LC Approvals from PBEC ( new)

#14687 22nd June 2006, 05:26 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 1

Labor approval


PBEC (dont know the case #)
PD: 10/11/2002, filed in CA
45 day letter: Feb, 2005
Approved: 5th May, 2006 (I just got to know, blame the lawyers!!)
Labor Approval Dec 2002 CA

Revieved approval email from Lawyer.

This forum is very very useful. Have been checking every day in the last few months. Good luck to all who are waiting for labor.

Below is the only information I have...

PD: Dec/02
45 day letter: Nov-05
Approved: approval information recvd email today

EB3/EB2: Dont know. But should be EB3 as lawyer mentioned backlog and they
will be filing only I140 at this moment.
Congrats, kmk_prasad, could you please provide the exact PD and a few digits of your case number, if you know it? Thanks.

kmk_prasad said:
Revieved approval email from Lawyer.

This forum is very very useful. Have been checking every day in the last few months. Good luck to all who are waiting for labor.

Below is the only information I have...

PD: Dec/02
45 day letter: Nov-05
Approved: approval information recvd email today

EB3/EB2: Dont know. But should be EB3 as lawyer mentioned backlog and they
will be filing only I140 at this moment.
Philly BEC Approvals

Philly BEC Approvals reported in Murthy forum

Several Philly approvals are being reported there...Here is the list I captured from Murthy forum.
Last edited by a moderator:
Sorry GotGC??....I do not have the details. Lawyers email did not mention any details in the intial "Labor Filed" email on 11/26/02 nor "Labor approved" email today. My queries were always replied with "we will contact you when needed". They did after 3.5 years.!!
GotGC?? said:
Congrats, kmk_prasad, could you please provide the exact PD and a few digits of your case number, if you know it? Thanks.
Thanks GotGC??....But unfortunately I do not have the case details. Lawyers email did not mention any details in the intial "Labor Filed" email on 11/26/02 nor "Labor approved" email today. My queries were always replied with "we will contact you when needed". They did after 3.5 years.!!
#4592 21st June 2006, 12:11 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 2

LC approved. Next Steps...


Got my NY Labor approved PD Jan/2002.

Thanks to everybody on this forum for their insight. Especially, to JustWatching.

A couple of questions about the next steps :

My LC says is for "BS + 5 years exp", was wondering if this eligible for EB2. There is no mention of an MS degree in the LC. My lawyer seems to thinks so.

Also, if we do file in EB2 and the I-140 is determined to be not eligible for EB2, then can I use the same LC & priority date to refile under EB3. Is there any downside with this approach?

Last question, if i do file for 485, EAD & AP with the EB2 I-140, then what will determine if I am on H-1 status or out of status if the I-140 is rejected.
Whats differece between EAC-XXX number and P-05643-xxxx

Hello gurus,

How do I check my case status number starts with P-50xxx-xxxxx??
as the uscis site does not provide case status where case number is with this format.

Any idea does case numbers starts with P-xxxxx-xxxxxx has some diff meaning than which starts with EAC or something?

thanks in advance.
NY Nov 2001 Approval

22nd June 2006, 11:55 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,168 time has come.


It all started with a meeting scheduled for September 14, 2001 when my company was going to decide whether they would sponsor my green card or not.

Well, our offices were in the World Financial Center - across the street from the World Trade Center. We all know what happened a few days earlier.

A month later, the first of many delays in my labor certification, our company displaced, our managing director made the decision to sponsor my green card.

On November 14, 2001, we filed my labor certification.

At the time I knew little to nothing about the green card process. I remember looking at the "Processing Times" page in the DOL site. It stated RIR cases proessing March 2001. Well, it was an 8 month backlog plus 2 at regional. Ten months to get my labor certification. Little did I know April 2001 processing would get in the way.

So for the longest time, we got to see "April 2001". Then in early 2003, NY SWA magically skipped to May 2001. Finally! NY SWA had decided to create a separate queue for the 245i cases. A month later, NY SWA reverted to April 2001 saying that setting 245i cases aside was illegal. Kept on waiting.

Then in 2004, processing time - "May 2001" showed up again, this time for real. We created a tracker in our NY SWA thread and for several months we saw processing times actually move forward. In September/October 2004 it reached "October 2001". Finally it was almost my turn!.

I had been watching the Backlog Center RFPs for almost a year at that point. I must admit I was optimistic about them but hoped my case wouldn't have to go there.

A month later, SWAs stopped processing. The wait continued.

In early 2005 my case was transferred to the now infamous Philadelhpia Backlog Center. In March 2005, the PBPC claimed to have sent the 45-day letter to my employer and my attorney, neither received the letter.

I did not find out until February 2006 when we received the letter of closure.
Immediately the attorneys sent a letter stating that it had been a mistake. Kept on waiting.

In April 2006, we received unofficial notification that my case would be reinstated. 6-10 weeks to receive official notification they said. Kept on waiting.

May 17, 2006 - statement officially reopening my case along with my new 45-day letter. For once DOL was ahead of schedule. We responded immediately. And kept on waiting.

Today June 22, 2006 I received an e-mail from my attorney that my labor certification had been certified. When I got home, the courtesy copy was in my mailbox.

I don't need to tell anybody how useful this forum has been to me and all of us. I hope to see each of you get out from this step, move on and eventually obtain your permanent residence.

Good luck everyone,

VA Dec 18 2002 RIR EB3 approval

23rd June 2006, 11:22 AM
Registered User Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 2

Labor approved from VA


Folks ,
I have been a silent reader on this forum . Great information . Thanks to all the folks who have provided valuable input during this tough phase .

my priority date is 12/18/2002 VA RIR EB3

good luck .
Wrong thread, only approvals here please. Use the following thread from next time onwards:

EAC # is required for case status check with USCIS (H-1B, I-140, etc.)

P-YYDDD-XXXXX # is generate by the Philedelphia backlog elimination center for each LC applications received from different SWA and Regional DOL. You cannot do status check with this # in USCIS website.

stunpad said:
Hello gurus,

How do I check my case status number starts with P-50xxx-xxxxx??
as the uscis site does not provide case status where case number is with this format.

Any idea does case numbers starts with P-xxxxx-xxxxxx has some diff meaning than which starts with EAC or something?

thanks in advance.
Some Good News

#1 23rd June 2006, 02:41 PM
Registered User Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: MD
Posts: 468

Great news from the DFLC


BECs to Make Availalable "Processing Times Reports" and "Status Check" Online Effective End of July

* People will remember that this web site urged the DOL to start processing times reports and status check sites on the DOL website just like the USCIS. Now we have a good news. The DOL will indeed post online status check and processing time report sites in its website as early as the end of next month, July 2006. For the status check, people will need case numbers. Accordingly, those who have yet to receive 45-day letters will take a little bit longer to use the status check site.

Good News for BEC TR Labor Certification Processsing

* BEC has today disclosed that they have completed dataentries for the entire 365 applications and all the 45-day letters will be sent out within this week.
* Beginning from the mid-July 2006, the BECs will start sending out the recruitment instructions to the employers whose traditional regular labor certification applications have been pending at the Backlog Elimination Centers. In order to speed up the process, the BEC will enclosed with the instructions their prevailing wage determination which the employers will have to use for the purpose of the recruitment. The prevailing wage determination will reflect the prevailing wage at the time recruitment and not the wage at the time of initial filing no matter how long they were filed. Besides, the employers must offer 100% of the prevailing wage in compliance with the new federal law on the prevailing wage for the labor certification.
* Employers, watch for these mails from the Backlog Elimination Centers from next week!

Source: Matthew Oh law firm
Dec 2, 2002 DE EB2 RIR labor approved

Received email from my lawyer today that the labor was approved. See the signature below for case details. PBEC_LC2003's case which was very similar to mine (that case was Dec 5 2002 PD from the same state) was approved on 6/19 so I was anticipating my approval anytime. Thanks a lot guys for keeping track of the approval dates and building up the morale on this forum.

Good luck to all of you and hope everyone gets out of this mess very soon.
Saw this on the other thread. Registered user : Javaconsultant

Oct 2002 EB2 CA RIR approval

My friend got his approval few days ago.
his info
Oct 2002 EB2 CA RIR
PD June 26,2002
RD May 19,2003
45 day letter sent 02/02/2005
Case # P-04308-XXXXX
Case Status : RIR
2001 approval from PBEC

posted by karioka

Guys, wish everyone the best of luck, I just got my certification:
PD: April 30, 2001
FL / EB3 / RIR
45-day letter: Oct 2005
Certrification: Jun 16, 2006 (via courtesy letter to employer)
change status from TR to RIR

Somebody has asked about anybody had changed his TR status to RIR. Yes, My lawyer has field my case under RIR but PBEC by mistake put me in TR. So my lawer contact them and requested them to rectify the typo and they did accordingly...its not a big problem just contact your lawyer and tell him to contact PBAC....hope this help
CA RIR EB2 Nov. 2002 Labor Approval

26th June 2006, 02:24 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: sunnyvale, California
Posts: 49

CA RIR EB2 Nov. 2002 Labor Approved !


Today i got mail from attorney. I don't know the exact approval date.
CA RIR EB2 PD:Nov. , 2002
RD at SFO DOL Oct.2003
45-day letter replied March 2005
MD Dec 2002 EB2 RIR Approval

26th June 2006, 03:06 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 1

Labor approved.



My labor is approved, after 3 and half years long waiting. See signature for detail. I have sought trementous help from the site, in the last couple years. Good luck to everyone!

PD Dec 2002
45 day received Dec 27 '05
ETA Case No: P-05136-XXXXX
Replied 45 day letter Jan 13 '06
Certified: Jun 14 '06