Medical-TB Test -To Whom It May Concern

Huni98 it does makes sense if you think about it because the forms the doctor has to fill in ask for the reaction in mm. If the doctor doing your paper work checks the box that says ppd taken and positive and doesn't put the reaction results (because obviously he didn't take your test and is only taking your word on its positive reaction so how would he know what your reaction was) then the USCIS will want to know what the reaction was because apparently the more mm the higher risk you are or whatever. If they check the ppd not taken box (as they should because even if you did take that test before and it was positive, they did not themselves take it and did not see with their own eyes that it was positive) then the USCIS will want/request it to be taken and the reaction recorded. They basically want the doctor to take care of both questions that deal with the ppd- 1) was it taken, and, if positive give the reaction and 2) was an x-ray taken and what were the x-ray results.
Thank you very much, Huni98 and Antilope.

If the purpose for skin test is to have an x-ray done, then suppose, I am having the worst reaction and I did my x-ray and it is negative, USCIS suppose to let me pass, right?

So the logic is, for not having a skin test, you can assure the worst reaction as far as the x-ray is cleared, in my case, I also have my chest CT done and it is clear, is that enough?

By the way, I re-emphasis that it is unhealthy to do the skin test again, and the civil surgeon said he did not see any trouble with previous cases done. If USCIS insists both to be done, then, the previous clients should have come back to the doctor, right?
Thank you very much, Huni98 and Antilope.

If the purpose for skin test is to have an x-ray done, then suppose, I am having the worst reaction and I did my x-ray and it is negative, USCIS suppose to let me pass, right?

So the logic is, for not having a skin test, you can assure the worst reaction as far as the x-ray is cleared, in my case, I also have my chest CT done and it is clear, is that enough?

By the way, I re-emphasis that it is unhealthy to do the skin test again, and the civil surgeon said he did not see any trouble with previous cases done. If USCIS insists both to be done, then, the previous clients should have come back to the doctor, right?

I'm sorry, I'm not clear as to what exactly you're asking.

The purpose of the skin test is not to have the x-ray done. If the skin test is negative, you're free to go, no x-ray is needed. If it's positive they want the reaction results and then the x-ray results. Whether the USCIS lets you "pass" really depends on your doctor. Some doctors may advise the patient to take the treatment medication and still clear the medical forms, others may not even advise that and yet others will make you take it and hold the USCIS forms until after you've started taking the meds. If your x-ray is negative, it really depends on what the doctors does on your forms that determines whether USCIS will come back after you.

If your doctor did not take the skin test and only took the x-ray, then you will MORE THAN LIKELY get a letter from the USCIS asking that you take it. Based on the many people that have posted on here about having had to go back to their doctors to take the actual PPD test, you must take the PPD skin test even if the x-ray comes out negative. The USCIS wants to know that their doctor took that test and they want to know the reaction results. Simple as that. Mine was positive and I knew it all along and both I and my doctor opted to retake the test to avoid any future issues.

Why is it unhealthy to take the test? I thought it was only due to the possibility of permanent scarring at the test site but not a huge health problem or anything. Supposedly you shouldn't take it within a few months of a previous test but if it's been years since you've had the other one done, you'll be ok. I think:eek:
Hi Antilope,
I couldnt agree with you more and I have seen the point of having to do both the Skin test and X-ray. For our friend GGGR please make sure you do the skin test and if positive do the X-ray too before sending your documents otherwise they might not even communicate with you for a while and when the chance to check your documents comes up they will more than likely have you do the skin test as well as I have indicated earlier. It took them almost one and a half years after I sent my medicals without the skin test to get me do it all over again to include the skin test even though the INITIAL X-ray was negative. GET THE SKIN TEST DONE. Good luck.

I'm sorry, I'm not clear as to what exactly you're asking.

The purpose of the skin test is not to have the x-ray done. If the skin test is negative, you're free to go, no x-ray is needed. If it's positive they want the reaction results and then the x-ray results. Whether the USCIS lets you "pass" really depends on your doctor. Some doctors may advise the patient to take the treatment medication and still clear the medical forms, others may not even advise that and yet others will make you take it and hold the USCIS forms until after you've started taking the meds. If your x-ray is negative, it really depends on what the doctors does on your forms that determines whether USCIS will come back after you.

If your doctor did not take the skin test and only took the x-ray, then you will MORE THAN LIKELY get a letter from the USCIS asking that you take it. Based on the many people that have posted on here about having had to go back to their doctors to take the actual PPD test, you must take the PPD skin test even if the x-ray comes out negative. The USCIS wants to know that their doctor took that test and they want to know the reaction results. Simple as that. Mine was positive and I knew it all along and both I and my doctor opted to retake the test to avoid any future issues.

Why is it unhealthy to take the test? I thought it was only due to the possibility of permanent scarring at the test site but not a huge health problem or anything. Supposedly you shouldn't take it within a few months of a previous test but if it's been years since you've had the other one done, you'll be ok. I think:eek:
hi there!
here it is my opinion: the tb skin test must be included with the medical regardless if you have a positive one before(plus x-ray in this case). the officer need to see the tb skin because it is part of the requirements. if not, he will send you a request for one which will delay the application. even my cs knew that...

sunny512, please go to tb department/clinic and get clearance. this what you should say the cs. there are so many of them living in the "old ways". i agree with lisska. by the way, the chance to develop tb during your life time is about 10% only(depending of the person's health status).

good luck!

Thank You Lisska & ltsanis for your suggestion.I took pills for a month and stoped now. Yeah I will go to department/clinic and get clearance.

Thank You
First, Huni98, congratuations to your approval!!!

And thank you every one for your kind advice, although, I still don't see the points, I will consider your advices for the peace of mind.

Again, thank you very much!
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