May, June 2005 Approvals - Biometrics Yet ?

I from chicago area....
The date is Sept 7, 2005.

Also, there was no status update about the biometrics notice getting mailed.
I guess you should also be getting your notice soon...
Is sending of Biometric notices is "Automated"..?

Is sending of Biometric notices in NSC is "Automated"..? I mean my I-485 is NOT Approved still I/we received Biometric notice & my family did Biometric on Aug 9. While talking to one of my friend, he told me that NSC has "Automated" the process of sending Biometric notices.

Does it mean that our I 485 files are not open for review/adjustment but NSC is doing biomtetrics in Advance? My PD is far away from current June PD is Jan 2003..

Wondering whether NSC is sending Biometric notices pro-actively to those who are close to "proposed" PD that would be by Oct 1, 2005...OR whether its NSCs new automated process & just seat tight till your PD becomes current?

Any comments?
You can call the SC and ask them (but don’t call the national SC). Call and talk directly with SC, and see what they are going to tell you.

I found this in the forum.

”to call directly TSC,

call 800 no
Press 1
Press 2
Press 6
press 1 for src#
Press 1 again to confirm SRC #
After hearing status
Press 3
then press 3 or 4 when it says "you have file multiple petitions and got separated...." by selecting that option u will be connected directly with TSC.

share ur exp with us

Note: if u hear error msg on your status after u press your SRC#, it won't let u go further option, then use any other SRC petition like EAD or anyone. when connected to TSC give ur 485 receipt to operator”

This should work for NSC.

Some details of my case
I-140 RD August 16, 2003 (EB-1b: outstanding professor/researcher)
RD August16, 2003
PD August 18, 2003
I 140 AD August 9, 2004

I-485 RD April 6, 2005
FPN (code 3) June 21, 2005
Biometrics done August 5, 2005
EAD ND August 10, 2005
EAD AD August 16, 2005

LUD 8/05/05, 08/08/05, 0811/05, 08/16/05, 08/17/05


Notice Type: Approval Notice (There is no mention of my case being approved.)

The letter says “In processing your case we have reached the point where we need you to make an appointment to go to one of out Application Support Centers to have same additional Biometrics taken.” There is no mention of my case being approved.

I scheduled an appointment for Oct 1, 2005

I called Texas Service Center and they told me that they have my FP check and name check and my case has been approved on August 16. They said “We are going to order your GC”.
‘Somebody made a mistake and sent this strange approval notice and you don’t need to go for FP again”.
But I still have not had any changes in my LUD or status.
I am waiting……..

I still keep my appointment for October 1.
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485 inpacts

Guys and Gurus:

I was arrested for not showing up in court (speeding ticket) approx. 4 years ago. Got our after 2-3 hours on bail and resolved the issue
Does this incident affect te process of I-485 appoval?
Any insights?


My Biometric code..

mozaffar421 said:
What is the code on your notice(1,2 or 3)

For me, my wife & son code 2. For my daughter Code 3.
Me, my wife & son did completed our 1st FP last year but daughter was minor (below 14) & did not had first FP last year, probably due to that my daughter Biomat Code notice code is 3 (Code 3 - all fingers + Right hand Index finger + digital photo & signature).

Anyway, is Biometric is automated process in NSC or New PD (Oct 1, 2005) would be around Jan 2003? or just seat tight till our PD becomes current & forget about Biometric which we did on Aug 9?

any comments?....
60days over .. still no biometrics

60 days over since my 485 approval ... no biometric yet. What to do now, do i have to call USICS .. can somebody explain?.
Originally Posted by jk_GC
60 days over since my 485 approval ... no biometric yet. What to do now, do i have to call USICS .. can somebody explain?.

You have to call USCIS. If you are lucky you will get customer service representative on the line who can schedule biometrics on the spot. If you are not lucky you will be asked to wait. So it all depends on who you get on that day on the line. I think You have to keep calling USCIS until bio is scheduled.
I am also from detroit!

mozaffar421 said:
From which city you are? we got our Biomet notice 82 days after 485 approval. (Metro Detroit area). The Biomet depends on how many people are ahead of you in your local office.

I am also from detroit, i saw couple of posts who's cases got approved on 23rd and 27th of June and got BM notice's during last week. So i expected whole week last week but invain. What do you want me to do?, is calling uscis has any -ve impact? Thanks for all, who posted their valuble advice.
Got it.. after looong wait

ph_mani said:
My case was approved on 5/12 and PP stamped on 06/03 and no word on biometrics yet. I am from VA.

don't worry.. this is not uncommon at all.. i waited for close to 4 months and then finally got the biometrics letter just today.. my case was approved on 5/11.. i guess it really depends on the queue that your ASC has.. have you called USCIS based on that 60 days policy mentioned in 485 notice?

alan1 said:
don't worry.. this is not uncommon at all.. i waited for close to 4 months and then finally got the biometrics letter just today.. my case was approved on 5/11.. i guess it really depends on the queue that your ASC has.. have you called USCIS based on that 60 days policy mentioned in 485 notice?


we called USCIS after 60days and they said it should be a non delivery and they took all the information then after 4 days i got a letter from USCIS stating that we have called for the biometrics and it will be scheduled and a notice will be sent as and when the local ASC has available slot.

So it all depends on how fast the local ASC can clear all the case is approved on 05/12
Got my Biometrics notice after 90 days

I also got my biometrics notice yesterday in mail. My case was approved on 5/26.
called uscis ..

mozaffar421 said:
Since your 60 days has already passed, you can call USCIS and explain to them about your situation. Calling USCIS should not be a negative act as you are just enquiring about your case status and the number provided on your approval notice is exclusively for the same purpose.
Alternatively you can visit local ASC ( Biomet Facilty). General opinion is Wednesday and Saturdays after noon is less busy and relatively cool for the offices to listen to you and do some favorable action. Or at least you would be able to know how much you are behind from the current processing. Just keep your 485 approval letter and photo ID (Driving license or Pass Port) with you.
I am sure you must be aware where this office is located; this is not the main INS office but a branch of that, situated in Cheney square Mall on East Jefferson.
Good Luck and keep us update.

Called uscis .. output was not fair .. please look at my other post on this ...
Just wanted to give an update...

No boimetric yet. Application was approved May 23rd.

Last week, went to St. Louis office to get passport stamped. The lady was nice to talk to, but stamped only till Nov 22nd and said she cannot stamp for a validity of more than 6 months from the date of approval... I think she lied.. another friend on mine got his passport stamped a week before ours for a year.... probably by the same lady(we matched description...)

So.. Now waiting for notice or may be card....I hope I get it before Nov 10th...
No Bimetric or card for 05/12 approval

I called USCIS customer service today. They scheduled our biometrics during the phone call and gave us appointment data/time and confirmation numbers. I asked about the actuall biometrics notice, they said it is not necessary, just take the approval notice, photo identification and the confirmation number.

Has anyone got similar response from USCIS and has anyone done the biometrics this way ?????
Originally Posted by sahm
I called USCIS customer service today. They scheduled our biometrics during the phone call and gave us appointment data/time and confirmation numbers. I asked about the actuall biometrics notice, they said it is not necessary, just take the approval notice, photo identification and the confirmation number.

Has anyone got similar response from USCIS and has anyone done the biometrics this way ?????

One of my friend went to ASC without biometric appt. ASC did not do biometric without appt. ASC checked on the computer and said that you have to wait for couple of weeks. The very next day they got biometric notice in the mail which was sent from NSC. So I think ASC did not have clue or they need biometric notice hard copy to do biometric.

I called USCIS and the customer service representative told me that she will talk to her supervisor and schedule me for bio. I did receive my bio notice in a week after that.
It would be better to wait for the actual bio notice and then go to ASC. Or you can always try your luck if ASC is close to where you live.
Biometrics done .. but no change in status msg!

My case got approved on 6/30 and gave BM at 2 PM on Wednesday 9/7 but no status change yet! I saw many posts saying that status got changed in 5-6 hours .. Is this normal or do i have to call uscis ..

Actually my BM appointment was scheduled on 3-3-2005, uscis delayed my BM notice and sent on 8/30/2005.. got it on 9/6 and gave BM on Wednesday (9/7).

Your response is greatly appreciated! Thanks
At last got card.

Here is some issues. My name is quite long about 27 characters.

Say First : XXXX

sO my full name


On my GC card it printed as


So Fourth, First Second initial (There is no third initial or name)

But at the end of card it gave like this:

i.e is Fourth<<First<Second<Third<

What does this mean. Is my name printed O.K. Or will i have issues with travelling. What is max charecters it can print on card. Please help.
485 approved 6/30
Biometrics (code 2) done... on 9/7 as per the notice appointment ...
Received Emails saying that Card was ordered in the evening.
Dependent not approved due to 14 years

My friend's case got approved in March but his son is not approved as son turned 14 years. USCIS sent biometrics/fingerprints notice two months back but still son's case is not approved. USCIS is now saying that visa numbers are not available. Due to retrogession it looks like it may take a while before son will get his approval as his priority date is 2002. So now question that comes to mind:

1: Can my friend's son apply for social security number?
2. Does son eligible to apply for EAD and work part time?
3. Do son get driver's licence/permit once he turns 15 years without social security number?
4. Is there any age limit after which dependent no longer considered as dependent? like 18 or 21? For ex. If son turns 18 and still his case is not approved then does he have to file student visa or something?
5. What is son's status?
6. Is there any problem in getting into college if I-485 is still pending?

I appreciate if you could share your experience.
Anyone else without bio or GC??

Hi all,
I feel quite lost now...
485 approved May 23rd..
No Biometrics notice yet.. it's dec 14th..

In Aug, I went for stamping along with spouse and the lady stamped till Nov 22nd, saying she can stamp only for 6 months from the date of approval....

I had a India trip and was back in begining of Nov.. Now the stamping has also expired ...

What do I do??
go back and get it stamped again??