Message changed to 485 Approved


Registered Users (C)
I had been checking the voice message everday. Finally it says approved on July 26 2000. For both my husband and myself. I still do not believe it. Not until I get the PP stamped. Will let everyone know how it goes -
I must have posted my details at least 10 times already if not more. But here it is -

EB3 India
PD 2/96
RD 4/99
ND 5/11/99
FP 4/1/99
APPRVD 7/26/00
NO RFE, no calls to senator
Spoke to IIO in all about 4 times.

My company name had changed between I140 and I485. I was sure to get and RFE, but it seems like I did not. Please let me know if anyone has questions.....

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congratulations..I too am in the same boat as you but 2 years furthur down the road - my PD is 98 august..I am the main applicant and me and my hubby are waiting for that time to come! just could relate to the joy you might be having now..
congrats once again..
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No I am not from Rapidigm and/or Computer People. But I have been reading the message board where it seems like all applicants from this company seem to be getting RFEs.

I have to tell you that my lawyer seems to have approached this thing a little differently. Let\'s say my company name was "ABC Inc." earlier. Sometime in 1998 it changed officially to
"XYZ Inc (formerly known as ABC Inc.)". Yes, the new name did have the old name as formerly. The Tax Ids had not changed either until then.

Form I140 AND I485 both had the company name as "ABC Inc.". The employment letter however was on the new letter head and the specified the new name of the company as my intent of employment.
So far, I think this seems to have worked.
Please remember that I have not yet recd. my approval letter. I will let you know if and when I do.

Let me know if you have more questions ....
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EB3 India
PD 2/6/96
RD 4/20/99
ND 5/11/99
FP 4/1/99
APPRVD 7/26/00
EAC 99-166-5XXXX (same start numbers for my husband and I)
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To all:

I would like to invite you all to join for an evening of chatting on our IS Immigration chat room. The Chat room has been available for quite some time, however, due to time constraints we have not been be to implement the project.

Please log on by going to www.rapidigm.com8080/~immigration

I have been following your chat room and we consistently monitor all chat rooms as we receive valuable information from you all.

I would like for you all to know that we are aware of your frustrations and have been aware for some time. Unfortunately, many of you do not see what we do on a daily basis nor have any idea of the amount of time and labor it takes to complete and get an approved C.

I am very proud of IS. In the one and a half short years that we have been officially a part of Rapidigm we have processed hundreds of cases. Each one is different that the other and no one is exactly like the neighbors case. We have 100% approvals on our labor carts and have instituted and RI program which allows you to get your labor carts in a manner of weeks instead of months. Many of you have benefited from our services. As to the I-140\'s we have had only one denial. This case was appealed and we won on appeal, hence another 100% rating.

IS does a tremendous job in filing good cases and getting people well on their way to the GC process. The area that we are most lacking in is the customer service area. However, you need to give us credit where it is due. We have a web page which allows you instant knowledge of your case status, all of our packages are available via e-mail, we provide you with information on the web page from our I-485 process to what you need for a visitor visa. All this was not available prior to RIS.

We are currently working on implementing a "call center/help desk" program, hiring more staff and allowing filing of I-485 forms via the web page, on-line entry of name changes, address changes etc. In addition, I am presently in our Sacramento office to open up our RIS West Coast office. We understand there are time and distance issues and hope to provide you with what is needed to better service you.

Unfortunately, I can not be everywhere at the same time and I must delegate responsibilities and can not answer all your phone calls. In May, we hired on a new staff attorney, Mirna Milanovic,who is assisting me in reviewing files and answering your calls. Our most recent staff addition is Ms. Kathy Risko who will be leading the Green Card team. We are hiring people with experience and the ability to answer your queries and take care of your needs.

I am inviting you to visit our chat room and engage in a discourse about your concerns. Before sending me a message, please determine if the frustration is with RIS and why or whether the frustration is with the process.

Thank you, and looking forward to your messages.
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Dear Jackie,

I am not from this ill fated company (Rapidgm) but my heart goes out to all its employees. I understand their plight because my lawyer is no better in what you have called as "customer service" or "helpdesk".

One thing I noticed in your reply is that your office has been spending considerable time monitoring these chat rooms. If they have so much time at hand, shouldn\'t they have been available for answering questions as well? And since so many of your clients are unsatisfied there has to be something that is missing in your office.

In most cases, it is the fault of the process but as their lawyer it is your office\'s duty to provide good, timely and effective help. These are hard working people who have strived to get whatever they have in life. They cannot be treated like rogues or criminals that have no human-rights. If you give them a proper answer (even something like "INS has not provided us with that information"), believe me none of them have the time nor the inclination to needlessly call you.

On the other hand there is Rajiv Khanna. He is so quick in his response, even for people who are not his clients. I had posted a question to him and he called me up within 10 hours and answered it for me. That my dear, is SERVICE.

Let\'s face it. INS has not made this process easy for you and me, so why can\'t we be a team and fight the odds together.

Please reply .....
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Dear Jackie,

In counting your success %, have you counted the cases that had been carelessly handled by you when you were in transition from moving from N&G to RIS? Have you counted the success rate with respect to its timelinessyou and the time-line mentioned in the I-485 document you gave out to everybody? Have you counted the nos of time Application-forms that had came back from INS because they were incompletely/incorrectly filled?

Do you talk about this success % while you talk to consultants? NO! Why? So far what I heard you talking is the horror stories about RFEs, IOD(Intent of denials ) adn andortation. Now that your department came under fire , all of sudden you started talking about success.

You talk to eveyeveryson who want to do EAD to made them aware ( rather scare them )of the v RISKs for almost 30minutes/Consultant. Can this time be best be utilized addressing other important area like carefully reviewing all the outgoing forms OR answering consultant\'s voice-mails.

If RIS doesn\'t have enough infastucture to handle the cases why do they take this much load. Why don\'t you push back on mgmt? Why don\'t you let Consultant choose their own path?

Ms. Jackie, process to handle the GC case is same for every lawyer. It really depends on how you handle this process. So we don\'t have any problem in process but we are getting the problems the way RIS handling this process.

Hope so far you must have got enough feed-back on RIS work-practice. Hope you take all of them positively to improve your service level.
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Dear Jackie

Its nice to see your response, but its sad to see that u responded after we all started putting our frustrations on this forum, don\'t u think this would not have been the case if we all were given better hearing before .

We are not asking the moon from u all we are asking is that since the whole GC process is complicated and we are unaware of a lot of things , what is needed is information. We do not call RIS cause we have no better work to do or no better way to spend out time but cause we need information regarding what\'s going on. U put yourself in our shoes and think about it , u count your success, that\'s a good thing to do but have u read even a single note on this forum which says that he/she is happy with RIS or Rapidigm as a whole.

Every company has problems but successfull companies always listen to their employees cause at the end of the day believe it or not they are the people who run the company.

It is very easy to say that we are recruting people and things will get better but believe me i personally have seen Rapidigm go from bad to worst and i am sure everyone will agree to this.
People who have been in this company for more that 2-3 years will agree that this company used to be much better before , when there were 400-450 consultants. Now u guys recruit consultants cause u want to earn more money and want to get big which is good but in the process u forget that their is something called as Human Resource Management or Public Relations which every company needs to practice to be successfull.

Every day we are faced with different problems at the customer sight and we have no one to turn to cause when we call our company(Rapidigm) to speak to our Recruiter, well he is 99.9% of the times not available(possibly earning more commission by doing more recruitments) and when we leave a message no one gets back.

Well the bottom line is that we all are eligible for the information that concerns us and that\'s what we ask for, do u think that its too much of a deal ?

I am not sure whether all these messages on the forum will have a positive effect on Rapidigm, but believe me if they do and u change for the good i am sure everyone will be happy to work for a company like that cause that\'s what we call job satisfaction after all.

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I would like to tell 1000 times that RajivKhanna is really good and returns call promptly (No matter to who U are). Pl. lets not compare his prof. service with \'THE IMMIGRATION DIRECTOR\' Jackey Free.
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Dear Givemegc:

Again, I invite you to visit our chat room, as this is not the proper forum for such discussions. RIS is on the frontline and we receive all phone calls regarding all issues. Some we are not can not answer, but we will try as we have since we have only been part of company for 1.5 years.

Thanks, J
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We monitor all chat rooms and all immigration sites for input from people like you who have valid information to provide as to the processing of cases. You are the frontline and provide us with valid information.

I know Rajiv and he has a wonderful practice and kudos to his service.

Thank you for your reply.
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RIS will never improve. We need to live with these busy recruiters and Jackie. With all these postings still Jackie thinks what she and her dept. is doing is 100% right and not accepting there is some problem and need to be corrected. Even after these postings it is same kind of rude reply from Jackie as well from her dept.
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I agree. Jackie refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem. It is a pathetic attempt on her part to
justify her current level of "service" by bragging about RIS "success" with past cases. A company
the size of Rapidigm definitely needs a more professional attorney.
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RD07/02/99, ND07/26/00, China, EB1. Message changed to approval on July 25.

Thanks to all the good discussions on this board, and good luck to everyone.

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Its not completely your problem. We all believe that you have instructions from Recruiters to work so.
We do not want to challenge you here. If you are really interested in knowing abour your RIS service to us, let us take Survery with all the employees of RAPIDIGM.
All we want is fair service. Right now, we get very POOR service. Again, if consultants ask questions - u People (including Recruiters) never reply. And the local HR manager always say \'No\'. Its what hurting us.
I am hearing from many new consultants that they join RAPIDIGM, just for GC (So far, labor is clearing quick with RAPIDIGM). If this poor service continues, we all have to hammer it to Lew Wheeler/Paul/Ravi Amble.
What I understood is, US Immigration is clearing the cases fast, but filing with them takes hell a lot time from the poor RIS people.

And I still wonder why RIS dont provide any documents to consultants when each stage is approved. It makes us to think different. Pl. dont say \'Company policy\'.

Wondering you have any automated e-mail program? :))