London CP
Thanks! - I\'m very happy it\'s all over.
When it comes to trying to work out when your interview will be, my understanding is that it depends on 2 things. The first is when the consulate receives and processes your P3 (which obviously depends on when you send it to them!!) and the second is whether you are currently living in the UK or the US.
I believe the way it works is that if the Consulate receives and processes your P3 before the 25th of the month (the date on which visa numbers are requested), then your interview will be scheduled within two months. So, for example, if they receive and process your P3 before 25th March, you will be scheduled an interview for May.
When in May depends on whether you are in the UK or the US. If in the UK, your interview date is in the first half of the month, and if outside the UK it is scheduled for the second half of the month.
So - the question is... will they receive and process your P3 before the 25th? All I know is that I sent mine on the 15th Nov, and they did not receive and process it before the 25th - hence my interview was in the second half of Feb (Feb 19th). You\'re in the grey area now, so my advice is the quicker you send it the better (makes sense!!).
Re calling the embassy - call midway through the month before you think you\'ll get your interview. All I\'ll say is, don\'t call them too often as the feeling I got when I called was that they don\'t overly appreciate it!!
As for when to go to the UK, I think a couple of days prior should be fine. Just make sure you have time to do any of the outstanding things you need to do (e.g. getting photos done)!!
Good luck, and let us know how it goes.