Kid's status rolled back to "Approved" from "Card Ordered"?


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Hi all.

I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone...

My wife, myself and 2 kids were approved on 12/16/04 (details are in

On 12/17/04, the status for my kids changed to "Card Ordered". The kids are 7 and 9 and my understanding is that for kids under the age of 14, they generally send the cards directly with no need for stamping. They apparently use the photos supplied with the I-485 application, even if these are the old ADIT style photos.

However, on 12/21/04, the status for my older kid changed back to "Approved / notice sent" (the other's status changed to "card mailed").

I'm thinking that one of 2 things is happening:

#1 It's a bogus message, her card will show up anyway.

#2 Maybe they couldn't make her card for some reason (e.g. photos weren't suitable) so she will have to get stamped and supply photos after all.

Has anyone had experience with either of these scenarios?

Thanks in advance!

LUD changed a month after the approval today, does it mean they have ordered the cards?
curiousGeorge said:
the approved message is probably for the I-181 that was created and approved due to the approval of the I-485.

It *seems* to apply to her I-485 (it's the same message as the one for my wife and myself):

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On December 21, 2004, an approval notice was mailed. If 14 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.

The above is only showing for one of my kids. For the other, the message changed to:

Application Type: I485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On December 21, 2004, the card order was completed and we mailed the applicant's new card directly to him or her. If 14 days have passed and you have not received this card, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.

And prior to that, the message for both kids was the "card ordered" one...

same here- card ordered and then changed to approval notice

Will not know until next year as c/o address for ours ( friends house) has mail on hold till he comes back from trip to India.

ETA-GC said:
It *seems* to apply to her I-485 (it's the same message as the one for my wife and myself):

The above is only showing for one of my kids. For the other, the message changed to:

And prior to that, the message for both kids was the "card ordered" one...

You will get the card soon

Same thing happened to my daughter. From 'approved message' the status got chagned to 'Card ordered' and after few days it chaged again to 'approved'. But in a couple of days she got the card. I guess the status change is for mailing the card. So guys dont worry be happy.
Gurus please help !!!

Myself & My wife got approval emails Yesterday(12/22/04).
But kids LUD updated 12/22/04 first time after filed.

kids I 485 receipts # not available in the system. Message saying

"The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system."

can any body tell what is this problem?

1) can i need 4 Infopass appointments for PP stamping.
2) how to get the Infopass appointments from Alabany (NY state).

Thanks in advance.

usinsuser99 said:
Myself & My wife got approval emails Yesterday(12/22/04).
But kids LUD updated 12/22/04 first time after filed.

kids I 485 receipts # not available in the system. Message saying

"The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system."

can any body tell what is this problem?

1) can i need 4 Infopass appointments for PP stamping.
2) how to get the Infopass appointments from Alabany (NY state).

This happened to me last week (see for details).

Apparently this is quite common. The odds are that your kids have also been approved -- the case status might show up in a few days (mine did).

If your kids are older than about 14, you will probably need an Infopass appointment. Younger kids will probably get their green card sent to them with no need to do stamping. If you aren't sure, you could always make an appointment for your kids, then cancel these if the cards show up.

See for the "I-485 approved, now what?" FAQ. This also includes info on how to set up the appointment -- it can take a while...

Congrats on becoming PRs by the way!


Well, today we received the cards for both of my kids. One kid got a welcome notice, the other got an approval notice. My wife and I also got our approval notices so we're all set to go for our stamping in Dallas on 12/30/04.

I guess maybe this will show up eventually but from what I can tell, it's not a big deal if we don't get the welcome notice for one of the kids? It doesn't seem that these have any information that isn't available elsewhere and it doesn't look like the welcome notice would ever be needed for anything...?

By the way, for the kids' cards, they did indeed use the ADIT-style photos that we supplied with their I-485 applications and the cards say "fingerprint not available".

All are lucky

My son 485 got approved on Nov 16, 2004, Recd card on Nov 23rd 2004 and at that time the msg stated Card mailed on 19th Nov 2004. On Dec 03, 2004 the msg states on Dec 3rd 2004 we mailed you a letter for more information. Guys what can you say about this. Its clerical mistake or they have no clue what so ever .
Hey ETA-GC.,

Thanks for ur help so far., still i have couple of issuse.

1) today we got myself + spouse --> approval notices --> have to PP stamp?
2) my kids got both <12 years "WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA" --> kids needed PP stamping? their LUD message "cards ordered"

we plane to go for PP stamping soon.

Please share this issues thouse inputs are most helpful!!!

thanks in advance.


Eig said:
My son 485 got approved on Nov 16, 2004, Recd card on Nov 23rd 2004 and at that time the msg stated Card mailed on 19th Nov 2004. On Dec 03, 2004 the msg states on Dec 3rd 2004 we mailed you a letter for more information. Guys what can you say about this. Its clerical mistake or they have no clue what so ever .

Did you ever get a welcome notice for your son? Maybe this is what the updated status is for. I wouldn't worry too much if you have the card -- he's a PR now and I've never heard of cases where this was "reverted" (except for fraud).

usinsuser99 said:
1) today we got myself + spouse --> approval notices --> have to PP stamp?

Yes you need to go for stamping. In addition to getting the I-551 stamp in your passports, you will supply them with 2 passport style photos (2 for each of you) and your fingerprint which are needed to make the card.

usinsuser99 said:
2) my kids got both <12 years "WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA" --> kids needed PP stamping? their LUD message "cards ordered"

Your kids probably don't need to be stamped. You could make an appointment for them "just in case" but if/when you receive their cards you can cancel their appointment.

thanks ETA-GC.,

1) If i received cards for kids no need to PP stamp for them?
2) my son middle name not printed in Welcome notice is it problem in future?

I called to INS they told me that is not big deal in notices. They indirectly saying no problem in the notice.

Please share any body in this issue , that is more helpful to me.

Hey ETA-GC.,

Please give make sure following information is correct which was taken from
INS customer service.

I called to INS people regarding middle name/initial not printed
in my son's welcome notice(approval notice) and as well as card.

VSC immigration officer so nice and complete information with so polite.
take list of documents as follows see local immigration officer with Infopass.

1) Filled I 90 form
2) $185.00 (my son is >14 years, I guess no need biometric fee of $70)
3) 3 pictures
4) explanation letter
5) ask I 551 stamp on passport , and explain about travel permission.

is there any threds how to write explanation letter and I 90 form filling instructions?

iam not cleared one field in I 90 form which is correct
a) My status
Permanent Resident - (Not a Commuter)
Permanent Resident - (commuter)
Conditional Permanent Resident

Please share this experience, I would appriciate it.
thanks in advance.
