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Last chance for me

USA is more vast, so the average is 9.2... I'm sure it is higher in some parts like in California or Detroit Michigan

cali is 11%, Nevada 13, New york, 8.2, Washington DC 5.8, Baltimore 6.5, Philly 7
Miami is 12%
So tell us what it is like to be Moroccan and living in Spain? Are you treated with contempt because people think you should go back to your own land and stop stealing jobs? Welcome to the USA. If you can't handle being a Moroccan in Spain, you certainly won't be able to handle being an immigrant in the USA.

The only immigrants that most Americans prefer are the ones who are highly qualified, have a lot of money to create jobs, or the cheap labor workers to do the shitty work that Americans don't want.

If you just want to come here and do the shitty work, many are doing that illegally anyway.

If you have lots of money or high qualifications, you can apply through work visa or invest here.

But if you just want a high paying average respectable jobs, they will want you to have US education, and US training/license and so on. Again, more money.

Its all about money.

Like Mele says: Man up!

USA is more vast, so the average is 9.2... I'm sure it is higher in some parts like in California or Detroit Michigan

Look it's not about being an immigrant in Spain, it's about being a Moroccan in Spain...if you don't understand what this means..then you need to learn Spanish-Moroccan history...I'm not going to give any details here, but as I said, my circumstances are my circumstances, and no, I don't want to get a shitty job, I'm an Industrial Engineer in Spain, where I've been living since I was 5 years old (now I'm 35), and because of different circumstances I don't have the citizenship but the permanent resident permit..

I've visited many times USA, and I can tell you that being a Moroccan there is less painful than here, because in USA you're only another immigrant that comes to steal jobs, however here you are more more more than that...
If you are not happy in Spain than go back to Marrocco...many people like it when they go there for vacation.

You think the US is the promised land...this is the land for people who want to work hard and can handle ups and downs not for people who can't handle not winning the lottery for 2 years in a row...some people are trying for over a decade.

First it's Morocco not Marrocco...

Second, I don't think USA is full of gold and easy opportunities, actually I don't want to go there because of money but because of freedom and other details that go beyond the material stuff, and because of other sentimental issues that have no other solution...
Sorry guys for this thread, yesterday I had a very LOW moment, and was going to blow up..probably it wasn't a good idea, but I just wanted to share my feelings with mates that pursuit the same dream.

Please disgregad this thread and thanks for your comments.
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Just a very little example, in Spain it doesn't matter for how long you lived in the country, even if you have the citizenship, you'll be always the "moor that got the papers"..., even if you get in birth a child that will live all his live in the country, for the rest of people he'll be the "moor's son that got papers" never a SPANISH CITIZEN...this is how it is here...where citizenship is still linked to race-religion->Blood, where immigrants are of 3 different classes...

I've been living almost all my life here, I think and behave as any other spanish guy, but I still feel as a foreigner because of the policy and the society of this country...

From all my visits to USA I was shocked to see how everybody proudly had the country flag in the yard, cars, etc.., not only "locals" but also immigrants that are now citizens, I was amazed how USA with its bad and good issues, accepts all these people as part of its great nation..This is what touched my heart about the United States of America, and this is what I pursuit.

Life is not only money and a good job, is also about feeling you're part of a community to be proud of..
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First it's Morocco not Marrocco...

Second, I don't think USA is full of gold and easy opportunities, actually I don't want to go there because of money but because of freedom and other details that go beyond the material stuff, and because of other sentimental issues that have no other solution...

Thanks for helping me on how to write it...In my native language you write Marokko....I didn't want to offend you.

I don't believe Morocco is not a free country and neither is Spain. They are all "free countries".
From all my visits to USA I was shocked to see how everybody proudly had the country flag in the yard, cars, etc.., not only "locals" but also immigrants that are now citizens, I was amazed how USA with its bad and good issues, accepts all these people as part of its great nation..This is what touched my heart about the United States of America, and this is what I pursuit.

Relatives in the USA put French and Canadian flags up in their front yard, never the American flag. :rolleyes:

Try being more patriotic about Morocco!
Those born in the US (2nd generation immigrants) put up the American flag. Most 1st generation immigrants don't bother with any flag (except if they live in a neighborhood with lots of their country men).

Relatives in the USA put French and Canadian flags up in their front yard, never the American flag. :rolleyes:

Try being more patriotic about Morocco!
yeah u know more than everyone...

I know because I used to run my own business..just a few years back I had to chase good workers to work for me (I had to offer 50% above average pay just to keep the workers with me)..


everything has changed for the worst and year before I closed my company I HAD TO REJECT UP TO 20 PEOPLE PER WEEK ...so yes dude I know ..so MANY WORKERS WHERE COMING TO ASK FOR WORK THAT I HAD TO PUT UP A SIGN SAYING " NO JOBS /NO HIRING " ON THE DOOR ...and even then people still asked or called on the phone ....they asked to work for HALF OF MINIMUM WAGE !!just to work and make something
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I feel like I am already dead..

However still a little hope on friday 15Th.

Everything is over for me here and now, and only on chance to overcome this voidness, this sadness, this "feeling like prefer to die rather than get up and continue". If not lucky, my life will be definitely over.

It has been a pleasure participating here some times, thank you all folks.

Please don't tell it again. Every people wants to live.