Landing Process and Necessary Info


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Hi All:

I have consolidated the information in the attached document. I hope it helps. The people well aware with the process, please review and let us know should there be any discrepancies. Appreciate all your inputs and hope this clears many questions which we discuss over different posts.

Thanks Ray !!.. will repost it.

Jalma: thanks for the wishes. will post my landing experience.. i will be sending my passport only next week and then hope to land sometime 3rd week of August.


Could you edit the first post "What a new immigrant should know" and add the attachment there. That way all the links remain in one single post.

Few additional Information


Excellent work!
In "Good to follow list", if you are including the jewellary, you should have the photographs of same with you, otherwise they will not accept it. I forgot to include in the list and when the custom officer specifically asked me about jewellary, I asked him whether I can add now. He said 'OK', but if I have the photographs. I could not add and I may have to pay custom duty when I will land finally in Canada.
Tanvis, Good work. Did you come back to us after landing? can I come back same day after entering canada and give friends address.

I have just sent my passport so I guess its another month before I can land.

Returning the same day after landing should not be a problem. Refer to the post: Landing by road and returning the same day -Tarantula.

immigrant landing

What do you mean on the following statement?

~{!$~} Record of Landing (will be phased out starting June 2003 and eliminated by December 31st, 2003)

-- Can i still use landing paper to return and leave Canada?

Will Canada PR affect US green card?

Hi, Applied Canada PR in June 2002, so I guess they will assess my application in the next a few months. My 485 is still pending.

Anyone knows if Canda PR application will affect my US green card application? Or at which stage it will affect? Is there any way I can get both Canada and US PR status? Thanks.
Returning to Canada without PR card

I'm resident of Boston and thinking landing next month(October 2003) and come back to US next day. Will I be allowed to enter Canada without a PR cars till December 31st 2003. Is anyone near Boston interested to land on October pr Novemeber 2003
Does the U.S. Customs ask you how much money you are taking out of the country? Do they ask you to show them the money?
When you travel to Canada, you never come across any US Custom or Immigration office. Hence ne question of any US custom asking you for Money you are taking to Canada.

While returning back, nobody will ask for Money. General question asked are ' For How many days you were in Canada?', ' Do you have anything to declare for Custom Clearance' etc.

Happy Landing!!
a small addition to Tanvi's terrific effort

For those of you that are planning to drive/own a car:
get a 'no claims' certificate from India from your insurance company. Also, get your old driver's license that states clearly how long you have been driving a car (the longer the better).
Doing this will save you a lot of money in Insurance costs.
Once you land here, getting it from India is difficult.

Hello All,
First of all I apologize if this not the right thread to ask this question.
I am planning to visit Toronto early December to get my PR stamped and come back to US, either next day or a day after.
I am little confused whether to go by road or fly. I would really appriciate if someone can let me know what would be the best way. And as I mentioned I am planning to come back the next day, do I need carry huge bagagge or can I just take one bag and declare all items in goods to follow.
I am also nerves about the questions which will be posed at the immig/customs canadian port. Especially what should be answered about the job in US.

If anyone out here planning to visit in the same time frame from around MA/CT area. I would be more than happy to share the ride (Road/Air).

Thanks in Advance
landing as immigrant from USA and then coming back

I have had my Immigration visa stamped and received the landing papers.
I would like to go by road to Canada (from Buffalo Border) and then come back to USA within a week. My question is when I enter canada from USA will I have to surrender I94 and then get a new I94 on coming back?
I have been to Canada 4 times in the last 3 years and have never surrendered I94. I have always entered US back onteh same I94. Does it change any how if i eneter Canada as Permanent resident?

What have been your experience.
Returning Resident Permit

I plan to land at Ottawa and return within a couple of days.

Should I submit a returning resident permit at that time? Or should it be sent after I return to the US?

You don't have to submit I-94 at the US Border


You don't have to submit I-94 at the US Border. In fact, you will not come across any US Immigration Official when you are entering the Canada.

If you are returning back to US within 30 days (From the date of your entry to Canada), then you need NOT have to get the new I-94. Please see landing experience of me and few others for details.

Congrats and have fun.

Thanks for the response.

I got my PR at Ottawa Intl Airport after I first applied in Nov 2001.

They did take my I-94 at the US airport itself and was later told by US authorities about the 30 day rule on my return journey!

Returning Resident Permit refers to a situation when you are out of Canada while still being a PR. You can submit a RRP to validate your PR status.

The landing process is extremely simple and got over in a span of 30-45 min. The SIN process was even simpler - 5 min.

I would also recommend that if you have the opportunity do visit Ottawa Downtown and nearby Montreal (200 km) preferrably in spring time. I have been to these places in the spring time in the past but this was my first winter visit. These places are really wonderful and worthwhile to visit while you do your landing process.

30 day revalidation rule

I am planning to land in next couple of weeks. I have got my H1 approval (I797), but dont have valid visa stamped (old H1 visa stamp has expired).
I was wondering if anybody has recently used 30 day rule to reenter US after landing only on the basis of valid I94.
Please reply at the earliest and thanking you all.