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Litigation update this week

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I want July 15th to happen now,i am tired of this law suit,the DOS are very rigid in their decision. The drama is taking too long and it is toiling with our emotions. I can only concentrate in other things once July 15th is over. This is long roller coaster ride has to come to an end real soon.
If I was one of the 22k winners, I wouldn't have harrased the president's twitter page like that. It is for the purpose to answer questions about US jobs and budget reduction. Those comments are very disrespectful, inconsiderate and desparate.
We (with my cousin) are in a process of creating a company that we plan to devellop an US branch, when u get good funds with a solid company, you get the visa, i guess it is the E2 visa
@Jay what do you mean by business visa?are you talking about E 2 visa for investment or what?
@win dv you know most of these 22k only cares about disrespectful, inconsiderate and adamant.Guy did you see all those words they used on Obama?
why do u keep sayin "most"...? Do you know that 5 or 6 peoples is far from 22k + deriviatives...?
@win dv you know most of these 22k only cares about disrespectful, inconsiderate and adamant.Guy did you see all those words they used on Obama?
We (with my cousin) are in a process of creating a company that we plan to devellop an US branch, when u get good funds with a solid company, you get the visa, i guess it is the E2 visa
sounds good, but you have to invest at least 500,000.00 and provide jobs for people.
@Jay if you and your cousin wants to go to the US for investment?then you guys should apply for E 2 visa, perhaps you guys have enough money to invest and also depends on the areas that you intend to invest?
@win dv you know most of these 22k only cares about disrespectful, inconsiderate and adamant.Guy did you see all those words they used on Obama?

I saw those words. I know Mr. Obama was upset and saw their desparate immigrant intentions. Poor judgement on their part. They should relax and wait on the lawsuit that they initiated.
I am among the previously selected 22k. To be honest,our chances of winning this preliminary injunction that will jeopardize July 15 is very very slim. I have made up my mind to wait till July 15 and hopefully i will be selected again.

That slim chance could be the victory for Mr. White. Like in Anthony Caylee case (just decided yesterday, July 6), most people thought she was guilty but the court them with their NOT GUILTY verdict. Similar thing happened in the O.J Simpson case.

People keep talking July 15 but truly July 12 comes before July 15. No one should be optimistic because this is not a SLAM-DUNK case for neither DoS or Mr. White . Many will be shocked on July 12!
E2 Visa is pure garbage and useless. It never leads to a green card, you have to prove it's going to be a successful business for the visa and if the US government or whoever in charge is not satisfied that your E2 business is not making enough money then they give you a 14 day period to leave the United States (sell house and business within that period).
@Jay for your investment issue i think you must have atleast $250 000 to $500 000 and assess of about $700 000.Depend on the type of business.Maybe like stock,real estate,restaurant or any.you must have an assess attach to your capital.
Alexander Hamilton, a Lawyer, Statesman and Secretary of the Treasury of the United States once said, “A promise must never be broken”
DoS promised us for Further Processing !!! so what?
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