Medical-TB Test -To Whom It May Concern


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To Whom It May Concern

Reading this forum and according to some of my friends experiences, I saw, those who send their medical with the initial application got approved faster than others.

So about 6 months ago I sent my medical without any RFI. But last 6 months there was no any update. Finally I got a letter asking me to submit a new medical because of an error in the forms submitted. That is because of an error done by my doctor. Not because of submitting without any RFI.

I had a TB Test positive in long time ago. I told that to the doctor in California. Then he did only chest x-ray. I don’t know how he fills my medical forms.

But this medical was rejected by USCIS officer saying that each and every person must be tested by Civil Surgeons (Doctor) – Same doctor or another doctor.

Then I went to other doctor in Maryland, Where I live right now, and told my story and gave the latter I got from USCIS. He did the same thing. He did all the tests charge my money and then said he is not going to do the test but it is O.K. He is going to fill the forms in correct way. I need not another test because I was positive.

She fills my forms this way.

TB Test (PPD ?) – Not done due to previous positive reaction

Chest x-ray - Negative

Then I call about this to USCIS. They said they need Civil Siegen must do the test.

For me, PR is worth than spending money on another Medical.

So I went o a deferent doctor again and show the immunization records given by first doctor (California). I did not say any word about previous positive results. I lost a lot of money because of my mouth. I jest told the doctor who is in California did not do any skin test.

They did brand new test but no shots. I was positive. Then X-Ray. It is negative. (Because of the B.C.G. Vaccine). I already mailed my medical along with other requested documents.

I Wright this story to this forum, if anyone has the same conditions, that is TB positive case, Don’t let them (Doctor) know that you wear tested before. Then they will not do the test. If they don’t do the test, they will not say that they did the test.

Then your medical will be rejected.

Most Important thing, it is not harmful to have another TB test. Nothing was happened to me. I am still alive to Wright this story to you and to become a U.S. citizen in future.

This experience will also helpful to the lawyers who read regularly this forum (and also asking more details about the incident) and collect our experiences and then give advices to their clients like experts (Gurus).

The medical exams can only be done by the doctors authorized by USCIS. The envelope should be sealed and stamp before sending it. You don't mention anything of this. It can't be just any doctor, you have to chose from the list USCIS gives you.

Good luck
my story:(((...

i went several days ago to complete my medicals(nd: sept.2005). i didn't say anything about my positive tb test before, neither they asked me. so today i went for x-rays which was clear. the doctor told me that i need tb prevention medication because of new ins directives and he is not giving me a medical clearance until i go to tb clinic. i am a medical student and i know the effects of this type of medication(it is very very harsh on liver) plus when you needed( i definitely don't: my immune system is in great condition), so pretty much i told him that i don't need it. you get a medication only if you are in the risk group(hiv,immuno-suppressant, homeless etc..)or have an active form of tb. he was unhappy(!) and send me for clearance from the tb clinic. when i asked him questions(2 of them), he simply disregarded me. he said he gives the medication because ins states so. an ignorant response coming from an indifferent provider.
i work in 2 hospitals and i have been before through tb test and x-rays. but i never heard such a nonsense. i also look for such info on the web and uscis documents. no, there is nothing!
i chose this doctor because was the cheapest($100) in san francisco, a part of meridian medical group. please be aware. immigrants have enough problems on the road to green card, and we don't more troubles. good luck to all!!!
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As you did not use the second medical exam result, what did you find additional documents (besides similar forms of a copy you received) when you opened it? I think all are the same. Then why is the envelop needed to be closed and sealed? :(

I know it is insane. After recent TB news, it is alarming in the community. So when you argue with the doctor, did you get the clearance? You said in your message that your CS send you for TB clinic. What is that? As my skin test is positive, I had CXR. I am still waitng for the result. What should I do if CXR is clear and my doc asked me to take the drug. What about if you agree to take it, but ......? Coming from third world country, we all know what TB is. Nearly all people in my country need to take TB drug as they all might have positive skin test. Even you get clearance, is there any chance that your case will be sent back (because of no drug treatment) as new INS director wants us to take medication? I think it all depends on INS officer reviewing your case.

I heard some CS are flexible and some are strict. So choose one after making phone calls to different clinics. It is true generally that "cheaper is tougher". They are cheap, but they do not have clients.
What about to go to two different doctors and choose the report from the one you like to submit? Is it a good idea? Or just waste of money?
hey newjourney!
first, there is no such thing as new directive from ins. the doctor always has done that(his words). he was about 70 years old(and i am saying this because some of the older providers are keeping their old ways of treatment).
second, you take the pills if you are immunocompromised or have an active form of tb. this is what CDC site says. it was a practice before years certain immigrants to be asked to take the medication(i think india and some parts of asia). i come from europe, and i never been around a person with active tb.
third, reading through the forum, i have never read that a doctor has made someone to do so. and mine pretty much said: either clearance from tb clinic or take the pills. he was pretty rude also, but as i say you receive what you paid for, and i receive 2 min. conversation about my age and the "options" i have.

so here it is, i am going on tuesday to tb clinic.
clear xr should be enough. as i said i never read about a person who has to take the drugs which are pretty horrible(especiall if you are healthy). if the tb clinic clears that is more that enough. they are professionals and specialize in that. and the officer send it back, i will go to another cs and do another xr.

i don't think you are going to have a problem. i have to deal with stuck up provider, and believe me if there is next time(for tb test), i will never go back to this "knowledgeable" cs...
TB test

I had a +ve on the ppd test. Was told the same thing. Get the X-Ray and go to a chest clinic and take medicine. But I was also told that if the x-ray is clean I will get the clearance but still have to go to the chest clinic. The doctor also said I have a right to refuse treatment. My regular family physician suggested getting a quantiferon test to prove that the +ve on ppd was due to BCG vaccine.
I had a +ve on the ppd test. Was told the same thing. Get the X-Ray and go to a chest clinic and take medicine. But I was also told that if the x-ray is clean I will get the clearance but still have to go to the chest clinic. The doctor also said I have a right to refuse treatment. My regular family physician suggested getting a quantiferon test to prove that the +ve on ppd was due to BCG vaccine.

Actually, I did quite a bit of research and it turns out that BCG shouldn't impact test results even though 1/2 of medical staff are under that impression. From what I read, you get false positive from BCG only if you got the vaccine immediately prior to the skin test and after 10-12 months there should be no effects.
i also did some research. you do have the right to refuse to take medication if you you do not have active tb(not that the cs told me that). once you start the pills, you should not stop. plus you are monitored...
my question is how come so many people have pos. tb skin test and have clear x-ray and are not made to go to clinic or take medication, and others are forced to do so even with clear chest x-ray and none of immune disorders? it seems it is up to the cs.

im going tomorrow to the tb clinic for clearance.
wish me good luck.
Today I got the clearance from the CS. He, however referred me to a chest clinic saying that the Chest Clinic will evaluate me to see if I need medicine. He was saying that it is pretty much upto the chest clinic to prescribe medicine or not but asked me to go to them without fail as sometimes USCIS asks him whether the follow up happened or not.
my sking test is positive, my CXR is clear. got envelop from CS, but not a copy of the form (some cs give copy, some don't. why?) He didn't say anything about treatment or TB clinic. Why are there such variation? There is no consistency among CS. what is going on?
hi guys,
just to let you know that the my appointment went well with the tb clinic. no problems at all. i can't apprehend why there is such a difference amongst the cs: ones send you to health public department, others clear you immediately.
by the way i received an update from uscis the day after i sent the medicals saying that they need 60 days for a decision to be made(standard message). i am nd 09/2005.
Suggestion and Help Required

Hi ltsanis & All,

My skin test was positive. The Doc did Chest x-ray immediately. He is good, he said your chest x-ray is clear so no need to worry even though ur skin test is positive. He also said that I wont be having any problem in immigration.Doc asked to take two medicines. He said you will thank me in your life.He did not order me to take medicine but he said if you take it is better for six months.The medicines are isoniazid 300 mg and B-6 50 mg. I have few questions

1. What doc said is right ? that I wont be having any problem because of positive skin test

2. Shall I take these medicines ?

I will be thankful to every one.

Thank You
sun :)
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1. No, you won't have any problems - your x-ray shows that you do not have TB
2. No need to take isoniazid - be nice to you liver :)
Hi, guys,

I actually don't understand why there are so many stories about TB test. I am positive, and I know many people are positive. USCIS should have a routine standard???

My civil surgeon will not do a TB test on me based on my previous positive record and only x-rays are done, it is said unhealthy to do it again.

So, I am worry if USCIS will insist me to do the skin test in the future. My surgeon assures me there is no need as he has done the same thing for many at the same situation. Personally, I believe USCIS has no right to force me to undergo an unhealthy procedure which basically makes no meaningful sense.

Any inside from those who have already had their GC? Thank you for your advice!
I am not very certain 100% but i did the first time my Physical and surely the CS said she wouldnt do the skin test and went right to the X-Ray but after almost one and a half years the mail came from USCIS that I need to do the skin test anyway. I enquired from couple people and it seems they are insisting on both the skin test and x-ray which makes no sense for those of us who defenitily know the skin test will be positive. Why do it if you gona do the x-ray which is the most accurate:confused: :confused: ? But until further information THEY need both as far as I know. Good luck.

Hi, guys,

I actually don't understand why there are so many stories about TB test. I am positive, and I know many people are positive. USCIS should have a routine standard???

My civil surgeon will not do a TB test on me based on my previous positive record and only x-rays are done, it is said unhealthy to do it again.

So, I am worry if USCIS will insist me to do the skin test in the future. My surgeon assures me there is no need as he has done the same thing for many at the same situation. Personally, I believe USCIS has no right to force me to undergo an unhealthy procedure which basically makes no meaningful sense.

Any inside from those who have already had their GC? Thank you for your advice!