Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness


Registered Users (C)
This is not exactly related to the citizenship process, but use your imagination to make the link.

I just saw the movie Pursuit of Happyness (spelt with a "y"). Outstanding movie. Will Smith and his real-life son (Jaden Smith) starred in the movie. I highly recommend this movie, particularly to kids.

Question 9 of the 100 question citizenship test booklet is : What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?
Answer: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

By watching this movie you can ensure that you will get this answer right if asked at the citizenship test :D
Yes I agree :) I also saw the movie and it stuck on my mind.

Plus its one of my favorite questions because the answer is so noble and beatiful,,

Life,, Liberty,, and Pursuit of Happiness aren't we all searching for that?

good luck in your upcoming interview :)