Medical Insurance for Non working 64 year old parent


Registered Users (C)
Hello all,

My mother (64 years old) is going to be visiting us for 5-6 months here in Florida and I was wondering what's the best option to get a medical insurance for her?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Find the most comprehensive traveler's policy you can. Be sure it covers medevac and repatriation. It will cover only emergency care. There will be limitations for preexisting conditions.
Forgot to mention that she has a green card.

Concerned4Us: Is there any option within US? Will that be cheaper?
Forgot to mention that she has a green card.

Concerned4Us: Is there any option within US? Will that be cheaper?

Yet you claim she will be "visiting" for 5 to 6 months. It looks like another person abusing a GC.

She is below retirement age; she should move to the US and get a job that allows her to purchase it.