Lodon CP thread


Registered Users (C)

We have seen many thread of CP in various consulate but I have
seen very few info about Cp in London. Is any one doing CP in London?
If so could we start a thread here?

My info:

140 Approved 15 Dec 2001
P3 Received 10 Feb 2002
P3 Sent 20 Feb 2002
Waiting to hear from the consulate.


CP In London


My details were as follows:

140 Approved 15 Oct 2001
P3 Received 15 Nov 2001
P3 Sent 15 Nov 2001
P4 Received 28 Jan 2002
Interview Date 19 Feb 2002

The interview was on Tuesday and all went well - my visa was issued. The whole process was smooth and was completed by 1:00 PM. All the other applicants that day also got their visas issued.

From your info, I would guess that you will get an interview in May. Hope all goes well.
London thread

Glad to see London thread being set up.
Waiting for my I140 approval, filed April 2001.
Hoping to do CP in London. Have already applied for the Police Certif.
I am interested to see recent time frames for processing cases in London.

keep us informed.

Thanks, febcplondon, some questions...

Thanks febcplondon! It is great to see someone who
has successfully done CP in London. There are not many post
about London Cp and any info is greatly appreciated. Lets hope
that we can keep this thread alive. I have just submitted
my P3 on the 20th and is waiting for P4. I have some questions
and would be grateful for your answers.

1. Looks like you only get your P4 3 weeks before your interview.
Did you phone the embassy before that to enquire about
your interview date (so that you can plan you journey in
advance etc)? If so could you tell us how many weeks should
we wait after submitting P3 before phoning and what is the
phone number?

2. For the interview, apart from what is listed in P4, were
any other documents requested during your CP?

3. Did you take your greencard photos in London or in the US?

4. I have go my police certificate, it says that
"from the personal details supplied in your request
there is no info. held about you in the
\'person record\' category of the Police National Computer",
it did not state my previous addresses in the UK, is that
what it should be like?

(for people who need to get
UK police certificate: phone the local police station
where you lived before, ask for data protection unit,
the officer will tell you details of how to apply. For me they
send me a pdf file for the application form, and
I sent the form with some copy of my UK driving licence
and proof of current US address in the form of utility bills
and bank statements. Got the certificate back in a month,
quite straight forward).

Thanks so much in advance.

CP in London


Before I get to your question, there is a very useful posting in this forum regarding CP in London that I referenced:

alade ojo "CP Success in London" 12/21/01 7:43pm

As regards your questions:

1. My P4 did arrive late. When I eventually got it on Jan 28th from my lawyer, it was dated Jan 10th.
I did call the embassy around the 18th January (number is +44 207 355 3335 - call between 9am and 11am EST) and they told me when my interview was scheduled.
In your case, it is likely that your interview will be in the second half of May, since you submitted your P3 on Feb 20th. With that in mind, I would call them after 15th April if you have not received your P4. You will need to quote them your case number (which will start LND2002...). If you do not know this, you can obtain it from NVC by quoting your I-140 case number and asking them for your immigrant visa case number.

2. Although I took a lot of extra stuff with me, I was not asked for anything other than what was on the P4. i.e.
- Passport
- DS230 Part 2 form (unsigned - you will sign it there)
- Marriage certificate
- Long form birth certificate
- Police clearance certificates
- IRS form 9003
- Employment letter (does not need to be notarized for London)

I was not even asked for I-134 affidavit of support.

3. I had my photos done in London at the photo shop above Phones-4-U opposite Selfridges. The guy knew exactly what to do. You need 4 identical photos.

4. Your police clearance certificate sounds fine - just like mine!!

Hope this helps.

Thanks, febcplondon, that is very useful!

I assume that your experience of the interview process
is the same as the post you kindly added a link to
in your laste-mail (alade ojo "CP Success in London" 12/21/01 7:43pm)?

London CP

Nice to see a few other London CPers. Congrats on getting your card febcplondon! Enjoy. My P3 is being sent this week so I guess my interview will be in May? Till when should I wait to call the embassy? Mid April? I was told to go to the UK a week before the interview. Is that necessary? It appears a couple of days prior is sufficient.
London CP


Thanks! - I\'m very happy it\'s all over.

When it comes to trying to work out when your interview will be, my understanding is that it depends on 2 things. The first is when the consulate receives and processes your P3 (which obviously depends on when you send it to them!!) and the second is whether you are currently living in the UK or the US.

I believe the way it works is that if the Consulate receives and processes your P3 before the 25th of the month (the date on which visa numbers are requested), then your interview will be scheduled within two months. So, for example, if they receive and process your P3 before 25th March, you will be scheduled an interview for May.
When in May depends on whether you are in the UK or the US. If in the UK, your interview date is in the first half of the month, and if outside the UK it is scheduled for the second half of the month.

So - the question is... will they receive and process your P3 before the 25th? All I know is that I sent mine on the 15th Nov, and they did not receive and process it before the 25th - hence my interview was in the second half of Feb (Feb 19th). You\'re in the grey area now, so my advice is the quicker you send it the better (makes sense!!).

Re calling the embassy - call midway through the month before you think you\'ll get your interview. All I\'ll say is, don\'t call them too often as the feeling I got when I called was that they don\'t overly appreciate it!!

As for when to go to the UK, I think a couple of days prior should be fine. Just make sure you have time to do any of the outstanding things you need to do (e.g. getting photos done)!!

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
calling London

Hi, febcplondon

Thank for more useful advice!

Do you have any feel as to when the consulate acutally decide
the interview date? E.g., suppose the P3 is processed
on the 25th of March, do they decide on the 25th of March
that you will be interviewed at the end of May, or they will wait
till mid-April to decide the actual interview date?

As you can understand I would like to know the
interview date as soon as possible so that
I can arrange the tickets etc, but as you said they probably don\'t
like people phoning too often. Hence I am trying to
decide the optimal time to ring...


Calling London


From what I have read in this forum and on various other sites, the consulate applies to the State Department for visa numbers on or around 25th of each month.

I would guess they then wait for the visa numbers to be allocated, and then they schedule the interviews.

Looking at Mumbai and Chennai, for example, interview dates are published during the middle of the month before the month of interview (they publish them on the consulate website). This is the best guidance I can find to base other consulates on, and London is likely to be the same.

Hope this helps!!

Thanks febcplondon, that is very helpful. I will give them a ring
in April. Hope you enjoy life after CP. Have you got your plastic yet?
No Title

I had my interview on January 30th 2002. Everything went smooth. I got my photos done in London, look on the embassy web page for photographers.

They are very polite in London and as long as your paper work is ok you should have no issues.
Contacting London

Does any one know how to contact London consulate
to enquire the interview date?

febcplondon gave a telephone number in the previous London

febcplondon 3/4/02 1:04pm

But I tried last week and that phone number is no longer in use
according to the embassy message.

I would appreciate info from anyone who have successfully
contacted London consulate recently.


whats a P3?

Sorry for my ignorance but what is a P3, I too am doing CP in London from California.

I-140 approved January, files being transferred to NJ at the mo.

ALso, do I really need Police documents??!! I have a British Passport, lived in US now for 2years on H1 Visa.


No Title

P3 ==Packet 3 == form DS230-I which is the document you
sent to the US consulate.

You do need Police documents from all countries that
you have live for more than 6 months I believe.Getting
it from UK is not difficult at all. See ealier
discussion in this thread.
London CP

Can anyone else confirm the information that the London Consulate is backed up? Apparently they are processing P3s received in March next week so at I guess these interviews will be scheduled for May/June. I have a of questions for anyone...what exactly does the employment letter have to say and who should write it? In addition, do CPers get the same benefit as I-485ers in terms of the 180 day after approval rule? Oh the number for the Consulate is 011 44 207 499 9000. (From US). Please let me know if anyone speaks to a human. :)
No Title

Where did you get the info about "processing P3s received in
March next week?". Mine P3 should have reached the consulate
by the beginning of March, does that mean they still have
not processed it yet?

The employment letter should be written by your employer,see
a sample here:


I understand that it should be signed by your HR people
in front of a notary, but I am not 100% sure about that.

I tried that phone number but I not get a useful human
(the operator is not very helpful). Let us know if you
have more info.