Just came back from country of prosecution


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hi, everyone out there who is concerned about going back to the country of prosecution:

My friend got her greencard through asylum status and she just went back to her home country and came back to los angeles today, and the Immigration Officer at the airport didn't ask her anything. So I guess you won't have any problems when you come back to the States with the AS6 code greencard.

But as you guys have talked about before, it might just depends on which officer you run into, my friend might just got lucky today.
mzoo_127 said:
hi, everyone out there who is concerned about going back to the country of prosecution:

My friend got her greencard through asylum status and she just went back to her home country and came back to los angeles today, and the Immigration Officer at the airport didn't ask her anything. So I guess you won't have any problems when you come back to the States with the AS6 code greencard.

But as you guys have talked about before, it might just depends on which officer you run into, my friend might just got lucky today.

lets see how she is gonna get US citizinship :)
This is a very good news.Now we're going to have some kind of experience about the issue.It's not about citizenship,cause lot of people in this country think GC is enough for their lives and don't dream the US citizenship.The fact is making sure that as a PR,you are like any other PRs.Being able to go anywhere and coming back with no problem.If you can go back home and getting back to the US with no problem,folks,this is good enough.If the IO denies your citizenship application because of this,no thing is gonna affect your life since you're gonna remain PR and legal in the country.
lets see how she is gonna get US citizinship :)

She will not have a problem with it as she did not travel back there as an asylee, but as a permanent resident.
SINNERSROOM, i bet you a lot of ppl don't think like you. they will be happy to see someone like many of us got back to the states without any trouble. A lot of us have been desperately waiting for the real example of ppl who obtained their GC through asylee travel back to their home country and came back. This is the real thing, so hopefully it's helpful to most of us who is thinking about traveling back.
Just came back from country of persecution, not prosecution!!

Let me tell you, I went back three times on RTD, was very nervous every time coming through immigration, but nothing ever happened! Do you all really think they have time and money to start proceedings against you just because you ran back home to check on your parents? My parents live in a communal apartment with Anti-Semites neighbors who harrass them (and me when I was there) daily. Trust me, my trips are no fun. But they are my parents, they are too old. I can't bring them here and put them through what I have been through with INS trying to prove to people who don't even know the history of my country that I am not crazy. So if an officer wants to question me at the airport, I am more than ready to counterquestion him on why I have been waiting for my little GC for almost 10 years!!! People commit all kinds of fraud to get GC: marry strangers, fake diplomas. Just because I went back three times over the period of 14 years doesn't make me a fraud!! So stop this paranoia and learn to stand up for yourself!
14ksusha said:
Let me tell you, I went back three times on RTD, was very nervous every time coming through immigration, but nothing ever happened! Do you all really think they have time and money to start proceedings against you just because you ran back home to check on your parents? My parents live in a communal apartment with Anti-Semites neighbors who harrass them (and me when I was there) daily. Trust me, my trips are no fun. But they are my parents, they are too old. I can't bring them here and put them through what I have been through with INS trying to prove to people who don't even know the history of my country that I am not crazy. So if an officer wants to question me at the airport, I am more than ready to counterquestion him on why I have been waiting for my little GC for almost 10 years!!! People commit all kinds of fraud to get GC: marry strangers, fake diplomas. Just because I went back three times over the period of 14 years doesn't make me a fraud!! So stop this paranoia and learn to stand up for yourself!

You are Right!!!
14ksusha said:
Let me tell you, I went back three times on RTD, was very nervous every time coming through immigration, but nothing ever happened! Do you all really think they have time and money to start proceedings against you just because you ran back home to check on your parents? My parents live in a communal apartment with Anti-Semites neighbors who harrass them (and me when I was there) daily. Trust me, my trips are no fun. But they are my parents, they are too old. I can't bring them here and put them through what I have been through with INS trying to prove to people who don't even know the history of my country that I am not crazy. So if an officer wants to question me at the airport, I am more than ready to counterquestion him on why I have been waiting for my little GC for almost 10 years!!! People commit all kinds of fraud to get GC: marry strangers, fake diplomas. Just because I went back three times over the period of 14 years doesn't make me a fraud!! So stop this paranoia and learn to stand up for yourself!

14ksusha! Are you principal asylee? Plus did you country of persecution officers at the airport not notice RTD (Refugee travel document)?
Mzoo 127

MZOO 127,
Thanks for sharing this experience with us. Could you tell us if your friend used his/her National Passport or RTD like 14KSusha did?
14ksusha said:
Let me tell you, I went back three times on RTD, was very nervous every time coming through immigration, but nothing ever happened! Do you all really think they have time and money to start proceedings against you just because you ran back home to check on your parents? My parents live in a communal apartment with Anti-Semites neighbors who harrass them (and me when I was there) daily. Trust me, my trips are no fun. But they are my parents, they are too old. I can't bring them here and put them through what I have been through with INS trying to prove to people who don't even know the history of my country that I am not crazy. So if an officer wants to question me at the airport, I am more than ready to counterquestion him on why I have been waiting for my little GC for almost 10 years!!! People commit all kinds of fraud to get GC: marry strangers, fake diplomas. Just because I went back three times over the period of 14 years doesn't make me a fraud!! So stop this paranoia and learn to stand up for yourself!

Umm Its just like speeding. If you get caught, you can get in trouble...or else you can keep going....

History has shown that USCIS takes 1 or 2 fake cases(marriage,diplomas etc) and makes an example of them. Then they make sure the media knows about it....Its all well if it ends well..Just dont get caught..what else...Every man for himself. If you speed, no one can stop you. If you go back to your home country..all the power to you.

IF one person went back to his/her country and came back with no problems, I wouldn't FOLLOW the same. IF thats the case, every one of us should have filed the same asylum story and gotten approved..right?....If someone goes back, the situation/country/etc may be different than your home country..

So it matters bout the situation. Just be smart. What else? Like a famous quote says.."IF it sounds too good to be true, Its probably not true"
wantmygcnow said:
Umm Its just like speeding. If you get caught, you can get in trouble...or else you can keep going....

History has shown that USCIS takes 1 or 2 fake cases(marriage,diplomas etc) and makes an example of them. Then they make sure the media knows about it....Its all well if it ends well..Just dont get caught..what else...Every man for himself. If you speed, no one can stop you. If you go back to your home country..all the power to you.

IF one person went back to his/her country and came back with no problems, I wouldn't FOLLOW the same. IF thats the case, every one of us should have filed the same asylum story and gotten approved..right?....If someone goes back, the situation/country/etc may be different than your home country..

So it matters bout the situation. Just be smart. What else? Like a famous quote says.."IF it sounds too good to be true, Its probably not true"

But "want" 14khusha is saying he/she went home 3 times? how they overlooked it 3 times especially on pure RTD (not even GC).
I atleast know of another example (an indian guy who has become a girl..... :eek: :D who filed asylum claim successfully in LA then decided to go back to India...stayed there for one year and obviously faced harrassment in India based on his sexual orientation. Came back to US and at LA airport was asked what the heck did he/she :p thinks he/she was doing..... he/she said that he does not want to live back there... he was allowed in....Asylum intact.... :eek:
Lazerthegreat said:
But "want" 14khusha is saying he/she went home 3 times? how they overlooked it 3 times especially on pure RTD (not even GC).
I atleast know of another example (an indian guy who has become a girl..... :eek: :D who filed asylum claim successfully in LA then decided to go back to India...stayed there for one year and obviously faced harrassment in India based on his sexual orientation. Came back to US and at LA airport was asked what the heck did he/she :p thinks he/she was doing..... he/she said that he does not want to live back there... he was allowed in....Asylum intact.... :eek:

Lazer, the fact is that officer at the airports dont know much. I mean once the officer looked at my green RTD and said "You are a visitor, you need to stand in the visitor line"...Once the officer stamped the I-94 with expiry date same as the RTD. Once the officer asked me "WHY I DONT HAVE MY GC, I SHOULD CARRY WITH ME ALL THE TIME..".

So I think its basically the officers in NEbraska who have more time in their hands rather than the officers at the POE. If an officer in nebraska feels bored and wants to have fun, he can ask for more information like RFE etc. Its so funny, my realtives never got I-602 and they entered the same as me...there ND date was 12/99..soo go figure
Another thing to remember is that US Customs and Immigration got merged merged; that means the US Customs folks dont know much about immigration stuff and probably are going through training. If you get a Customs person at the counter then he or she may not know much.
Punjabi_Munda said:
MZOO 127,
Thanks for sharing this experience with us. Could you tell us if your friend used his/her National Passport or RTD like 14KSusha did?
Punjabi_Munda, My friend used her NP to go back, and her nationality is China. It will be impossible to use RTD to go back to her country, I really don't understand how someone won't get in trouble using RTD when they enter into their own country.
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MZOO 127 and Solovei

Thank you both for your input. That's what my Lawyer told me that now that I'm a PR, it should be no problem to renew my NP and visit my parents.
Thanks again.
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The border officers in my country didn't care much about RTD, I had obtained a visa to enter my country. Basically, I gave up my citizenship in my country before I even got a citizenship here. So right now I am 'stateless'!
Punjabi Munda - U R welcome. Good Luck.

14ksusha said:
Do you all really think they have time and money to start proceedings against you just because you ran back home to check on your parents? My parents live in a communal apartment with Anti-Semites neighbors who harrass them (and me when I was there) daily. Trust me, my trips are no fun. But they are my parents, they are too old. I can't bring them here and put them through what I have been through with INS trying to prove to people who don't even know the history of my country that I am not crazy. So if an officer wants to question me at the airport, I am more than ready to counterquestion him on why I have been waiting for my little GC for almost 10 years!!!

I didn't realize you went on RTD. I don't think it's that simple. We understand u and feel for u, but to expect same understanding from an immigration... I would say it's little unwise. Unlike from NP which they might request or might not, chances are they would for sure request a copy of your RTD, and then, on naturalization interview, you would have to explain some immigration jerk what was a purpose of your visits.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to put u down, I've been in the same situation - my own father has been harrased and assaulted by the antisemitic neighbours, and I couldn't bring him over because he was disabled. It's just that as far as my lawyer is concerned that if u absolutely need to go cauz of a legitimate reason, then go on NP, and then explain if asked, rather than going on RTD. U see, then u go on RTD they slide/scan it, thus having all the info where and when u have travelled.
Anyways, good luck.
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If you're a refugee,you can go home with your RTD and I think this is the case for our folk.As asylee,there is no home country will issue a visa on your RTD and let you go to same country from which you claimed to be persecuted.Even the officer at Port of entry in your home country is not gonna let you enter.When you come back to the US,your asylum status will be removed.This is one of the reason why asylees have to go to the immigration checking room.Make sure you didn't travel to your home country.
cadel said:
If you're a refugee,you can go home with your RTD and I think this is the case for our folk.As asylee,there is no home country will issue a visa on your RTD and let you go to same country from which you claimed to be persecuted.Even the officer at Port of entry in your home country is not gonna let you enter.When you come back to the US,your asylum status will be removed.This is one of the reason why asylees have to go to the immigration checking room.Make sure you didn't travel to your home country.

FOLKS, I have come to the conclusion that it is all a matter of luck. I know of two people who, as asylees traveled to home country with RTDs; twice. One of them has recently received his GC without ever getting an RFE. The other is waiting. They have never had any problems either way. One of them -- the home country had to issue a visa, because they require this for RTD. No problems ever. I think that they never told the IO at POE they went there, they just enumerated the other countries to which they traveled.

One other person however, received an RFE for his travel to home country with RTD (asylee). So I say you never know, it is a matter of pure luck.