June filers, aka 6er Group, please use this thread!!!

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It looks like no approvals for us today.. Some for May, few for July, nothing for June.. Patience..
I am still waiting, RD:6/15/01,ND:8/10/01, FP:11/27/01, AD???????, the information in June list of m

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Vae_Victis - Thanks for updating the list and do let us know what the rfe is about when u get it.
f74 - That\'s right f74, we had no june approvals today, mainly july and a few may. I think they are starting off with august too, wonder what\'s gonna happen to us june filers!!! :(

VSC 2000 - Hi VSC2000, sorry about the blunder, we have made the corrections to the list, thanks for letting us know.

Attached please find the updated docs.
I am still waiting for FP

Hi, I am still waiting for my FP on 03.26, I really don\'t know what\'s going on, and what will happen to me. :-(
140Bugger - You have been updated on the list!!!

Lets hope to see some approvals today!!!
good luck to all
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No actually I was confused about the St Patrick day. I thought it is today and government offices are closed.

Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope to lots of June approvals today
I share the feeling with you chets Tans, it really is very frustrating!!!

Lets hope to see some approvals tomorrow!!!

good luck