GCNSC04 Education Evaluation (UN & Dazzling, please review)
Heading like: Education Equivalent in the United States: Master of Science Degree in Computer Science.
Enrollment in XXX University is based on graduation from high school and competitive entrance examinations; the university is an accredited institution in India. Mr. Last Name entered the university in 198x and completed three years of academic course work in 199x. He was awarded a Diploma following the completion of the required academic coursework and passage of the required examinations, based on decision of the Faculty of the University. The diploma is evidence that he completed his course of studies in the Bachelor of Science program at the University.
Mr. Last Name completed both the general studies and specialized studies, which lead to a baccalaureate degree from the University. The general studies included entry-level courses in English, the social sciences, mathematics, and the sciences, which are a requisite component of a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher education in the Unites States. Based on the subject matter and credit hours of these courses, most such courses would qualify as equivalent to courses in US institutions. Additionally, Mr. Last Name completed specialized courses in his area of concentration Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics as well as in related fields. The nature of the courses and the credit hours involved indicate that he satisfied substantially similar requirements to the completion of three years of academic studies toward the attainment of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from an accredited US Institution of higher education.
Thereafter, Mr. Last Name entered the Master of Science program of XXXX University. Admission to the Master Of Science Program is based on graduation from university-level studies and competitive entrance examinations. Mr. Last Name entered the Master of Science Program and completed the academic coursework and practical studies. In 199x, he completed the required academic coursework and examinations and received a diploma for a Master of Science Degree, having fulfilled the required coursework and practical study, and having passed the required examinations for candidates for the degree of Master of Science. Mr. Last Name completed the specialized studies leading to a Master of Science Degree, including master’s level coursework in Computer Science, software Engineering, Computer Programming and related courses. The nature of the courses and the credit hours involved, considered requirements to the attainment of a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science from an accredited Institution of higher education in the Unites States.
Based on the reputations of XXX University and XXXXX University, the number of years of coursework, the nature of the course work, the grades attained in the courses, and the hours of academic coursework, it is the judgment of the Trustforte corp. that Mr. First Name and Last Name attained the equivalent of a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science from an accredited Institution of higher education in the Unites States.
Note: UN and Dazzling Please reply your opinion.