Letter from FBI after five year wait


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Hi all,
I've been a silent reader on this site for 4 months. I am a US citizen and I had applied for my husband;s GC in Aug of 2002. we had our interview back in dec 2004 where we were told everything looks good but his name check is pending. We had tried everything from writing to senators to congressman and the ombudsman but didn't get an answer we already didn't know (Name check is pending) We were about to file a writ but I read about writing to Laur Bush here. We wanted to try this before we file the writ as it is a very expensive process. We wrote to her on March 25th and today I got a letter from FBI stating:

A review of the FBI's Name Check Program detabase revealed that your request was received from the USCIS on January 11, 2003. This was submission was processed and finalized on May 4, 2005. The results were forwarded to the USCIS Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

This means that we have been waiting for 2 extra years for no reason at all because someone at uscis did not do their job. Can someone please help us and tell us what should we do about this case. Everytime we took an info pass we would always hear that they are waiting for the FBI to respond..We have been made to wait for 5 years!!! How much longer do you think this process will take . Please give any advice on how to get my husband's GC processed asap. Thanks
frikkin unreal!

Ive been waiting 5 months for name clearance...maybe i should write to larura bush just in case...
We had tried everything from writing to senators to congressman and the ombudsman but didn't get an answer we already didn't know (Name check is pending)
Whatever you're going to find out at infopass, the congressman/senator/ombudsman should have been able to find out for you thru the liaison office. :confused:
I would fax the copy of that letter to my congressman, and let him deal with the immigration. :mad:
write to your interview officer and/or the director of you DO, and attached the letter from FBI. Also show the letter from FBI at your infopass. If you don't hear from them within 2 weeks, write another intent to sue letter to your DO.
What is Laura Bush email guys! .. i've been on-hold for more than 5 months, since 18 Dec. 2006, and i am willing to do something! ... so what is the email please ... anyone had any luck with writing her please !
I think I was the first one to get that letter back in March, I got the approved one month later. My time was 4 years, I sued them with WOM Pro SE. Good for you!!
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We had our info pass appt on tuesday. We showed the officer the letter from FBI and she checked our case in the system. Sure enough, she said the FBI check was cleared!! She told us that the case is just waiting for assignment of a adjucating officer. She made us fill out a form with case information and attached the FBI letter. She said this would be forwarded to the original officer who interviewed us. I told her the FBI letter says the nc cleared in 2005. She said nope it just cleared. When I asked then why does the letter say 2005. She just started to make excuses on how two checks might've been initiated and blah blah blah. We basically think that the letter was forwarded to Uscis by FL and that made someone look at our file. They probably saw that the name check has been cleared for 2 years now so they finally updated. The lady told us it should not take more than a month now. FL is awesome!!!
Huh... I wonder if it was a typo in FBI letter... May 4, 2005... I mean, the month matches, maybe it should have been 2007? :confused:
you are very lucky person...I have heard from many people that this letters to public officials don't work but it is great that it worked for you..

$ure why not? Time = Money... the more time you wait, the more money you do not make (while waiting for your EAD).

Of course I am not talking about $1,000 expedite fee like the one USCIS has. More like $ 50-100? Wouldn't we all be happier to have their name check cleared in 2 weeks? :cool:
I still do not get it, why does it taken them that long...

What gets me the most about that is the fact that it takes so long for people that the FBI might suspect of some wrong-doing. Does that make sense to you? If there's a possibility that somebody might indeed be a threat to the country, wouldn't you want to check it ASAP!? Nooo... They'd rather wait 5 years to find out that somebody is a terrorist or, at the very least, a criminal!? :eek:

Obviously, this doesn't have anything to do with the thread-starter. I'm just saying in general: isn't the whole purpose of the check to filter out the bad guys? Wouldn't you want to find out if they're really bad as quickly as you can? :confused: That just blows my mind... :mad:
Yeah. Let say... I was a terrorist, and I convince a USC to marry me. I get to stay here indefinately, I got an EAD to work in some federal building and plan stuff or whatever they do... for at least 6 months - 1 year...

While the FBI is still checking my name... ?