Law suit('Writ of Mandamus') against USCIS

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sticking this thread.

Although I am not agreeable to this sue idea, I think the attention will do some good to the processing. So I am sticking this thread.

I always respect your insights. Could you please elaborate on your reasons for not supporting this idea. I was playing with the idea as my case has been pending for so long, but haven't really felt comfortable with it (no real reasons, just a feeling). Your thoughts will be highly appreciated.
My opinion...

Sueing never helps. The mcdamus (or whatever it is called) , if it gets a class action suit status, all the legal system can do is send you a couple of thousand dollars.
You wont get GC, out of it. There is a false propoganda that these suits resulted in GC approvals by the court.
Post 9/11 there is not even an iota of an chance of sympathy from the legal system (one of the 40 dropped off the list of WTC martyrs did not have a birth certificate and also had a birth date discrepancy - common in India- Is that the right disqualification route? US legal system cannot and will not fix this problem. You are alien period. You are judged differently. period)

So this has to involve the local immigrant community ( showing up drunk in local immigrant activities will not help)
We need to pressurize our managers, our HR, our CEOs, CIOs to put pressure alongside the contributions to the presidential candidates.
We need to lobby the local congressperson, senators and especially the judiciary commitee members in both houses.
We need to make AILA take cognizance of the discriminatory practice among the various service centers and how other SCs are deterioting to the state of TSC.
My opinion.
Kashmir, Edison are waging a war of petitions. We should provide our help as much as possible. We should not distract and entice users to act on this petition just because a million dollar settlement or an automatic GC is remotely possible.
You have the right to lash out, but beware the damage you will cause to the future immigrants.... Act responsibly.
Once again My opinion.
I'm for it

I am for this suit especially since petitions, media, letters to congress, etc have all been tried and the only response is more delays.

I'm also for it since there IS a LAW on the books that says

180 days processing time should be in effect 1 year after enactment of the law (law was passed 2000). Also no report on backlog reduction as required by this law has been issued.

When we as immigrants are found not to have sent our address change to BCIS within ten days (a simple law) we are not forgiven.......... instead we are in deportation hearings....... so why should BCIS be allowed to get away with not following the law ? Last I checked this is still a democracy........... and laws are mean't to be followed and if not, there's a court to make a decision.

One has to remember that victories of any significance in this country (civil rights, ownership rights and a whole host of others)
have all been hard fought and not given by empathy towards any group of people by another group.
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Count me in


I am willing to join this "mcdaumus" suit and be one of
those 10-15 guys.
Lets do it. we have nothing to loose, But our anxiety with the
continuing EAD/AP BullS**
Aaah.... Cut the crap.....
Everybody knows ... nobody will sue USCIS .... even if you do ... on what grounds... ask USCIS to cutshort it's security checks .... come on ... be real .... INS/DHS will get away with security ....blah blah ....

The idea of suing the USCIS came up long back and nothing has taken any shape till now and please .... for god's sake .... quit wasting your breath over something which WILL not happen anytime ....
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