Legal Alien's Guide


Registered Users (C)
Dear all,

I have relocated to USA 1,5 years ago and I can tell you getting the visa is not the hardest part, rebuilding your life in a new place IS! This is why I wrote a book based on my own experience for all newcomers to USA called “Legal Alien’s Guide”. It’s a guide to various organizations, associations, clubs, etc. in USA that help you to find a job, start your own business or just find friends. The guide also has loads of other useful resources from information on cheap international phone calls to daily networking events calendars available free on-line.

The book is coming out end of spring – beginning of summer 2007 and you can get all information about it and when and where to get it on my site:

I sincerely hope this guide will make your new life in USA much easier!
Dear all,

I have relocated to USA 1,5 years ago and I can tell you getting the visa is not the hardest part...

You're kidding, right? How did you do it?
I came in 1996 as a graduate student on an F-1 student visa. One Master's and a Ph.D. later, with two one-year long Optional Practical Training sessions I changed to H-1B while a post-doc at a national lab. I didn't know it then, but all that time I was accumulating qualifications for my recently approved National Interest Waiver based I-140. My adjustment of status was approved last month so finally after more than 10 years here in non-immigrant status I'm finally a LPR.
It all depends...

I am not sure what your question was referring to bu I will try to clarify what I say: when I mentioned 1,5 years, I meant the time I have been living here is US after getting all the documents, I was NOT referring to the time the whole documentation process took me.

In terms of the degree of difficulty of various things, it all depends on a person: a lot of people think that when they finally get their Green Card and move to US their troubles will be over and unfortunately, this is an illusion. It is extrememly difficult to get a job here, it requires a lot of effort to figure out how to start your own business and even more effort trying to grow it. Networking is the key to success in USA and if you don't know the right people or where to find them you might as well go home.

I am telling this from my own experience and trust me, I am not a shy type, I have an MBA and a very communicable disposition but it was tough even for me.

So that's what I meant, not trying, of course, to diminish the importance of 10-years long struggles to get the legal immigrant status here. :)
Dear all,

I have relocated to USA 1,5 years ago and I can tell you getting the visa is not the hardest part, rebuilding your life in a new place IS! This is why I wrote a book based on my own experience for all newcomers to USA called “Legal Alien’s Guide”. It’s a guide to various organizations, associations, clubs, etc. in USA that help you to find a job, start your own business or just find friends. The guide also has loads of other useful resources from information on cheap international phone calls to daily networking events calendars available free on-line.

The book is coming out end of spring – beginning of summer 2007 and you can get all information about it and when and where to get it on my site:

I sincerely hope this guide will make your new life in USA much easier!


Most of that information is freely available. Also, after barely 1.5 years in the US, I am not entirely sure that you are competent to be writing a book about it. But since everyone can write a book about anything, I guess you are entitled to your share of the market. Probably not to any space on my shelf though.
what a load of crap...promote your blogspot shit somewhere else.

we all use this forum for immigration information, and frankly getting a GC is long labor intensive process, not to mention the years of anxiety
I am surprised

I am surprised at the fact that when you are sincerely trying to help people they respond negatively... To answer all the comments at once:
1. The fact that I have been living in USA 1,5 years does not mean that I was collecting the information just these 1,5 years. I planned my move long in advance, before coming to the country. Plus I had a local advisor in networking field who helped me with the task and she has more than 15 years of experience. I am not talking about a brochure, I am talking about 200 pages of useful information.
2. The information IS NOT READILY AVAILABLE. Many of networking groups don't even have websites - you get to know them only through other people. I agree there is ocean of other information out there but to filter it for individual purpose will take months. Why put a bycicle together peice by piece if there is one already available??? If you are looking for a job or trying to develop your own business time is money and you don't have months for searching the web, newspapers and the like. Wouldn't it be great if someone told you that if you are an engineer looking for a job you have to attend these groups' meetings and if you are woman trying to start your own business you have to join these groups and so on???
3. Those people who thing that when they get GC life will be heaven and all USA companies would just start running after them (trying to employ them or do business with them) are WRONG. I met with dozens of people here in USA, advanced degrees, great experience who are looking for jobs for more than 10 months! And according to statistics more than 70% of jobs in US are found ONLY through networking. And 100% of small to medium size business owners I meet tell me that more than 90% of their clients they met through networking! So you need to know WHERE and WHEN to go to meet the right people. And that is what my guidebook is about. And this IS immigration information, in fact, if you are attentive enough, this folder on this forum is called "AFTER Green Card"

I wish good luck to those who consider themselves extremely knowlegeable in these issues and I will sincerely try to help those ones who need guidance.
I am surprised at the fact that when you are sincerely trying to help people they respond negatively...QUOTE]

People tend to respond that way when you are only interested in helping your own pocket.

Wouldn't it be great if someone told you that if you are an engineer looking for a job you have to attend these groups' meetings and if you are woman trying to start your own business you have to join these groups and so on???QUOTE]

Gosh, you are even a bigger idiot than I thought you were. At least now your knowledge and agenda are clearly spelled out for everyone. Congratulations!
Dear Pianoplayer,

a) I will disregard your 1st comment since I have dozens of grateful e-mails in my inbox
b) I think you are so bitter because you consider yourself very smart but unfortunately you failed to come up with such a guide idea first
c) I like your signature: considering a) and b) you are indeed NOT QUALIFIED to give any advice to anyone.

Best wishes!
Dear Pianoplayer,

a) I will disregard your 1st comment since I have dozens of grateful e-mails in my inbox
b) I think you are so bitter because you consider yourself very smart but unfortunately you failed to come up with such a guide idea first
c) I like your signature: considering a) and b) you are indeed NOT QUALIFIED to give any advice to anyone.

Best wishes!

I would like to know when I gave you legal advice - one need not be qualified to express an opinion or give general advice. You yourself are a clear living testimony to this. Just because some innocent, gullible people respond to your nonsense does not mean that your idea is all that great. You are not very smart are you?
Dear Pianoplayer,

You just make me smile :) You remind me of an Old Cobra from "Maugli". She seemed to be scary and angry at the little guy but deep down she was just bitter because she was too old and didn't have either strength or venom to cause him any real damage. Maugli took what he needed from the cave left a winner... :p
Dear Pianoplayer,

You just make me smile :) You remind me of an Old Cobra from "Maugli". She seemed to be scary and angry at the little guy but deep down she was just bitter because she was too old and didn't have either strength or venom to cause him any real damage. Maugli took what he needed from the cave left a winner... :p


I really have no resentment, or venom to use, towards you. I think you rank yourself as way too high on my list of priorities/importance. Quite frankly, you merely amused me. Now go off, have your meetings, and sell your book copies. I'll be watching the bestseller lists!
Wouldn't it be great if someone told you that if you are an engineer looking for a job you have to attend these groups' meetings and if you are woman trying to start your own business you have to join these groups and so on?

With respect, but I never attended any meetings of any groups and my career has been doing just fine all these years. You should not use the term "have", because clearly joining them isn't necessary. Part of the problem people have is that you're pitching your own personal money-making venture, and it's in your best interests to convince people that they "have" to do join these groups, and therefore buy your book.
TatianaS, who were you trying to fool when you said 'sincerely trying to help people'. You know that you benefit out of it. We know you benefit out of it.

If anything, you should see that lots of people who frequent this forum are probably not your target market. Most of us know how to find information, that's why we are here.

Now what I think the biggest mistake you made here was telling everyone that 'getting the visa' is not the hardest part. Browse a bit more and you will find out that some people have to wait for YEARS for their green card. They made a lot of sacrifices in their life and you tell them it was nothing. :)

Out of curiosity, I visited your site. You have been in the US for 1.5 years and the book was written based on your life experience in Chicago. Yet you claim that it will work anywhere in the US. I for one highly doubt this. But you shouldn't care as I won't be buying your guide.

To me your post is like getting junk emails about '***** enlargement' drug . (Damn, this sounds I have tried one of those enlargement drugs). And I will call it again.. damn spam!!.
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I am glad that about 10 people said that they know where to find information. If at least this amount of people didn't say that I would be seriously worried. I am more excited that 10 times more people write to me that it's a great help for them. I don't care about who don't buy the book, they will survive, I care about those who do. And with the price of a book around 16-18 dollars who much do you REALLY think I am going to gain for personal profit?

Now about the GC. I've been there too, so what? I made my sacrifices too. But I am telling you that I meet loads of American citizens (born in US, US Master's degrees) who struggle with finding a job in USA because it is an extremely competitive market and unless you know the right people or at least know where to look for them it is a huge problem. And you can only find them through networking.

There are some lucky people, like RealCanadian, who never needed that but they are exception from the rule, unfortunately. Also, let me assume (and I stand to be corrected) all the posts I saw here are from MALE colleagues.
Do you have any idea how much more difficult it is for a woman to compete, to network, to get a job? Do you know that according to the latest statistic a men will send his application for a job if he meets at least 20% of requirements, a woman will not send hers if she meets less than 80%? And you just confirmed it with your own posts: "hey, get lost, WE know everything". Every single woman I met or corresponded with said "thank you" for this guide.

Also very much depends on cultural background. I am sorry to put RealCanadian on display again, but may I assume this person is indeed Canadian? Well, I truely believe that you may feel like fish in the pond in American environment. I have conections to Chinese, Philipino and Eastern European community here in IL and all three of them say the same thing: how lost they are, they have no clue where to go, what to begin with and this guide will be a real help for them. And this is just 3 examples.

Finally, about my claim about the guide being helpful everywhere. I clearly mention on my blog that 70% of organizations described in the book are NATIONAL and have opperations in all major cities (and I actually mention which cities these are) and I give Chicago chapter as an example. The remaining 30% are purely Illinois based.

Now I challenge you, my "I know it all" friends if you indeed know where to get the information answer 2 of my quiz questions:
1. What company organizes FREE monthly networking sessions for women in dontown Chicago called "Ladies' Happy Hour" where women can get together in a friendly atmosphere and network over free appetizers and help each other either to find a job, find clients, promote their business or just socialize?
2. Which nationwide organization organizes monthly meetings for biotech professionals where they can help each other with employment leads and which are regularly attended by recruiters serving this field?

Good luck!
Tatiana is not saying that getting visa is not hard, she is trying to say the hardest part will begin when you get there in US. According to experiences of the GC winners through lottery that I have heard it is really not easy. You should have a planning, contacting with potential sponsors. The thing that I don’t agree with her is writing a book and selling in the market. By writing a book she should aim to help to people not being a best seller. Because from her articles I understand that the information she will be providing is common knowledge indeed. On the other, in every part of the world success comes with the contact-networking.

BTW, thanks so much to her for sharing own experience with us.
I am glad that about 10 people said that they know where to find information. If at least this amount of people didn't say that I would be seriously worried. I am more excited that 10 times more people write to me that it's a great help for them. I don't care about who don't buy the book, they will survive, I care about those who do. And with the price of a book around 16-18 dollars who much do you REALLY think I am going to gain for personal profit?

Now about the GC. I've been there too, so what? I made my sacrifices too. But I am telling you that I meet loads of American citizens (born in US, US Master's degrees) who struggle with finding a job in USA because it is an extremely competitive market and unless you know the right people or at least know where to look for them it is a huge problem. And you can only find them through networking.

There are some lucky people, like RealCanadian, who never needed that but they are exception from the rule, unfortunately. Also, let me assume (and I stand to be corrected) all the posts I saw here are from MALE colleagues.
Do you have any idea how much more difficult it is for a woman to compete, to network, to get a job? Do you know that according to the latest statistic a men will send his application for a job if he meets at least 20% of requirements, a woman will not send hers if she meets less than 80%? And you just confirmed it with your own posts: "hey, get lost, WE know everything". Every single woman I met or corresponded with said "thank you" for this guide.

Also very much depends on cultural background. I am sorry to put RealCanadian on display again, but may I assume this person is indeed Canadian? Well, I truely believe that you may feel like fish in the pond in American environment. I have conections to Chinese, Philipino and Eastern European community here in IL and all three of them say the same thing: how lost they are, they have no clue where to go, what to begin with and this guide will be a real help for them. And this is just 3 examples.

Finally, about my claim about the guide being helpful everywhere. I clearly mention on my blog that 70% of organizations described in the book are NATIONAL and have opperations in all major cities (and I actually mention which cities these are) and I give Chicago chapter as an example. The remaining 30% are purely Illinois based.

Now I challenge you, my "I know it all" friends if you indeed know where to get the information answer 2 of my quiz questions:
1. What company organizes FREE monthly networking sessions for women in dontown Chicago called "Ladies' Happy Hour" where women can get together in a friendly atmosphere and network over free appetizers and help each other either to find a job, find clients, promote their business or just socialize?
2. Which nationwide organization organizes monthly meetings for biotech professionals where they can help each other with employment leads and which are regularly attended by recruiters serving this field?

Good luck!

I don't take your quizzes ----- why would I be bothered? I do not live in Chicago, and I am not a biotech professional, even though S.D. is certainly one of the centers for the biotech profession. Why would people want to take your quiz? The information is easy enough to find if it is important to you and relevant to you.

You have still failed to provide anything that is novel or even mildly interesting. As Royalcanadian pointed out, you do NOT HAVE to attend such group meetings. Networking is important no matter where you are (USA, Australia, Europe, Asia etc.), and it can be accomplished in various ways. You certainly didn't invent the concept. Holding these meetings is a good idea and one way of doing it, but it certainly doesn't entitle you to write a book about it!

The worst, in my opinion, is that you probably make money off people who do not know any better and trust that you are giving them THE ticket to wealth and success.
... I meet loads of American citizens (born in US, US Master's degrees) who struggle with finding a job in USA because it is an extremely competitive market and unless you know the right people or at least know where to look for them it is a huge problem. And you can only find them through networking...

...Do you know that according to the latest statistic a men will send his application for a job if he meets at least 20% of requirements, a woman will not send hers if she meets less than 80%?

I don't doubt that women have it tougher. I actually applaud your efforts in helping them by compiling the networking information in your (free) blog (and not the for-profit book). All the jobs I've found have been through networking/conferences/personal contact etc. I've never received a reply to just sending a resume to a faceless corporate HR office. That being said, it looks like your guide should be directed towards women not just immigrants.

What really pissed me of initially was the way you made immigrating here sound so trivial. Americans actually believe this, that you can just get on a plane and "move" here. Statements like "I relocated here 1.5 years ago" sound too simplistic. You read in the second post of this thread how it was for me. I saw on your blog that your husband was the primary applicant so his employment-based immigration must've been similar to mine.

In these forums people are really interested in obtaining information about dealing with USCIS, CBP, attorneys, the state department, possible pitfalls in their immigration-related decisions etc. Your guide is more appropriate to a women's issues forum or something.
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I think you should stop posting your "ad" threads in these forums and
rather concentrate on "spending money" to get a good coverage for your

Though these forums are not restricted to post whatever one wants to say/express opinion about "Life after Green Card", it is the same right
people like me OR others like RealCanadian/pianoplayer etc to express their
opinion about your half-baked ideas about writing a book on something
that you researched only for a year (or year and a half.. please..)
in this country.

We have so many other things to discuss in this forum not just reading spam postings from people like you. Please don't let us waste our time and
Rajiv Khanna's resources.

Get a life.
I posted 2 quiz questions for those who say "it is easy to find information" without any evidential prove. This will prove you wrong. I bet you won't be able to find info on these 2.

It's a suprising phenomenon, actually: the best groups don't even have websites or newspaper ads because their purpose is not publicity but helping a small circle of selected people. For instance there is a great group here in IL that unites all professionals who work(ed) in the food industry (doesn't matter in which capapcity: finance, marketing, HR, logistics - watever). They have such a wealth of knowledge about the industry and most importnantly door openers for all major food giants in USA. They don't have a website, they communicate by e-mail distribution and if you are not brought to the group by the insider you will never find out about them.

Now about networking:
1. What do you mean "networking can be accomplished in various ways"??? Networking as a concept means building relationship with people through NEWTWORKS either in person or on-line (and I have a chapter on online groups too). But I am a true believer that nothing will substitute a face-to-face meeting, at least on innitial stages of cooperation.

2. I am not writing about the concept of networking, there are thousands books about that. I am writing about the actual implementation of the concept in a specific city, state and country. The fact that you knew ABOUT networking concept in Australia will not help you to find places WHERE to network in Schaumburg, IL.

3. Who will argue that there is an ocean of available information on tourism in each country on the Internet? And who will deny still going to the bookstore and buying a guidebook before travelling at least once in their life? - because this is so much easier, it saves you time digging and it has all you need in there :)