Massachusetts SESA Tracker

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DOL status phone calls

I would advise NOT to call the DOL phone number for status updates!
The DOL lady is our only source of information....We have already overwhelmed the DOL email system and it is no longer functional!

It is quite understandable the anxiety and angst that everyone feels when waiting in a line without constant source of info but it is also necessary to be reasonable in utilizing the extremely limited sources of information that are available...
It is taking the MA-SESA about 11-12 months to complete its processing and forward your application to the Boston-DOL; Then there is a period of about two months before your case gets entered into the DOL's computers...After that it is another two-three months for adjudication of your case for a total of 14-17 months .

Repeated phone calls to DOL and/or MA-SESA would result in exhausting the last source of information that we have!


MA Labor Approved.

My state Labor(EB3 : RIR : 11/12/01) has been approved and forwarded to DOL on Sep 11, 2002.
Re: MA Labor Approved.

Hi Srini

Congrats .. how did u get this info?

Originally posted by SriniKris
My state Labor(EB3 : RIR : 11/12/01) has been approved and forwarded to DOL on Sep 11, 2002.
My company informed me about the status as a result of a question from me. They gave me the case number and the DOL forwarded date.
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Look here, Srini and Goku


I am in the same boat as you two, EB3, RIR, 11/13/01 as PD.
My lawyer told me it's forwarded to DOL on 9/12/02, but hasnt
got update from DOL yet.
Please share info about LC in this time scope, I saw on DOL
board that it should be quick for DOL processing.

Hi Everybody
My case has entered the Boston DOL
My details: EB3-RIR
PD 11/13/01
MA SESA # 2001156XX
Boston DOL RD 10/01/02
Case # 013251XX

MA SESA is now processing:

Non RIR 4/30/2001
RIR 2/11/2002 to 3/11/02

Seems like they have really started moving the RIR cases, let's hope the DOL can keep up!
Labor got Certified !!!

My labor has been certfied !!!!

EB3 - RIR Category
MA SESA Case Number - 2001156XX
PD - 11/13/01
DOL Entered date - 10/1/02
DOL Certified date - 10/7/02
DOT Code:999.151-051

My Colleague case certified with DOT Code:999.151-031.
His Details
DOL Entered date - 10/1/02
DOL Certified date - 10/7/02
DOT Code:999.151-031

Wish you Good Luck.

Finally made it to DOL

Hi Everybody
My case has entered the Boston DOL
My details: EB3-RIR
PD 11/28/2001
Boston DOL RD 10/15/2002
Hi Everybody
My case has entered the Boston DOL
My details: EB3-RIR
PD 12/27/2001
Boston DOL RD 10/08/2002
My company attorney did not disclose what my case number was,
I am sorry I could not help.


Thanks for your response. Did your lawyer inform you that your LC has been forwarded or entered the Boston DOL? Because we received the message that it has been forwarded to DOL on the same day.

The last update on DOL entry in this forum shows end of Nov 2001 only.

Please clarify.

Thanks & Regards

I don't want to confuse you further !!, I am pasting the mail my Attorney sent me !
We have received some news from the local DOL office. They have completed
processing of your case and have sent the file to the regional DOL for
processing. Right now, the Regional DOL is working on cases sent to it in
April 2002. Your case was sent to the region on October 8, 2002.

Hope that helps, if you make any other conclusions than what I have , let me know.
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Hi Wolf

That's what I had expected. SESA has forwarded the case to DOL, but it has not entered the DOL database. DOL takes a month to do it. As far as I know they are entering the end of Nov or beginning of Dec cases. So it will take another month atleast for our cases to enter the database.

Thanks for the response. Good luck.

Thanks for your note, I agree it will take time may be a month or two, thats what my attorney had to say when I spoke to her.



I have noticed very few non-RIR (or regular) cases posted in this forum...Here is my case info:

PD: 4/27/2001
Status: still at MA SESA

I would like to know if MA SESA approved any regular labor certification with above PD.

Thanks in adavace.


Nobody is posting any updates or info nowadays does that mean that everyone is getting labor certified sooner then before or that nothing is happening at all, MA SESA is currently processing March 2002 RIR cases, did any one with a 2002 priority date hear from the labor dept, if so please update
Updates please

Please post any updates or info, looks like 2002 cases have not started yet, if anybody with 2002 PD hear from SESA please post
Thank you
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