<<<MAY 2002 TRACKER>>>


Registered Users (C)
Here is my details:
Mailing date: 4/27
Receive date: 4/29
Notice date: 5/2

EAC 02-178-XXXXX

Looks like VSC is processing case very first no matter what rumor said.
Come on ppl, post your details.

Though I will be happy to see less ppl posting. because it will make faster processing. hahaha...
Receipt received

MD 4/26/2002
RD 4/30/2002
ND 5/3/2002

For I485/I765/I131
Habib and daj

Did your check get cashed? Please postAlso did you receive the receipt or lawyer?
Check encashed by INS

I have not received the receipt. I have received the checks from my bank. I noticed that the details are printed on the back of the checks. I have verified over AVM that the numbers printed on the back of the checks are the same numbers that would appear on the receipt as well.
My details
PD : August, 2000
I-485: EAC-02-178-52xxx
RD : 05-02-2002
FP Notice recvd

ND : 5/3/02
FP ND: 5/22/02
FP Date: 6/25/02

State: CT

No Info yet abt EAD/AP
VSC rock. Received FP notice

RD: 4/29
ND: 5/2
FP: 5/23

schedule: 6/26

No matter what our old guard says, VSC rock.

EB2/NIW, I485,AP, EAD (For me and my wife)
Check clearing-05/16/02
My Details

Dear Friends,

My lawyer just gave the 485 notice information to me as below:

Mailing Date: 5/14/2002
Receipt Date: 5/16/2002
Notice Date: 5/18/2002

My case is an EB2/Regular and I am from MA.

Hope to spend some quality time speculating about our case with all of you guys. I guess till December :) hopefully earlier ;)

So keep our fingers crossed.

My state NY

Folks of May filer: I would like to add some of my idea about our future situations. As you can see VSC behaving very nice with us, they are finishing FP within 2 months while our old cases, they used to do it 7-8 months later. Once FP done and your case resumed, that means any day VSC adjudicator can touch your file. you are ready to roll. Once the heavy months July and Agust 01 done, VSC will jump to the moon beacuse not much applicants due to economic downturn of IT sector. July/ august 01 has heavy back log because IT business was good in year 2000 and lots of EB3 PD became current. I am expecting 6 months freinds. what you say?
RD 05/16 ND?

Hi I had posted earlier stating MD (mailing date) 5/9, that\'s what my lawyer told me, but I don\'t believe that. I don\'t think RD would be so late..or could be. Anyway I also expected that the processing would have started but on checking the status it didn\'t say anything about it (I was expecting to hear Notice Date..is :) ). I\'ve seen other people\'s MD/RD/ND pretty close together ?! Is my case stuck, or the status on the phone just takes some time to update (I doubt it)

Anyway Cheers..can\'t do much except fret..hang in there