Just talked to iio... OCT 99 Case nothing happened so far


Registered Users (C)
My details: ND 10/4/99, PD 5/8/98, FP 3/2/01. waiting and waiting ....

I am calling VSC for the last four week or so, every week on a thursday or friday. I was told all the time that my case was on a shelf of some kind and will take another 2 months for processing. I was totally frustated!!! NOthing happened to my case for the last four weeks.

Luckily, today i talked to very nice lady IIO. SHe listened to my frustation in patience and looked at the details of my case. She was surprised that OCT cases are still pending on the shelf. She told that this should not happen and the case should be removed from the shelf two months after the FP notice was mailed and moved to processing area to be assigned to an officer.

She punched some thing on the computer, looked at my FP notice date 2/2/01 and said the file should be in the processing area by 4/2/01. Then she put me on hold for two minutes. Came back and said, she would personally remove the file from shelf and put in the processing area. I was very thrilled at this point because she was very curteous and listened to my frustation. I did not expected this when i called today.

Anybody from OCT 99 still waiting please call IIO and let them know what you are going through. Every now and then, you will get lucky and find a iio who listens to you. In big pond of nonworking INS employees, there are still some employees who work hard and take their job seriously. You just have to keep trying harder to reach them.

BTW, i am again going to call next thursday to find the status of my case and keep you posted.

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Hi ver-sri
good luck to you. It may be soon now. We also have Oct 99ND and nothing has happened so far.
Keep us posted.
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This is very encouraging; that by talking to an IIO we can indeed hasten processing. So the INS is not the black box after all, there are still some people there who can move things if you can reach them.

That is the catch - you have to reach the right person
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That\'s the frightening part/lottery part of it ( whichever way one wants to look at it ). What if you dont ever reach a \'nice\' IIO ?
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Yeah, that is the scary thing!!! You should be able to reach a nice IIO as i did today.

But, I talked to my lawyer yesterday and we are about to write to our congressman to get the attention of VSC for my case. I even talked to the folks at the Immigration support network (www.isn.org). Now, i will wait for another week, evaluate the progress next week and then proceed with the congressman\'s letter.

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Good Job Dude:
You picked the right day to call. Thursday\'s & Friday\'s are really good to talk to the IIO as they are all in happy mood and willing to talk. This is how my conversation went last Friday with IIO.

The lady sounded like a Hispanic .. I lost her Name..

iio: Good Morning How may I help you
me: Good Morning Mam ... I am calling to get a status update on my 485 application.
iio: Yes sir what is your case number
me: It is EAC0000xyzabcd
iio: One Minute sir..
me: Thank you
iio: looks like your case is on hold for some Visa ....
me: But you know Mam my PD has been current all along and I am in EB2 Category. I am worried why it is taking so long for my case you know. Can you please help me out..
iio: Sure let me see what exactly is going on...
me: Thank you so much Mam. I really appreciate your help
iio: Sure no problem. One Minute
me: Waiting...
iio: I see you did your FP last month and we have the result from FBI.
me: Do you think everything is ok or do I have to redo FP?
iio: No No No.. Everything looks good your Finger Print results are fine you don\'t have to worry about redoing it.
me: I thanked god I don\'t have to do FP again..
iio: I see your case has been sent to a Processing area on MAR 19th where the file gets purged within 60 Days. So I am expecting your case should be looked at by an examiner within a couple of weeks and if all the documents are in place you will get approved.
me: Thank you so much Mam for all your help.. Can you please check on my wife\'s case Mam...
iio: Sure what is her A#?
me: let me get it one sec....
iio: Sure no problem...
me: You know I woke up so early in the morning to get a hold of you since I am in California and I am getting to talk to you after an hour now.
iio: Wow that must be too early for you. What time is it for you now?
me: It is 6:50 A.M and I was calling you since 5:55 A.M.
iio: Wow that is early. Looks like your wife\'s case has also gone into the processing area on Mar\'19th and I am just making sure they are together.. Usually they put the files together but I just confirmed it.
me: Thank you so much Mam.. You just made my day..
iio: Sure no problem anything else I can do for you?
me: That\'s it Mam. Thank you so much for your help.. I really appreciate it and you have a Happy Friday.
iio: Thank you and you have a Happy rest of the day...

Seems like my conversation with IIO was pretty fruitful as I am sure she was telling me the truth and she was really . I hope our wait ends soon.

My only suggestion to all waiters is use common sense to figure out if the iio is telling you the truth or not. If you think the story they are giving is not making sense call back some other time until you talk to a better and more helpful iio. Don\'t get discouraged and ruin your day.

Sorry for the long message. I thought it would be helpful

Keep Hope Alive

Good Luck to All
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You will get your approval in next week because your PD get current by May first. I hope this helps.
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wellwisher i think we spoke to the same iio. Yes, the iio that i talked to sounded like hispanic..

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Spoke to IIO
PD Aug 98
485 ND Oct/01/99
Still Waiting
I spoke to the IIO today and yesterday about status of application. I got a very scary reply on both occasions. They are telling
that my priority date is not current. According to the IIO the current date is Feb 98 for EB2.

Did anyone have similar experience?
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KoolGray. I got similar answer when i called a couple of weeks ago. The iio has a ready made answer that PD is not current. I told her i am EB2 and my PD has always been current since i filed 485 back in OCT 1999 and that PD is 5/8/98. Then she said, every case was different and some cases take longer than others. So, do not put much faith into what they say.

But, call them on a wekly basis and if your are lucky you can talk to a nice iio someday and your frustation will be heard by a good employee of VSC.
