June filers, aka 6er Group, please use this thread!!!

Thanks for your responses!

prseeker - Hi prseeker, you right we can do that. I\'ve created a junepending.txt file in which we can keep deleating each user once they get approved and the original list will have all approvals and pending approvals, howz that?? Thanks for doing the count of pending approvals for me. :)

dreamingtobe - You got it dreamingtobe. I guess we are just a few of the unlucky one\'s not to get any approvals yet. I\'ve been with the same employer too ever since i came here and still waiting. You seem to be waiting for quite a few years too, lets hope to hear something today. But i\'m telling u man, this wait is killing me!!! :(

f74 - Well buddy, if not the ski season we are going to have a summer season and you know how that goes. Let these officers enjoy their lives as long as they do their job right. Its about time they have some kinda a deadline to finish x # of cases before the end of the day, right? Good luck, i\'m sure we will hear something soon.

munu - I believe i updated only 2 approvals last nite but i could be wrong. We will have a better track today since we have two different lists.

Good luck
No Title

You can add me to pending lest... ( or should I do it myself ?)

RD 6/15, ND 8/13, FP 12/7, EAC-01-244-xx.. AVM message - "Fingerprints received blah/blah/blah, processing resumed"...
for f74 - nah, that\'s ok, i could do it, but ...please fill in the blank for me!!!

Rd : 6/15
ND : 8/13
FP : 12/07
AD : ??? (wish we knew!!!)
Country :
EAC# : EAC-01-244
State :
Status : Waiting approval.
No Title

I don\'t know what PD is for me, I140 was approvied in 10/2000, PD has probably always been current for my country (Russia) , EB2, State - NJ
Hope99, one more observation :)

Who ever started a new thread for June filers, they got approved e.g GBMGC, JUNGC.......I guess u r the next :)
NH filers


Are you from NH. I am also from NH. It appears that NH people are last
to be approved and FP

Please add me to the pending list

I visit this discussion board every day, but never post my case.

PD: 3/98
RD: 6/8/01
ND: 8/3/01
FD: 11/23/01
Category: EB2
Country: China
As of 3/14, the case is still not approved yet.
tintin999, Yes I am from NH

Though I agree that we r the last one to get FP notice, I have observed that people from NH(Manchester ASC I mean for FP) got approved quicky like Raj Chandra with in 3 weeks of FP, 485 Sufferer in a month after FP, smartboy went for early FP and already got approved..........
Keep the Hope alive
What\'s going on!!

July 30th case with a PD of 6/2001 got approved. There is no way to know what\'s going on with our case.
No Title

spear - Spear don\'t u worry, atleast its a sign that someone has picked ur file and its moving forward. God willing you will get approved soon too. Good luck!!! Do keep us posted as to what the rfe was about.

f74 - Hi buddy, your PD date is when your labor got approved, but that\'s ok, don\'t worry about it. I\'ve added u to the list.

dreamingtobe - My dear, i hope what you say turns too. I hope when i call VSC tonite it says my case has been approved and i can be a happy camper after that. But even if that happens, i will try to update the june.txt file for u folks, howz that? 3/15/02 10:45 AM
WorryGC - Join the club buddy. I\'ve added u to the list. May i also have ur EAC # and ur state please. Thanks
jainjit - That is true jainjit, july cases are getting approved while the march, april, may and june cases are still waiting for approval. :(

Here are the updated lists...june.txt to follow!!!

good luck to all
Updated June.txt

Just called VSC and mine has the same message. "We recieved the results of ur FP review on ....., processing has resumed, bla..bla..bla" :eek:(
Not a very happy situation - Your help and advice is appreciated!!!!

Hi guys,

I know that this probably is not the right forum to post this question on but i would greatly appreciate if you could tell me where i should direct this question and if anyone happens to kno the answers please help me out with the answers!!!

I\'ve a friend who is in a real jam, here\'s his situation.

H1 approved from Company "A", for $ 36,000.00, since the sponsor only paid him $ 12,000.00, he had to look for something else. He now works for company "B" who pays him more but is not his original sponsor. W-2 forms from company "B" do not reflect a salary of $36,000.00. Here are his issue\'s, how do we sort this out???

1. He is not supposed to work for anyone other than his original H1 sponsor but he already has and has also accepted paycheck from him. Will INS find out and if they do what happens???

2. His wife was on an H1 but lost her job a couple months back, they never changed her status to an h4 or her daughter\'s who was on her h1 as a dependant. We cannot change her status to an h4 on her husband\'s h1 \'cause he only makes $12,000 a year and the INS is going to question how he would support them?

3. My friend is unable to get any tax breaks for both wife and kid since they are not shown as his dependants on his h1 even though they actually are dependant on him.

Guys, if any of you may have faced a similar situation or know of a case like this your input would be appreciated. Thanks for your time in advance.

he can get tax break

It doesn\'t matter whether his wife and dought are on H-4.
He can always declare them as his dependent on 1040 form.
Ben88 - Don\'t you need at tax ID # to fill a 1040form.

Ben88, thank you for your quick response. how can he file for them to get a tax ID #??? Please advice.

Did she or did she not apply for SSN when she was on H1, she must have

other wise she can not be on pay roll, I do not think she loses her SSN just by switching to a dependant status! They file as married jointly, automatically he gets tax break as the combined income is less...................just my 2 cents, if she does not have SSN she can apply for one using W7 either by going to local IRS or mailing it to Philadelhia, IRS.gov has necessary info.
Ben88, dreamingtobe and all others who can help.

Hi dreamingtobe,

Thank you for your response. Yes, she does have a SSN as she was on the payrole at one time but she never filed for taxes as she worked only for a short period and never got a W2 from her company. I don\'t know a whole lot about how taxes can be filed, can she fill the 1040form with a SSN??? What do we need to do here in order to claim the wife and kid as his dependants. thanks again.

I guess all that they have to do is to answer bunch of questions on

1040, it has questions like how many dependents u have and also explains how to count them, it also asks about having kids and stuff like that. I understand that consulting CPA may not be affordable in this case, but I have seen in NJ when I was there that in the mall some university students were preparing taxes for free or turbo tax cd can be obtained even on internet some sites allow for free filing if they are under certain income group. INS and IRS are 2 separate departments, to my belief IRS does not check with INS about the legal status of the tax payer as it is simply not their duty. But these kind of problems may cause problem during GC process as INS may want to know the legal status of the applicant(like paid taxes as one should be or not)

Thanks dreamingtobe. I will try to get a 1040 for him or ask him to get one and see if he can try that route. I hope it works for now. Wonder what will at the time of GC though, but its all worth a try. Thanks again for taking the pain to respond back.

good luck