marry after asylum granted, urgent!


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guys, i have my asylum appoved March, 2001, and filed I485 March 2002, currently I am thinking of marrying a girl.
What should I do after my marriage? Can I apply derivertive asylee for her? Please tell me what shall I do, she is in us now and she is still in F1 status now, and she enrols in Ph.D program in us. Cause there's 2 years limit to apply for family as derivertive
asylee, and it's said in the letter that the relationship of your spouse should be existed b4 you apply for asylum. So I am quite lost now. if I can apply derivertive asylee status for her, then she should file I485 by herself or filed with Me? ( Mine has already sent out this March, so I think she may have to send a new one?)
and if she got appoved as derivertive asylee, when can she file I485, after one year of her approvement or mine?
Thanks, really need advice here.

You cannot file for her, because the relationship must exist before your asylum grant. I am sorry.
aaaaah... Gilbert is right. If you get married with her then you can not apply for her adjustment untill you have obtained your permanet residence or the green card. From this forum you can gather the time frame when you maybe getting it and then decide accordingly.

I am telling you from my personal experience. I was approved in Dec 97. I got married in Oct 98 with a Canadian Citizen. ( I was not aware of the adjustment issues that may follow ) My application to sponsor her was refused on the grounds that I was not married to her at the time asylum was granted.

This is another problem for asylees in selecting their life partners. If you are not married at the time of asylum approval then you should either postpone untill you get green card or get married to someone who will not need to be sponsored....
Thanks for your information, guys. I really appreciate for your time

yes, I know it's true when your other part are not in USA, but even if she is in US already, u still can not apply derivertive asylee for her? if this is true, that's bad... means we can only marry to people with citizenship or green card? ohhh, that 's outrageous...

anyway, it will take more than 10 years b4 i can get a green card... even if my girlfriend apply for H1 B after her graduation , she may be able to get GC b4 i do.......INS treat us asylees like no human... damn
I’m old to this forum, but I had to change my nick because my old one was to descriptive :-( I got married outside of the country (doesn’t matter where, but not my native country) and I was able to bring my wife on F1 visa. However not as my wife. We got married after she got her visa for the sake of her parents (it is almost unbelievable she got visa). I will not let INS decide whom I will marry. I marry for love not for stupid documents or status. For that reason, I was ready even to leave this country to be happy after all these years. Many other countries will accept smart and highly educated immigrants (if this country will not). However, since she got in, we are together finally after almost 7 years of wait. I just had to risk it man because I couldn’t wait any more. Staying here alone was so stupid and I wasn’t happy. Doesn’t matter money or what else … The question is do you want to be happy or … what? (I’m not implying anything with this question :)) So now, she is here and I will try to prolong her status until I get my GC and after that, we will see. You see, practically no laws were broken. I will soon marry her here too. So, whatever happens, let it be. I’m finally happy after so many years (although I have to pay for the school :-( ) … My info: RD 12/28/99 ND 01/10/2000.
.......:mad: yes, but even after I got green card... how long will my future wife have to wait to get hers? There's no point that INS donot let asylee get married after approved to bring their wife as derivertive asylee..... Do not know what those guys thinking about? are they out of their mind?
I understand you pain because I was there for 6.5 years. However, finally my wife is here and I will use any legal way for her to stay here. There are ways and law loopholes, just we have to find them, for your specific case. It is important that she stays here until you get your GC. After that you can be absent from the country for 6 months to be with her if she ever have to leave. Trust me, there is no other way. We just have to fight the system like they fight us. Don’t use only one person’s opinion. Many people had different experience and trust me, sometimes you hear some unbelievable stories and ideas how to get something done. This forum is one way :) That’s what I did and my wife is here. Now, new challenge is how to prolong her status long enough until I get my GC. After that, I’m aware she will have to leave the country to adjust the status, but I will deal with that at that time. One step at the time …
thanks, nofreedom.

I am lucky that my girlfriend is already in US. ...yes, you are right, I will just work hard and let my GF stay in school..let's see what can I do later....

Originally posted by bullSF
.......:mad: yes, but even after I got green card... how long will my future wife have to wait to get hers? There's no point that INS donot let asylee get married after approved to bring their wife as derivertive asylee..... Do not know what those guys thinking about? are they out of their mind?

In november, the US will issue visas to spouses of green card holders whose petitions were filed before August 15, 1997. So the wait for most people is five years. If the intending immigrant is a mexican, he or she must wait for seven years at this time.
This is the real problem the long asylee adjustment process causes.

You guys are the true victims. Talk to you representatives and senators. Go visit their offices. Or talk to the press.

I don't see any other issues, such as phycological stress , as nearly as persuasive as this one. This is so unfair.
that's true!!so unfair!!!
we have to fight that damn ceiling which set for us!!
anybody here can write a convictive letter?
let's drag and drop that letter then mail those letters to Senators. i mean mail them through US postal service.
Talk to Senators

Such has been done repeatedly before. They know our problems, and to some extent they're sympathized with us. But they have to take care of more serious issues to make their voters happy so that they can still be Congressman and Senators.

I wont object to the letter writing campaign, in fact I encourage it. But don't expect things to change overnight. My advise: after u've filed your I-485 don't worry about it for the next 4-6 years. It will come on due time.
Re: Talk to Senators

Originally posted by GoodOlJack
Such has been done repeatedly before. They know our problems, and to some extent they're sympathized with us. But they have to take care of more serious issues to make their voters happy so that they can still be Congressman and Senators.

I wont object to the letter writing campaign, in fact I encourage it. But don't expect things to change overnight. My advise: after u've filed your I-485 don't worry about it for the next 4-6 years. It will come on due time.

when will be "due time"?
:confused: :confused: :( :(
We should ask this question: why is it important not to delay asylee adjustment? To rephrase the question: what harm does the long asylee adjustment process do to asylees?

If we can't come up with a persuasive reson, why should congress change the law to accelerate the process?

So far what forceful reasons do we have? Only one, which is mentioned in this topic. And it only happens to a very limited number of us.
Re: Re: Talk to Senators

Originally posted by kelvin2088

when will be "due time"?
:confused: :confused: :( :(

well, kid, we all know it is going to be a long time. But have some patience and be grateful for we have. Asylum status is not that bad, kid. You can do a lot of things. So just do not whine, OK? Littile Kid.
Hi, guys, I am going to get married soon. With my wife who's still on F1 status, and I will try to apply derivertive for her, before the 2 years deadline, what would u think the chances of getting approved?
Re: do not ask the same question

Originally posted by dangdang
You have already asked that question three months ago and the response was in the negative.

So stop acting like a kid. Be mature and accept reality.
leave people alone and stop bothering them dangdang I mean gangbanged.
What if after we got married, and we have a child in US?
if my wife go back to my home country with the child at that time, will she be able to return to US? I know if we have a child born in US , he/or She will be a citizen. Will my wife be able to get work permit at that time? or she has to keep her status as F-1 student? (right now she is a Ph.D student)

any input will be welcome. only construtive one please. If you can help with some advice, please help. and DangDang, I am pretty sure I am as old as your father.
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