L1 to H1-B conversion


Registered Users (C)

I need some information urgently. I am here on an L1 visa, and my current assignment will end in November. I am trying to find a job here, and in the process, I heard from someone that converting from L1 to H1-B visa is an issue. I want to know -

1. Is it true that converting to H1 from L1 is a problem...does INS consider this as inappropriate and can reject it?

2. If for some reason, the H1 petition gets rejected, then it will go in my records...in that case, will getting another H1 from India be a problem if in future I want to do so?

3. Assuming that I find some company which is willing to sponsor my H1, can I start working with them immediately if my H1 gets filed and I have the acknowledgement?

3. One last thing - in the long run, can the fact that I conevrted from L1 to H1 cause any problems, say, in getting a green card or some other issue?

Please reply.
1. No, not on the "inappropriate condition"
2. Yes. But if it is a new H1 (instead of transfer from L to H) it should not be rejected based on a previous rejection
3. No, wait for h1 Approval.
4. No