<<<MAY 2002 TRACKER>>>

No Title

MD 05/28/2002
RD 05/30/2002
ND 06/02/2002
EAD AD: 06/12/2002
EAD Received by mail:06/14/2002

Waiting for Advance Parole & FP notice.

MD 05/28/2002
RD 05/30/2002
ND 06/02/2002
EAD AD: 06/12/2002
Waiting for Advance Parole & FP notice.

Just heard the AVM regarding the approval of EAD.
Here is my details

PD : 1st May 00
RD : 29th May 02
ND : 2nd June 02
EAC 02-205-xxxxx
State : NJ
Information for walk in FP

Just walk to the center. Infact i did walk there. INS center is just 4 blocks away from my home. So one saturday morning, me and my wife walk down there and requested for early FP. The INS guy asked why? I said I dont wanna miss one full office day for FP and it will be better if you take it today and it will help me a lot. He allowed us for early FP. Thats all. I did from jamaica, NY center.
Early FP approved. Processing resumed.

My FP date was 6/26. But I walked in 5/30 and today I got new AVM message " FP report received and processing resumed"

I am expecting less then 6 month folks.. dont get upset of the old timers comment.. keep finger crossed. VSC rock.
Walk-in FPs (help/info)

Well the info part is:- all I could find was, apparently, Wednesday is the walk-in day at all ASCs. I have read that you can walk-in within 84 days of your actual appointment. I don\'t have a solid source for this info (mostly search results on google), so consider this hearsay, anyway I am still planning to try to do a walk-in tomorrow (wednesday!!) based on this. So wish me luck :)
But it does help my confidence to hear that others have done it without any problem.

Now about the help part, well if anyone of you who have done walk-ins could share their experiences in detail, that\'d help. Especially in NY area. Info like-what time you went, is there a queue, how long is the queue, how long it took you in all, were there any questions asked or issues raised re: a later appointment date..etc..

Walk in FP experience (New Rochelle,NY ASC)

We had the FP scheduled for 7/11, however we walked in today (Wed, 6/12). I chose wednesday as I had heard/read that they accept Walk-ins on Wednesday, I think habib1 got a walk-in FP on Saturday, so please check with your ASC or just try to go once :)

New Rochelle, NY ASC is open Tue-Sat 8-4, I reached there around 8, there was a small crowd outside (~10 people), I carried my Passport/Driver\'s License as identification and ofcourse the FP Notice (and also carried I-485 receipt, I-94\'s, SSN card.. and bunch of other documents just for paranoid reasons, but you don\'t need any of that). At entrance, there was a personnel sitting, who asked for the purpose of visit, and checked out FP Notices and Passports (he didn\'t even look at the appointment date, he just verified the names, and looked at our faces and fingers). Then he gave us a short simple form to fill up. Which we did and gave it back to him, then we went to a short queue, the lady checked the docs again, checked our fingers, then gave us a number and asked to wait.
After a short wait, they called me, and applied the gel on the hands, and took fingerprints, it\'s like a scanning machine.
The whiole thing took about 30-35 mins.

So best of luck, and GOD don\'t wait for the FP Appointment date, just walk-in.
Walked in for FP ??

Hey habib
Your posting just intrigues me a little bit, I haven\'t received my FP notice yet, but is that possible , as you said that you walked in before your actual Fp date, and the FP processing was completed ? Was this because of some special case for you, or can anyone try to walk in ? How was your experience with this ? Do they question you, do you think this can cause any complications or problems for some people, if they try to walk in like this ?

Thanks in advance
(p.s. - anything it takes to make this thing go faster u know, I\'m willing to try)
EAD received

Rcvd EAD on 6/8/02 : Approved on 6/5/02
ND : 5/15/02

No FP notice yet.

I read couple postings about
walk-in FPs here. Do we need to call someone for
even walk-in FP or just show up in the office one
fine day and you are good to go ?? I am also
thinking of walk-in FP after so many people seem
to have done it without any trouble ?? Any advice
or suggestion or information about walk-in FP
would be exteremly helpful to me and others thinking
about it, from the experienced fellows !!!

Thanx, anyway
No Title

EAD approved 06/01/02

RD 05/17/02

AP is not approved yet. DOn\'t know how long it\'s going to take.
EAD approved (question), FP Notice sent (AVM msg.)

Me and My wife\'s EAd was approved, and I had a question in this regard. Would u knowledgable folks know what are the steps my wife would have to take to start working ? As she was on an H4, she didn\'t have a social-security-no., so I suppose she\'ll have to aply for that first, and then I guess she can start working anywhere she wants, using her SSN. Please advise.

Anyway here r the details :), I\'ll also update it on rupnet.com tracker
I-485 RD:5/16/02 ND:5/16/02 FP Notice Dt: 6/7/02
I765(EAD) ND:5/16/2002 AD: 6/8/02
I131(Advance Parole) ND:5/16/2002 ..waiting..

And thanks to OasisorMirage, for adivising me about walk-in FP. I\'ll plan to do that.

Update ... ND : 5/13 ... Newark FP Question ??

Just received FP notice over the weekend.
Info as

ND : 5/13
FP Sent : 6/4
FP Date : 7/11

Though planning to do walk-in sometime during this
week at Newark, NJ.

Any idea if Newark office takes walk-in only on
Wednesday or every day ??
