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Just won, getting married next week


New Member

I just recieved the dream letter while getting prepared for my wedding! what a present.
Will my husband (to-be!) get the greencard as well? I have loads of pictures to prove we were together for 3 years and the winning did not have anything to do with the marriage. please advise.

You can write down your husband's information in the forms after your marriage. When your number is current, you should present marriage certificate to the consular. Nobody will ask you about your intention of marriage. It is completely normal that a winner changes his/her marital status at each point of the DV process.
it is not completely normal, and a lot of people have to go through rather intense interviews (even separate ones) if a consular officer suspects that a marriage was entered into because of immigration benefits. Prepare all the docs showing your long relationship and get ready for questioning. It's better to be ready and not to be questioned, than not to be ready and lose an immigrant visa and be barred from the US for life for lying to a consul.

It does happen. Happend two months ago to a nice couple on another forum. They were a real couple, however, they were questioned separately for 40 minutes and a consular officer gave them a life-long ban on ever entering the US on a suspicion of a lie.
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I thought DV wouldn't impose any restriction to the winner's life! Sorry for the inaccurate response.
I don't think it's going to work, since gay marriages may not be recognized as legal by the federal law in the States. Although, theoretically, any marriage that is considered legal by the government of a participating country is supposed to be recognized as such by the US.
I've heard about a couple of people that were refused greencard because the immigration consular believed that the marriage was a sham( it really wasn't).They didn't have enough info to prove otherwise thou so, the petitioner was charged with trying to smuggle an illegal immigrant(Spouse) into the U.S

And about Gay marriage, its not recognised in the States so i don't think u can bring your Partner/spouse with you. Sorry about that.
Johnkent and LucyMO
can you describe what is the necassary document?
I have married after the NL, and unfortunetlly I don't have alot of picture that shows me and my wife were dating before marriage because of the restriction of my countary and familly ,but I have a lot phone bills that shows we talked alot before ,and since we have married couple mounth ago we have alot of pictures of wedding cereminies and other is that enough? can anyone help me more?

case number :2007as7***
Johnkent and LucyMO
can you describe what is the necassary document?
I have married after the NL, and unfortunetlly I don't have alot of picture that shows me and my wife were dating before marriage because of the restriction of my countary and familly ,but I have a lot phone bills that shows we talked alot before ,and since we have married couple mounth ago we have alot of pictures of wedding cereminies and other is that enough? can anyone help me more?

case number :2007as7***

If I were you, I 'd go ahead with the documentations...as I see nothing wrong in you getting married ...just inform KCC about the change in your status with a prove (i.e. Marriage Certificate) that all.

FYI,do note, that the DV is a 50-50 thing, even if you were to be a single applicant, the possibility of you getting the visa is still 50-50 as the consular officer interviewing you will have that final decision to make.

DV or no DV you are married that is the truth, which you know.

Good luck and hope for the best
If I were you, I 'd go ahead with the documentations...as I see nothing wrong in you getting married ...just inform KCC about the change in your status with a prove (i.e. Marriage Certificate) that all.

FYI,do note, that the DV is a 50-50 thing, even if you were to be a single applicant, the possibility of you getting the visa is still 50-50 as the consular officer interviewing you will have that final decision to make.

DV or no DV you are married that is the truth, which you know.

Good luck and hope for the best

tanx :)
To: Sk1352

Congratulations on your win!

I was married AFTER winning and AFTER sending all forms back to KCC. No questions asked on the sudden marriage, I had related documents just in case.

Since your future spouse was not listed as a family member in you original Lottery entry you must:

1. Call/email KCC and let them know of your plan. It is not uncommon for people to get married after they win. They'll tell you exactly what to do, which is really to add one form to your package for KCC, they'll tell you which one.

2. For your consular processing interview prepare similar documents as if your marriage were "family-based", that is if you married a US Citizen. Anything from wedding photos to letters from family members, to joint accounts, to old photos together, to shared leases or private correspondence etc.

3. It'll be fine and good luck.


My AOS Experience:

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I have the same problem. I never thought I would need to produce my high school diploma. In fact I tore the frame down and legalizez the glued original...everybody lough including me... Wana see what they say when i present such a bizarre document:D
Barbara, you are from a developed country. Marriages entered into after the first package are not suspected as much if they happened in a developed country, as they are if they happened in Eastern Europe.... It's different.

On one of the Russian-speaking forums there are a lot of stories of applicants having interviews in Poland, Romania, and Russia who are getting grilled if their wedding date fell after the notification letter date.

I just recieved the dream letter while getting prepared for my wedding! what a present.
Will my husband (to-be!) get the greencard as well? I have loads of pictures to prove we were together for 3 years and the winning did not have anything to do with the marriage. please advise.


Congratulations. The pictures of you together from way back wont be necessary for them, and probably wont prove a thing. Just state his information as necessary, maybe on additional sheets of paper, and hopefully he will be included. Dont state that you're married tho, if you arent yet, else that might affect you yourself.