LUD has changed today


Registered Users (C)
I called CSC 2 days ago asking for 1st FP. The officer said we are not within
the JIT, but willing to ask for us. On line touch dates for both me and my wife
has changed, but messages are still the same. Obivously someone looked into
our files. Don't know what will happen.

our wac-03-042-5****
RD 11/21/2002
Haven't done FP yet.
Don't where my case is

I called 949 area code, real number is not with me right now.
I got it from fax enquiry sheet.

:eek: Can you please help us by giving us the fax[/B]# & tel #[/B].
Yes, that is Laguna Niguel CSC. Thank you!
Thanks. I just called - they are open from 9 to 3:30 and the fact that they answer the phone might be connected to the talk about switching from NCSC back to regional SCs.

I noticed your sequence of LUDs post-FP2: 6/15/04 <-- 6/14/04 <-- 6/7/04 - have you been approved or do you know why all the touches? Just curious as I am seeing a similar pattern with mine (self and wife)...

WAC 02 253 xxxxx
RD: 08.08.02
FP2: 06.12.04
Touch: 05.21.04/06.14.04/06.22.04
3rd EAD/AP pending

RD: 01.15.02
AD: 03.05.02

wik said:

I noticed your sequence of LUDs post-FP2: 6/15/04 <-- 6/14/04 <-- 6/7/04 - have you been approved or do you know why all the touches? Just curious as I am seeing a similar pattern with mine (self and wife)...

I haven't been approved. I'm just sending faxes and I guess that now and then they look up my case. My wife's LUD hasn't changed after June 7th, that one was "FP received" status change.
I got my 2nd FP done on June 18th 2004 and today saw Update saying FP received on June22 2004 and processing is resumed.

Got 3EADs and 3APs.
2nd FP June 18 Done.
Waiting for Approval.

Should i send any faxes??

LUD changed yesterday and changed again today.....still no approval though

2nd FP: 6/10/2004
2 EADs, 3 APs
LUD: 7/30/2002 ---> 6/14/2004 --> 6/22/2004 --> 6/23/2004-->????
An interesting update on 949 389 3007:
A live person answered and told me that an officer took my case today for adjudication. My wife's case is with a different officer.
My, my! I was almost scared when I heard the guy answer, he told me he was officer on duty.
Me Not that lucky

I tried the same number and was told that this is an emergency number only for attorneys.

Wac-02 138*****
First FP 6/2002
LUD still 2002
OOUCH!! I just called and the guy was pretty upset. "I don't know why everybody is calling this no. today, this is for attorney's ..........something".
"You've to call the other no." and what is that sir I asked "800-375-5283"
Guess I was lucky to be the 1st to call.
Still, noone says you can't say "My name is Gus Norton, I'm an attorney representing this and this company. May I talk to immigration officer on duty? Ah, OK then. We are concerned about this case..."

Har har, maybe you get lucky, guys. Just don't use Gus Norton, change it to the name more appropriate to the accent that comes with it.