marry after asylum granted, urgent!


Hi Bullsf,

Yes, the child is a citizen, but your wife CANNOT derive any benefit from that until the child is 21. She MUST maintain her nonimmigrant status as before. If she leaves the US, she probably will have serious difficulty getting back in because of her marriage to an asylee. People on F-1 status are expected to have no permanent immigration intent and in the mind of INS officers, her marriage to you is disqualifying.
thanks, Gilbert, your advice is really helpful. But I will try to send out an application for derivertive asylee anyway... will this harm her if she try to apply GC later through H-1?

I have put dangdang in my ignore list... and one more thing, I have done Ph.d already, so no need to study anymore :p .. please keep this forum clean, damndang
maaried while asylum is pendin

Dear Moderator,

i have a pending asylum in which my individual hearing will be 2014, right now, my wife has divorced me back home.

i am willing to get married again to a US citizen, what do i need to do?

i need file for my I-130 and I-489...

what is the best procedure to follow?

your help will really be appreciated....