Maine SESA Tracker

Ashish and saralayar

What is the chance that they have opened my case?
Mine is filed under Eb2 (RIR) category with PD oct 29 2004?
I know they are processing oct 2004.
thanks for calling maine office.
which version is accurate???

well no one can tell you what the chances are that your application will be opened. there are two reports which saralayar and ashish are saying. saralayr is saying that eb2 labors received before dec 31st will not go anywhere but will be processed in maine itself...eb3s will go to brcs.

ashish is saying all labors will go to the npc and not the brc.

dunno which one is true or if both are true to a certain degree.

i wish there was some consistency in the reporting.

my labor went in on oct 27th rir. dunno whats gonna happen.. ill try calling and finding out tomorrow..

until then, if someone, anyone has accurate info, please let us know


Yes, It is confusing. Don't know, how long people have to suffer trying to get GC. Hope this administration looks at this problem with some soft corner.

Anyways good luck to you. Hope all our cases are forwarded to Boston DOL as early as Jan 15th.

Eb2 cases should be processed faser than EB3. Don't know, iam not hearing anything from my company.
No information

Yeah, I called them again at that number and he says he doesn't really know whether they are going to BRC or NPC. He says we should be having some idea in around 1-2 months time frame. He was kinda upset - may be he received a lot of phone calls.

I think the gist of everything is - We have to wait for 1-2 months, unfortunately, to be sure where the applications be going.
More bad news -

01/07/2005: Prospects for Labor Certification Backlog Removal in Two Years

The DOL is currently working under the backlog reduction plan which targets to remove the entire backlog cases in two years. The backlog cases are estimated to far exceed 300,000. However, one wonders how the goal can be achieved by the two Backlog Processing Centers without a substantial number of those cases being swifted to the other two National Processing Centers. Logistically, unless such swift takes place, the works between the two Backlog Processing Centers (300,000+) and the two National Processing Centers (new PERM applications) may also turn out to be imbalanced with the resultant inefficient and ineffective use and management of available adjudication resources.
It appears that such swift must be achieved in the form of conversion of existing cases to the PERM cases. However, because of the ill-timed launch of the PERM program and extremely high risk embedded in the conversion requirements under the PERM Final Rule, one cannot expect a massive swift of cases from the Backlog Processing Centers to National Processing Centers. Ironically, the DOL is launching the PERM program at a time when the EB-3 visa numbers starts retrogressing. The retrogression of visa numbers places less weight and importance on prompt approval of labor certification applications than preservation of priority dates. Additionally, the FIFO rule of processing of backlog cases induces the oldest filers to hesitate to consider conversion of the pipeline cases to the PERM cases. Accordingly, it is most likely that those who consider the conversion will turn out to be recent filers when it comes to Indians, Chinese, and Philippines nationals.
On top of the ill-timed launch of the PERM program, the dead traps embedded in the conversion in terms of priority dates will lead to hesitation of a large number of backlog cases to file a conversion. In hindsight, the DOL should have liberalized the conversion opportunity which would guarantee preservation of the priority dates. The Final Rule moved towards the other direction.
Under the circumstances, DOL may have to require the National Processing Centers to participate in the backlog reduction works for effective utilization of resources as well as for assistance with the Backlog Processing Centers to manage the reduction of backlogs within certain period of time. The DOL would have achieved the transition and reorganization more smoothly from the two-tier system to the single-tier system, had it planned the timing of the PERM launch program appropriately and provided liberal opportunities for conversion in the Final Rule. Conversion would have allowed the DOL to remove some of those cases from 45 to 60 days, accelerating removal of backlog cases. Participation of the National Processing Center resources in the backlog reduction will involve the same protracted processing procedures which will be governed by the current labor certification rules and may turn out to add just number of resources to the backlog reduction workforces. Considering the fact that "six" Regional Certifying Offices had failed to remove the backlogs and piled up over 300,000 cases, one wonders how participation of the part of workforces of the National Processing Centers in the Backlog Processing Centers' cases would remove the mountain of backlogs in two years. We will watch closely how the operation of reengineering will unfold during the next two years.
forget 2 years. it will take more..

Instead of 2 years, my projection is it will take much longer. govt folks dont work hard. they dont give a shit of what happens to immigrants. why the hell should they care what happens? it will take the next two months just to restart everything... and give a feedback of how fast they are moving. god only knows how 2 BRCs with about the same number of staff as the swas combined can reduce the backlog faster????????????????

does any one know or can project..

1. x1 = what was the sum of number of staffs in the SWAs across the country?
2. x2 = What is the number of staffs in the BRCs?

if x1 = x2, HOW THE HELL DOES IT GET FASTER? couldnt they just have distributed the labor cases across the states to balance out the inequal number of cases in different states???

If only all the GC applicants could unite and stage a walkout of this shitty place which guarantees them nothing.. no stability, no future, no f**ing shit. just walk out, let the bloody corporations suffer.. and go to hell with their american stupid interests.
processing in Maine

Hi all,

I have heard from my attorney that the Maine state has the priority on H2B that all the LC is on hold. My LC wes filed last month but still at the state level. I have a feeling that it will take another few month before it reaches Boston if it ever happens.

It seems that the state's office is overwhelmed with all the last minute applicants and my attorney seems helpless as well. At this point we are hoping that the file will be in boston by 3/28/05 and get the LC approved by the summer time.... but I prepared myself for that not to happen.

It's sad that I have to leave along with my family after all these years. It took us long time to get really comfortable here and now we have to leave when we really want to stay.

Well, GLTA.

Letter from State

Hi All,

Anybody got a letter from state sesa after they moved the petition to federal dol. My employer saying that my application has moved to federal dol but they did not recieve any letter yet. They said it went to federal in 3rd week of Dec. I am not sure how long it takes to receive the letter from state dol.
Please let me know if any of you have any idea.

Still in Maine or BRC/BEC

Does anyone has accurate information about status of cases filed befor Dec 31st 2004 from Maine ? Some people say they'll be still processed in Maine while some say they will be transfered to BRC/BEC? What is the fact? Somebody please throw some light...
Hi DSLstart

I am also in the same situation... My app also filed in NON-RIR category from MAINE.. i am also asking my friends.. if i get any info i will let u Priority is last week of November... whats yours P-Date and are u RIR or NON-RIR?

mine too

mine too nov rir. pls post if u get any updates on this one..

venu2000 said:
I am also in the same situation... My app also filed in NON-RIR category from MAINE.. i am also asking my friends.. if i get any info i will let u Priority is last week of November... whats yours P-Date and are u RIR or NON-RIR?

How fair is this?

So lets say I waltz into the states in April 2005.
I apply for labor through the brand new, shiny, PERM system.
My employer has been running the ads for perm for the last six months. And in 45 days im cleared (luckily me!!)..
I had filed under EB2, and therefore, I can immediately file 140 and 485. And then Im free!!!
Overall, it took me less than 2 months to get a GC thanks to the wonderful PERM system..and the brilliant US expedition of immigration....

but hey guys,


Be patient

Thats all we can afford. My RIR EB2 case has PD Oct 29th. I havenot heard a thing from my employer or lawyer.
Someone on this board had his case forwarded to DOL on Jan 4th with PD Oct4th. So, i would guess, my case would go to DOL by Jan 29th. Just an honest assumption.
I believe, they are still processing OCT cases, as we speak.
Even processing times were not updated. Probably we will see something on it by Jan 20th.

OH GOD, what Am i doing here?
There is no balm to this GC pain.
the guy at DOL seems to be on vacation permanantly

Did anyone call that number 207-624-6487 ? that le-blanc or whatever guy seems to permanantly be on vacation, one vacation after the other.. he is still on oct 1st rir & eb3 cases..what the hell is going on with him?

first it was jan 06th, now he is on vacation till jan 18th..

does he ever work???
Looks like Oct cases are opened

and processed.
Mine was EB2 RIR with PD OCT 29th 2004. I heard from my employer that there was a query regarding the Add.

They have submitted their response.
Hope mine got a favorable response back.
good luck to you all.

Hey longing_long,
Congrats! atleast u r now 90% through.
Could you pls let us know whether it was processed in Maine itself or it went to BPC/BRC?
good luck :)

longing_long said:
and processed.
Mine was EB2 RIR with PD OCT 29th 2004. I heard from my employer that there was a query regarding the Add.

They have submitted their response.
Hope mine got a favorable response back.
good luck to you all.

With reasonable assumption, i could say, it was processed in Maine. If it had gone to BPC/BRC, i would assume, that i wouldnot have gotten so far as it appears to be.
Hope i hear something concrete within 2-3 weeks.
I will keep the board updated. I assume Maine did finish processing OCT cases. Processing times have not updated so far.
Hope for the best.
I think your application will be sent to the backlog center from Boston

congrats your application passed Maine. but now yours might be sent to BRC from Boston DOL. It didn't make it there before Jan 1 2005 deadline.

Mine was filed in Maine on December 30. I hope I have no chance but my attorney said he thinks it will get processed in the regional SWA and won't goto BRC.
I dont' totally believe it. so I will probably try using PERM. it sucks big time.