Lets start receipt tracking.. - Please Join Us

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So, how do we do that? Just pick up the phone and call the congressman, or should we do it together through ISN? OR?
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Happy holiday. INS is now doing thing but celebrating holidays. So let\'s just forget this and have a good time as well. Nothing we can do now. Even the congressmen are in their summer vacations.
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I am in a situation that I have to file I-140. Attorney told me that
I-485 and I-140 Amendments can be filed simultaneously.
Would you please share your experience with me. How did you file
the amendments? Did you also have to amend Labor Certificates and H-1B?

I appreciate your response.

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Updated tracking list. Should we start a new discussion as this is getting too big?
We should definitely do something about 485 receipts.
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Any receipts today? Those who received receipts lately but have not updated this list can you please post your RD/ND? It looks that VSC is processing I-485s received around 4/10.
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It seems that people have lost interest in I-485 receipts? We haven\'t heard any news about the front log situation. Is it getting better, or not? Besides, only I-485 filers are not getting receipts nowadays. So fewer people care about it.
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No, I am still interested in my I-485/EAD/AP receipts, besides, since VSC is processing 485 by ND(the day they enter our data and generate 485 receipt), if VSC is still not processing 485 receipts, it could end up with having the same ND for all four months 485 cases(i.e. for 485 filed between April and July , it could have similar ND of June or July), this is not fair at all and will definitely negatively affecting future adjudicatgion, imagine people filed three months after you are having the same ND as you, how can you still sit tight and just wait ?
We should definitely organize and do something about this.
any one have idea on how to make VSC wake up ?
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I guess comming week would be slow week coz of independence day.
so no receipts at all.