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KCC email with confirmation number (can you help us please?)

Summer Rain

Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone,

Nobody seems to find a clear answer to the following question regarding the email sent out by the KCC with the confirmation number reminder (dv 2012): Did everyone who received this email check the website between may 1st and 13th? Or, are there persons who never checked if they won or lost and got this email anyway?

Also, has anyone received such an email in June?

It would be really helpful to know the answer, since the KCC is extremely vague about it...

Good luck to all of you!
look i see in another forum(french and arabic) there some peaple how never chek the website and they recive the E-mail and another how never recive it.
for me i made double entry(for me and for my wife).im a ex-winner and my wife never win on 1st may.
on 19may i recived the email from kk but my wife never recive it.
i dont undrestand what is the problem about these e-mails. there is too much ex-winner never recive it and too much peaple how are not selected on 1may recive the e-mail.
i started to thing this e-mail was send to the new selecte.is not for all .
hhh 15 ju we see the end of this dramatical film
good look for all
its very clear for me .if the e-mails were sendind to every one .they can published this on here site!?
this is another game of kk .
in another forum there are too much selectee on 1 may never recive the e-mail
These emails being sent seem to mean more .I would like to rule out that they are not significant but l will not.But there's a guy who said that many hotmail users did not get the emails because they thought the emails were spam ,because of the large numbers being sent.Another guy also said that they may have sent the emails to the winners so that they can check their status.But the number of people receiving these emails seems to be large; greater than 100k.He then said the extra number of people selected were backups and it makes sense.Coz people threw their numbers and like it was said most hotmail guys dint receive the emails so some people wont be able to view if they won.Others dint provide email addresses and threw their confirmation numbers so they wont be able to see if they won.So this is where the backups enter come to the picture.These are just theories.But the noreply email had said that they were being sent to all applicants who sent valid applications.If all the people in this forum would post if they received these emails we can try and analyze them..There is another thread about these emails go thro' and post there any info.
all this are just speculations... Me i do not know if they sent it or not since my former email adress ain't working no more... But I do not think they are sending emails to new selectees, will take too long, & they wouldn't have been sent that fast (like a couple of days after the redrawing...) because that mean they would have checked illegitimate entries in just days... Thoses who didn't recieved it must have just missed it or typed their email adresses wrong... but the backup thing make sence thought (not for the emails but for the selectees)
Thank you bouregbi!

Could you please send me the link of the French (I don’t speak Arabic unfortunately) forum you are talking about? I really would like to hear of people who did not check their status and got the email…
the e-mail of a lot of friends of me was valide and they check thier statut but they never recive any e-mail from kk.
im not sure about a history of new winners but why they dont send this faking e-mail to all person?
why they dont published this on her pagesite or.........?
i know 6 person how lose thier confirmation number before 1 may and now they are very happy cz they recive the notification.
why they dont sendind this email on the same time ? my mind will be freezed now i don't undrestand anything about this lottery .
i see 4 forum how talk about this lottry .this is the same situation too much personnes are crazy about these notification .
it's not a problem about the chack statut or picture or wrong e-mail im sure.
i remember when there are a problem in the site of gov my friend called the kk to ask him can he send her form ? a women tell him yes there is no problem cz is just a thecnical problem on site.
hhh and later the results are voided.
this is the politic of kk they can't tell the truth directely but underctely u will undrestand.
this year they selected more than 100k im sure.
my hope is all the user of this fantastic forum were selected im sorry for my better inglish but u must kno without this forum i can't be in this lottry cz u give me too much hope in my life.
god bless all and im sure u will be in usa
the e-mail of a lot of friends of me was valide and they check thier statut but they never recive any e-mail from kk.
im not sure about a history of new winners but why they dont send this faking e-mail to all person?
why they dont published this on her pagesite or.........?
i know 6 person how lose thier confirmation number before 1 may and now they are very happy cz they recive the notification.
why they dont sendind this email on the same time ? my mind will be freezed now i don't undrestand anything about this lottery .
i see 4 forum how talk about this lottry .this is the same situation too much personnes are crazy about these notification .
it's not a problem about the chack statut or picture or wrong e-mail im sure.
i remember when there are a problem in the site of gov my friend called the kk to ask him can he send her form ? a women tell him yes there is no problem cz is just a thecnical problem on site.
hhh and later the results are voided.
this is the politic of kk they can't tell the truth directely but underctely u will undrestand.
this year they selected more than 100k im sure.
my hope is all the user of this fantastic forum were selected im sorry for my better inglish but u must kno without this forum i can't be in this lottry cz u give me too much hope in my life.
god bless all and im sure u will be in usa

I agree. Why haven't DOS include the e-mail situation in the notice on their Webpage? No one was able to answer this question. Think about it guys, it's a reason for this.

Well, i don't have to wait until July 15 to confirm that I did not win. I have a strong feeling that I did not. May sign up for DV-2013.
WinDV, i've been looking to MANY forums and the % of people that didn't get the email is very low, most people got it, so again, i would be worried if it was the other way, that few people got the email then i would think that they sent it to the new selectees, but almost everybody got it, all my friends that applied (4 guys) got the email, and none of them had hotmail.

If your theory was correct (that the email was sent only to the new selectees) this wouldn't make sense

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WinDV, i've been looking to MANY forums and the % of people that didn't get the email is very low, most people got it, so again, i would be worried if it was the other way, that few people got the email then i would think that they sent it to the new selectees, but almost everybody got it, all my friends that applied (4 guys) got the email, and none of them had hotmail
Noted Daniel, but everyone who received the email collectively (including from other forums) thus far does not amount to 100,000 even though there have been a lot of reports of persons receiving it. Again, why would DOS hide this info.? Yup, they know exactly why...they were only sent to new selectees.

Seriously, this is over. The result I got on May 1st will not change...'You were not selected". I expect the same on July 15th...So be it.
no, DOS is not hiding it, remember when i emailed them asking for my CN, they said an email was going to be sent automatically to each applicant

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you checked the website and destroyed your confirmation number then you will automatically receive communication.

they gave that automatic response to every person that was asking about their CN.

Don't be that pesimistic WinDV, it would like SOOOO weird to that 52 persons that answered the poll were new selectees, and just 12 weren't, no way, trust me, it's not what you're thinking.
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no, DOS is not hiding it, remember when i emailed them asking for my CN, they said an email was going to be sent automatically to each applicant

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you checked the website and destroyed your confirmation number then you will automatically receive communication.

they gave that automatic response to every person that was asking about their CN.

Don't be that pesimistic WinDV, it would like SOOOO weird to that 52 persons that answered the poll were new selectees, and just 12 weren't, no way, trust me, it's not what you're thinking.
Noted. However, you had to enquire to receive that response. In my opinion, they still should have included this on their Webpage in the notice. This is the point that I am trying to get across...
I think they sent the emails before disqualifying the double entries and they just checked only the pics at this stage.So these application were valid at this stage as they say.Thats why they took a short time to send the emails.And also the numbers had to be more than 100k because they hadnt started checking and disqualifying the entries coz of double entries,and they had to choose backups to fill the space of the people they were going to disqualify because of double entry.So my conclusion is that the winners will come from those that received the emails.But not all of the email recipients will be winners.. Those that gave out valid email addresses and dint get the email will not win.Except the hotmail address guys who their emails might have rejected the noreply as spam and those who dint give out their emails but have the Confirmation no. printed out.Just a theory nothing much...
I'm among the few, or so it seems, who haven't received the email from KCC.
I reckon no matter what I write in my email, they'll respond with the same, automated reply.
It could be that I am not in the system or am disqualified without knowing it. Or it may simply be that I did not put my email address when applying for eDV2012. Does anyone here know if the email field was mandatory or optional ?

I suppose I provided a gmail address, but then again I "might" have utterly skipped the email field if it was really optional.
Or, like some pointed out that I "might" have put it incorrectly.
I've heard quite a few say who gave their hotmail address and never heard from KCC, though.
I really have no clue as to what is going on. One can only wonder.
look ;in another arabic forum there are too much ex-winner dont recive the email. the majority are the ex-loser.
there are 33 how don't recive it and 6 how recive this email.
u must kno kk selected more than 100k .
why the perdiode of sending email is stoped now?
i kno in this forum the number of ones how recive the mail is hight but in another forums like forum.service de france or startimes u will find the oposit situation.
it's the reality e-mail---------------------=selected.