
2:00 - Judge Davis

5th Fitzgerald Theatre
11:00 - Judge Tunheim

7th - Mall of America
9:00 - Judge Magnuson

TBD - St. Thomas Law School
10:00 - Judge Schiltz


11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Rosenbaum
2:00 - Judge Tunheim

12th - Fegus Falls
1:00 - Judge Montgomery

TBD - Landmark Center
10:00 - Judge Kyle

2:00 - Judge Ericksen

19th - Blue Earth
1:00 - Judge Frank


11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Montgomery
2:00 - Judge Ericksen

3rd - Mankato
11:00 - Judge Davis

3rd - Duluth
1:00 - Judge Schiltz

8th - U of M Law School
11:00 - Judge Rosenbaum
2:00 - Judge Tunheim

30th - Festival of Nations
5:00 - Judge Frank


11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Davis
2:00 - Judge Rosenbaum

13th - St. Cloud
5:00 - Judge Montgomery


11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Tunheim
2:00 - Judge Montgomery

TBD - Rochester
9:00 - Judge Frank

15th - Bethel University
10:00 - Judge Ericksen

2:00 - Judge Magnuson

19th - Pelican Rapids
1:00 - Judge Tunheim


11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Ericksen
2:00 - Judge Davis

TBD - Landmark Center
10:00 - Judge Kyle
2:00 - Judge Davis

15th - Bethel University
10:00 - Judge Rosenbaum
2:00 - Judge Montgomery


19th - Bethel University
10:00 - Judge Ericksen
2:00 - Judge Schiltz


11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Rosenbaum
2:00 - Judge Tunheim

11:00 - Judge Montgomery
2:00 - Judge Ericksen

16th - Hamline University
10:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Magnuson

17th - Slayton, MN
11:00 - Judge Kyle

18th - Moorhead St. University
11:00 - Judge Tunheim


11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Davis
2:00 - Judge Rosenbaum

TBD - William Mitchell Law School
10:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Davis


11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Tunheim
2:00 - Judge Montgomery

6th - Duluth
1:00 - Judge Kyle

TBD - Landmark Center

10:00 - Judge Rosenbaum
2:00 - Judge Montgomery


11:00 - Judge Frank
2:00 - Judge Schiltz

11:00 - Judge Magnuson
2:00 - Judge Kyle

11:00 - Judge Ericksen
2:00 - Judge Davis
Oath Dates in St Paul - Mpls

Looks like quite a few dates have been scheduled for the oaths in CY '09. Let's keep our hopes up for an early oath.

My ID was Nov 18 w/ "recommended for approval" in the letter.

It looks like St Paul has around 6 oath ceremonies scheduled for Minneapolis, St Paul. all those who had their interview in Oct and Nov 08 should be receiving their letters in January. lets keep each other posted for the OL.
It looks like St Paul has around 6 oath ceremonies scheduled for Minneapolis, St Paul. all those who had their interview in Oct and Nov 08 should be receiving their letters in January. lets keep each other posted for the OL.

Folks from MN,

Any updates on any of you waiting for the oath letter? My ID was Nov 18. I was told to wait 2-3 months for the oath letter.

Tabaliya I got my OL today it's for Jan 21. hope you get your soon

Congrats abdahm001!

When was your interview? While there is no strict correlation, mine was on Nov 18. I know someone with a Nov 10 interview too, waiting for the OL.
