Marriage FOR green card


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Anyone know of good resources/leads/ideas on how I could find a decent, honest US Citizen to marry for purposes of a green card and in exchange for financial comp?
forgottenLC said:
Anyone know of good resources/leads/ideas on how I could find a decent, honest US Citizen to marry for purposes of a green card and in exchange for financial comp?
A decent and honest person won't do this kind of things.
forgottenLC said:
Anyone know of good resources/leads/ideas on how I could find a decent, honest US Citizen to marry for purposes of a green card and in exchange for financial comp?
Opposites obviously do attract!

forgottenLC said:
Anyone know of good resources/leads/ideas on how I could find a decent, honest US Citizen to marry for purposes of a green card and in exchange for financial comp?

I think you are in the wrong forum. And what you are asking for is exactly why many of us are suffering the consequences of people like you.
amishah said:
A decent and honest person won't do this kind of things.

Oh really? That's because you deem it immoral to help out someone and be compansated for it? Why do you assume current immiogration laws are moral? Just because they were passed as law? Working hard, paying taxes and having no representation in the government. Putting my life on hold (can't change jobs, can't move, can't buy a home, risky to have children, etc), living with the fear that if company needs to lay you off you have to find another job in 10 days or be delcared "illegal" and leave the country, having to wait for 4 years for someone in some forgotten part of the Dept of Labor to even LOOK and acknowledge my application for a Labor Certification; being treated like some kind of low-life criminal every time you enter the United States - all these are just fine and dandy and moral?

So what's wrong in helping to improve someone's and being compensated for that?
cherr1980 said:
I think you are in the wrong forum. And what you are asking for is exactly why many of us are suffering the consequences of people like you.

And those consequances on you would be what exactly?
Although I don't know the impact, I'm inclined to say that the reason many of us are suffering are the original cause that forces some of us to think about this possibility: i.e. the huge, inefficient, poorly funded beurocracy of the immigrtion system, as well as the poorly written laws and the lack of consistency in them. How about we adress the original cause instead of pointing fingers at people like me?
That's like saying that Americans loose jobs because of skilled foreign workers. Well guess what? It's not because of the skilled foreign workers, it'sbecause of the skilles! Cause: Lack of skilled technical workers. Solution: Better education system.
Oh, so that's where the US is going wrong!
Tell you what, why don't you go and make an infopass appointment at your local USCIS office and explain it to them?
Post back and tell me what they say.

forgottenLC said:
Oh really? That's because you deem it immoral to help out someone and be compansated for it? Why do you assume current immiogration laws are moral? Just because they were passed as law? Working hard, paying taxes and having no representation in the government. Putting my life on hold (can't change jobs, can't move, can't buy a home, risky to have children, etc), living with the fear that if company needs to lay you off you have to find another job in 10 days or be delcared "illegal" and leave the country, having to wait for 4 years for someone in some forgotten part of the Dept of Labor to even LOOK and acknowledge my application for a Labor Certification; being treated like some kind of low-life criminal every time you enter the United States - all these are just fine and dandy and moral?

So what's wrong in helping to improve someone's and being compensated for that?
US has not begged you to come here and work and pay tax and all that. It was your choice to come here. If you think US is not enough for you why don't you just move back.
forgottenLC said:
Oh really? That's because you deem it immoral to help out someone and be compansated for it? Why do you assume current immiogration laws are moral? Just because they were passed as law? Working hard, paying taxes and having no representation in the government. Putting my life on hold (can't change jobs, can't move, can't buy a home, risky to have children, etc), living with the fear that if company needs to lay you off you have to find another job in 10 days or be delcared "illegal" and leave the country, having to wait for 4 years for someone in some forgotten part of the Dept of Labor to even LOOK and acknowledge my application for a Labor Certification; being treated like some kind of low-life criminal every time you enter the United States - all these are just fine and dandy and moral?

So what's wrong in helping to improve someone's and being compensated for that?
Sad facts about marriage fraud

Recently two men I know got their GC trough the marriage fraud.
Remained married for two years prior the interviews, paid of their “spouses” and never got caught.
I been in US since 1994 and met many people, who got their GC by marriage.
Sadly I have to say that about half of them where fraudulent cases and happily ended in divorce right after plastic was received.
Men usually find somebody desperate enough and just pay her lots of money and take a lot of crap from her and women… they just lie and pretend, and silently suffer.
I know couple who got divorced and remarried US citizens in order for them (and their kid) get GCs faster. Looks like it is a very “popular business” in my state. :(
For them, who take this chance – GC by marriage fraud is the only way to become legal in US. They all have their reasons for wanting to stay in US permanently and I try not judge them too much. I blame the immigration system for its flaws widely explored by some individuals (and in many cases – their lawyers!). :mad:
INS is overbooked with cases and even though a big part of them are fraud, they will never get detected due to epidemic incompetence of the adjustors and extreme sneakiness of people, who abuses the law and gets way with it.
And people with valid cases are doomed to wait and waste a lot of money for EADs and APs renewals for each year case is pending, just because of the awful backlog.
I filed I-485 in 2001 trough the asylum, then switched to family based in 2005 (because it’s faster :rolleyes: ) and even though it is very frustrating to wait that long, I am pretty confident I will pass my interview when I go there, because I have nothing to lie about, but for those people, like ForgottenLC it’s 50/50 chance and they don’t need anymore criticizing.
I saw what this “marriage for Green Card” does to them - emotionally drained by constant stress and fear, they suffer enough in the process.
I am not trying to justify his motives, and neither I have any information he is seeking.
I just felt like writing this since some of the members seemed offended and/or unaware of how common GC by marriage fraud actually is.

Have a good weekend Everybody!

amishah said:
US has not begged you to come here and work and pay tax and all that. It was your choice to come here. If you think US is not enough for you why don't you just move back.

I AGREE 100%
forgottenLC said:
Anyone know of good resources/leads/ideas on how I could find a decent, honest US Citizen to marry for purposes of a green card and in exchange for financial comp?

LOL... are you for real? C'mon man... Find a girl first and tell her you will marry her only for GC and also pay her for that and then let us know how that whack on your face feels like. I wont get into bashing you up here, but ill tell you that you posted in the wrong forum. You really need to be talking to this dude here...
Whats wrong if he is marrying a US citizen for Green Card. I heard many people did the same thing in the past. And what impact it does have on people like us in EB category? If anyone is married to US citizen then they will get their GC in Family based category not in Employment Category. So why you all are getting angry at him? Its his choice whom to marry. If it is illegal to marry just for GC then it is his problem. Law will handle the situation. So guys, calm down and let him marry anyone he wants to and he can have any kind of reason for the marriage just like every other married person. Most of us married to our spouses for some reasons like good nature, good financial background, good looking, good education, good job, love, parents pressure, just for the heck of it. :D

So, buddies whats the big deal. He will get it in Family category. Some of you said coming to US was his choice, you are correct, but that being said can you guys respect the laws and wait for your GC's for 4-10 years. Hats off to your patience friends. Please keep respecting the laws of every country.

Good Luck.
LaborCleared said:
Whats wrong if he is marrying a US citizen for Green Card. I heard many people did the same thing in the past. And what impact it does have on people like us in EB category? If anyone is married to US citizen then they will get their GC in Family based category not in Employment Category. So why you all are getting angry at him? Its his choice whom to marry. If it is illegal to marry just for GC then it is his problem. Law will handle the situation. So guys, calm down and let him marry anyone he wants to and he can have any kind of reason for the marriage just like every other married person. Most of us married to our spouses for some reasons like good nature, good financial background, good looking, good education, good job, love, parents pressure, just for the heck of it. :D

So, buddies whats the big deal. He will get it in Family category. Some of you said coming to US was his choice, you are correct, but that being said can you guys respect the laws and wait for your GC's for 4-10 years. Hats off to your patience friends. Please keep respecting the laws of every country.

Thats exactly what he is NOT DOING. He is not respecting anybody. If the woman gets caught she could go to jail and him deported.
But who gives a crap, is what you are saying, as long as they don't get caught, and it doesn't affect your specific catagory. How hypocritical.
Anything is fine as long as it doesn't Screw me attitude. How sad.

Good Luck.
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amishah said:
US has not begged you to come here and work and pay tax and all that. It was your choice to come here. If you think US is not enough for you why don't you just move back.

I agree.
US did not beg him to come here, and he is desperately begging GC to the US.
How pathetic.
Whom ever said it first was right.
People that do marry just for a greencard make it ever increasinly difficult for those of us who are married to an American that we married for LOVE.
I have been jumping through hoops, just have have them moved midjump.. and FINALLY have made some progress. (2 years later)
My cousin has not been able to see her husband who is also an American since the week that they were married.. that was 4 months ago. So thanks for making it so easy for the rest of us. (sarcasm)
My biggest fear with my AOS interview is that they will think I am one of the many that did it just for status.
Personally, I have friends that have done it in Canada.. and I didn't see much wrong with it at that point in time, but as I am now one of the masses trying to squeeze through a gate that is too small unless you turn sideways, jump, and hold your breath I see why so many others wouldn't agree with it.
It is ILLEGAL, and that means you are breaking one of the very first rules that you are supposed to follow in the country that you so desperatly want to be a part of.
Where do you draw the line?
I agree with laborcleared!You are totally right!Let him do whatever he wants to do!I'm sure he is not the only person who just wanna to marring someone for a Green card!So leave him alone,and i wish a lot of LUCK to you forgottenLC! :)
I can definitely see both sides here. On one side, I'm with my husband for the right reasons and I hate to be treated like a liar or a prospective liar every time that I face authorities. I can't even think of the condescending tone with which the officer at the POE talked to me when I first came here, just cause he thought I had too many bags (dude, if it's Christmas, and I'm planning on living here for six months, expect more than ONE bag).

So, I understand if people are frustrated with that kind of behaviour, because they believe those people are the reason their reasons are judged.

On the other side, even if there weren't people doing that, you would still be judged, considering how laws are made in this country. Also, I know of people who get married for love, move over here cause of that, and start having problems before their interview. Then they are trapped in this situation where they can't separate or divorce for fear of being deported, and they have invested too much in this country to go back to their home country. We have all heard of many cases where the other party abuses their position of power and this only leads to suffering.
I believe any law that causes people to be that way, should be revisited.

So yeah, we can all easily judge other people from our position, not knowing what this person's situation is, or how desperate someone can get when their basic needs are denied. I don't find it fair to blindly judge under no circumstances. I do understand what breaking the law means, but I can also understand that in this particular case, this person is aware of the consequences, and is willing to take the risk. Someone who does that is not hurting the country any more than someone who married for love, and later got divorced.

I can understand the frustration of people who are telling the truth, as said earlier, but is not our place to judge so ruthlessly. I choose not to break the law because of my moral standards and life experience, but I decide not to judge someone in his position since he is not committing a crime I believe hurts anyone (murdering, raping, etc.).
This country was built on immigrants. If no one had ever questioned the laws, then there would still be slavery, and abortion would be illegal. To blindly say "this is the law, and that makes it right" is also not correct.

So, to sum up, it's easy to disregard other people's comments and situations by saying "go back to your country", but just know than by doing that, you're being no different than the authorities you consider to be unfair by not contemplating every case individually and sticking to what's written.

I know where I stand and I also know I'm in no place to say to anyone "go back to your country".

I do think posting here was a bit silly, dude. :rolleyes: