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KCC email with confirmation number (can you help us please?)

Guys why re u people disturbin urselves.The sendin of emails is batch by batch thin.The email was actually sent to all qualified entry submitted for the redrawin selection which DOS has done.The email has nothin to with winnin it is just for notifyin all the qualified entry about the cancellation of DV and about the redrawin selection if not do u knw how many people they notified?Millions of people were notified that was why they send the emails 18 19 20 and 21 due to huge numbers.
Forumites re u sayin everybody that uses hotmail or gmail did not get the confirmation email base on bcos it was hotmail of thin?No thats i knw of some people that uses hotmail and gmail and they got the email and some that used yahoo did have and did not have.If the email was to notify the new winners reselected then do u knw how many millions of people DOS would have notified?Remember that the numbers of winnin is an Adminstrator thin and DOS or KCC does not select winners numbers more than 101,000 entries as winners.So to me the email is to notify all the qualified entry about the cancellation of DV and about the redrawin selection.
My Dear Forumites i have said these b4 in some past posts that we should be statin our DATES of ENTRY in DV and EMAIL PROVIDER and DATES OF RECEIVED EMAIL and also if any of us here in this forum had received the confirmation email,Me ENTERED DV:OCT 13 2010.EMAIL PROVIDER:YAHOOMAIL.CONFIRMATION EMAIL DATED: MAY 16 2011:RECEIVED EMAIL:MAY 19 2011.So as to knw all the members in this forum that had the email.This is important to us.
im entred dv :05 oct.email privider : yahoo.com .confirmation nembers email dated :may 16 2011 :recived :19 my 2011.
for my wife she has entred dv :12 oct 2010 .Email provider :hotmail.com .no email.
Dear all,

As interesting as it is to hear all the theories about the meaning of the KCC email, this was not the topic of the original post. If you would like to post your theories about the meaning of the email, I think we should use the already existing threats. Not because I mind reading them but b/c it will give us a clearer view on this matter if we group all our opinions together (at least that’s what I think).

Now, can more people please answer this: did anyone who did not check their status in the beginning of May (i.e. people who don’t know whether they won or lost in the original draw) get the KCC email.

This question is really important to several people…

Thank you all and good luck!
Yes i knw of 1 person who did not check whether he won or not until May 20 2011 when he find out that he had a confirmation email. Entered DV:Oct 18 2010.Email dated May 16 2011 and received it May 18 2011.Email provider hotmail.
Hello everyone,

Just letting you know that a topic has been opened on the discussion board of the Facebook page of the 'U.S. Department of State: Consular Affairs' concerning this whole confirmation number email reminder situation. An official admin seems to answer questions. Maybe this can bring some clarification…

Good luck to you all!