LA tracker


If you are still interested, write down your email address in reply to this, and I'll send an email to you with the lawyer's phone number. You will have to authorise him on your behalf to get the CAIPS done for you. Other than this you can talk to him and find out.

It takes around $65 CAD, approximately $45USD for the CAIPS, and takes 4-6 weeks for the CAIPS file to be sent to you.

Just now received a letter from Buffalo, they want a record of my timeline, where I was, what I did during a particular time, which should have been very clear to them, from the application. I think they are just gaining time.

Does that mean that my file is still there in Buffalo, hasn't been passed to L.A?
Re: LA Tracker (added Enquirer)

Originally posted by annies
Hi Enquirer,

yes, we're on the same boat... hopefully we hear something this month or nxt month...

Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing

annies-> 04/02 --> 9/02 --> 05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 --> 8/02 --> 05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy

swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->???
LA Tracker (added swancascade)


Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing

annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 --> 06/03 -->Y(7-10 months wait)--> 4/03---> mm/yy

Hi, g_m111
sorry for delayed reply. i have got a assesment lettr form La office first then i got a letter from buffalo office it says my file has been tranferred... i dont know how many poitns i got but i have assessed before i apply i got 79 points
Hi Everybody

hi everybody,

any good news?
just checking if you guys received any response lately from LA office... I will try to keep in touch once a month.

annies :)
got landing papers

i have sent my passport on aug 19 th. i got it back on 30 th aug.

kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> n--> 08/13 -> 08/30

i have question. can i land in canada from India. or i have to land from US since i have got immigration visa stamped in us. please if any one landed from india instead of u.s. or i need consult anybody(lawyer)

LA Tracker (updated kanna98)

Hi everybody,

I have updated kanna98's profile... thanks and good luck!!!

annies :)


Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Passport Req -> Landing

annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy->mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02->08/02--> 05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy->mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy->mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> n--> 04/03 -> 08/03->mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 --> 06/03 -->Y(7-10 months wait)--> 4/03---> mm/yy->mm/yy
Hi All,

I got initial assessment letter from Buffalo saying I am required to attend an interview in LA.

Applied in 04/02
AOR 09/02

Initial assessment letter 09/26/03 ( with medical forms).

This letter says I should expect the letter for the interview date from LA within 7-10 months.

Are you guys in the same boat? I mean, are you also waiting for the interview notification letter from LA?
No news yet...

hi sanksin77,

at last you receive the initial assessment from Buffalo, it has taken awhile...

i applied on the same timeline April 02... i was told last May'03 that they sent my docs to LA to expedite the process, I don't understand what they mean by that...

i still haven't heard anything yet... so i don't know if it will be an interview letter or assessment letter from LA...

annies :)
I got a letter from Buffalo. (posted the details in the buffalo tracker web site).

I have not seen it yet. It seems it says that to continue processing they need additional information.


In my case, they have mentioned that my initial assessment is complete and I am required to come for an interview at a schedule date. They told me not to send any document and save it for the interview day.

Basically, I guess they just want to delay the process. LA office will notify me the interview date once my file is transferred from Buffalo to LA. Also, they have mentioned that files are transferred from Buffalo to LA on monthly basis and current processing time is 7-10 months. :confused:

So it's more wait,wait and wait for me..

Wish u good luck.

got a fax reply from LA...

I faxed an application inquiry form to LA early this week and got a response from them just today. It says,

"Your application is in a queue waiting for an interview to be scheduled. We will advise you in writing once a date has been set for the interview."

Hmmm... I have not received any assessment letter yet but they already put my file for interview. Or maybe the assessment letter got lost in the mail or it' still on its way. Well, at least I know I still have to wait and wait and wait...
Assessment at Time of Interview?


Could it be that you will be assessed at the time of interview?

Response from LA to your query has been relatively quick.
This is certainly encouraging.

Keep us posted.

Interview call at LA! Need HELP

Hi There!

I am an Indian citizen, applied for Canadian PR way back and just now got an interview call from Canadian Consulate. My interview has been scheduled in December at Los Angeles. With my interview letter, I have received one attached checklist and list of following documents, which I suppose to carry during my interview. Regarding these documents I have few queries and I hope you expert will be able to help me.

1.They asked me to bring Original BIRTH CERTIFICATE, which I don’t have however my 10th marksheet contains my birthdate but again unfortunately my 10th mark sheet is in Hindi. Do I really need a BIRTH CERTIFICATE??? Is their any possibility they may ask??

2.They also asked me to bring Original Police certificate indicating the existence or absence of convictions or charges are required for all persons 18 years of age and over, from every area of residence (six months duration or more). I have done my FBI clearance earlier and have submitted the original certificate along with my application, and I don’t have any original with me now. So, what should I do??? In addition to this, do I need to get any Police Certificate from India?? AS I was in India for almost 4 years after my 18th birthday

3. My last query is, they also asked me to provide any English/French language assessment test OR provide other evidence in writing of my proficiency in those languages. I have not taken any IELTS or equivalent test however I believe, I am very much proficient in these languages as my entire medium of education was in English and I have been working in the United States for 4 years now. Do I really need anything, which indicates my proficiency in English??

I will really appreciate any kind of help regarding these queries and anyone who has attended interview recently, please let me know…did they ask for any of the above-mentioned documents or questions??

Please do the needful.

hi rahul77,

i would like to know when did you apply? plus when you receive assesment? when did they send your file to LA?

annies :)
Hi Annies,

Thanks for your reply. I filed my case in Nov 2001 ; Received my file number and medical in Feb 2002 and Feb 2003 respectively.

Hi Annies you must be very lucky that you got a reply from them I send 2 faxes to LA in last 2 weeks and did not heard any thing from them. We ahve applied in April 02 and got a letter from baffalo that they have transfered our case to LA since then not heard any thing. As baffolo looks like moving very fast.:(

My status is same as yours. I also a letter from baffalo mentioning that that they have transfered my case to LA some time back.

Let's wait once again :(
