Military service and expedite naturalization.


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Hi there!

I had heard a lot of stories and questions about immigrants who serve in the US military and how it might help in getting the US citizenship. I found an interesting article on this issuehere
It sort of provides a summary of facts and rumors.
I quess they did mention, that there are some people in a military without GC. How do they do it, I have no idea. One recruiter told me that there is no "legal" chance for a person without a CG to join the military. as of the executive order, it does not specify whether illegal aliens are eligible. I mean there aren't any direct words which indicate such possibility. The articles mentions the words of the few law professors who think that the language used in this order allows illegals to get naturalized based on it.
In either case, the sitution is a little bit messed up since it happens to hear about military personnel without GC while officially it should not be possible.
There are two separate legal provisions at issue. First under the INA, if there is a period of hostility as defined by the President, any alien (I mean any alien, LPR status is not needed) who joins the US military within the United States is eligible for immediate naturalization. Since 9/11 we are in such a hostile period per the order by President Bush in 2002.

Yet another provision (not in the INA, but in part of the United States Codes dealing with the armed services) forbids the armed services from taking anyone who is NOT a LPR. This rule is waived ONLY when the draft is in effect.

So the problem for non green card holders is that they cannot get in the the military. If they somehow manage to get in then they will fall under the EO and should be able to apply. The caveat is that that person probably lied about his immigration status to get in. This falsehood could be seen as a lack of good moral character and hence bar naturalization (or lead to a less than honorable dischage which would also render you ineligible).

I hope this is clear.
Question about U.S military


What are the qualifications to enter into military? Is there any age limit for the woman?Height? Do I need to take entrance test?
I am immigrant and I`ve been here for almost two years now with conditional green card. Married to American citizen.

Advice me please. And thanks!

They WILL talk to you as a non-citizen/non-LPR if you have a qualification they are interested in. I talked to them a couple of years ago. But as it turned out, for my job I would have had to be a commissioned officer, and for that citizenship is a requirement.