Lost 797 Approval Notice

The Jake

Registered Users (C)
Hey all, long time lurker around here, first time asking a question.

I'm currently in FL on a TN extension, it took a long time to get and this was my timeline.

- April 1, 2006 mailed TN extension to Nebraska
- May 23, 2006 received extension application back, noting a signature not in ink.
- May 24, 2006 fedex'd application back to Vermont with corrections
- May 26 2006, Old Status expires only extension lives on.
- May 27, 2006 started 240 day limbo period because I filed for extension in time
- Jun 7th, 2006 received receipt notice
- Nov 24, 2006 extension finally approved for period from May 27, 2006 til May 26, 2007.

I have not left the US since May 8 2006 and thus have not had my passport stamped with my current extension. I have a trip home to Canada scheduled for April 7th, 2007 and I've lost my i-797 approval notice and my company does not have a copy. I called the USCIS and they instructed me to file i-824 to request a new 797 approval but I see based on processing times that they are now processing 824s from Aug 20, 2006 and there is no way I would receive a replacement before I travel.

So my question is, what will happen to me and what do I need to bring to make sure I dont have any problems getting re-admitted?

I was thinking that if I had any notice (receipt notice for example) with my current EAC/LIN number on it that would be good enough for POE to link me to that TN and re-admit me, would that be the case?

I can easily have my company write a letter stating what EAC/LIN number I am on and my current status and expiration dates to help me if that would indeed help.

All help is greatly appreciated.
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This is what I would do.

I would call CBP at the POE that you will be entering from on your return. I would tell them everything. GET A NAME when you call so that you don't look foolish when you arrive at the POE coming back. Ask them if you FAX and/or bring a copy of your I-824 and original receipt with LIN if they can help you. See what they say.

Go to the Customs and Border Patrol Website and you can find your Port of entry to call.
Sorry, I don't want to be your mother but.........GET A NAME, GET A NAME, GET A NAME of whomever you are talking to.
also you should be prepared to apply for a new TN at the POE when you re-enter. That would probably be the best way to deal with all of this.
From the online case status, you can print it showing it was approved and mailed out to you.

When I did not get the TN renewal approval in the time line they posted on the web, both our HR and myself called the USCIS, and later on I received the approval, and later on another approval stamped as duplicated approval notice. And on web they stated if I still not receiving, contact them again.
Gunt's suggestion is the safest course. Prepare to get a new TN upon entry to US.

And in April this year, simply hop over to bahamas and back to get your new TN.