Letter to Board Moderator Requesting CSC Petition to be Sent.


here is a copy of the email I sent this morning to Monica, the board administrator who setup the petitions pages.


As you are aware, you have helped us with the I485 backlog petition to CSC by having Rajiv draft the cover letter and creating the web page where we could sign the petition.

It has been over 1 month now and we have polled the board users about sending this petition now or waiting. The overwhelming response is to send it now.

Could you please initiate this request and have Rajiv send it out. On behalf of the many people who signed the petition, we wish to thank you and Rajiv in assisting us in this manner.



PS: I will post a copy of this email in the CSC 485 discussion thread, could you please either reply to this email or the discussion thread to let us know when it gets sent and please keep us abreast of any developments from the petition. Again, thank you.
I'm not sure as I haven't searched back on the posts. However I had his email and emailed him and he emailed me back with Monica's contact information. As I only know his real name, not his "handle" here I won't list it.

If you are reading the A-------- could you step forward!

email response from Monica......

Yes, we are working on this. Give us a week's time.
Thanks for the support
I know...

I sent an email to Monica today asking her what the status was....as of yet I have not received a reply.

Will let everyone know once I do.
Yea that you called about the application for CSC being sent, but y'know don't be persistent, these guys are trying to help, lets not make another INS out of them (not that we are responsible for the first one).
gettingclosernow just sent a mail.

May be we should wait for a couple of days, since gettingclosernow just send a mail

I can call them on Monday.
It is not as if Rajiv is going to make money out of this, so the response is definitely going to be low on the priority scale. Like SM mentioned, they are trying to help us, so we should just have patience. Monica has been pretty responsive so far, let us just wait for her response before pushing anyone.
I think because this is something they are doing free for us, we should respect their efforts and not be pushy, or more bluntly, a pain in the ass to them.

I have asked Monica, who I'm sure is very busy with her job for Rajiv and she said give her a week. Now a week could be anywhere from 5-10 days I'm sure, probably just a figure of speech, like ok I will do it, I'm very busy right now, "give my a week"

So if we go and bug Rajiv right now and he says Monica can you do this, what do you think her reaction will be? I know I would be pissed off. I said I would do it, now just back off.

I think just have a day or two patience and she will come through, she has been responsive.
email reply from Monica....

We are sending out signatures this week. I shall update the status this week