June filers, aka 6er Group, please use this thread!!!

Please use this thread for June Approvals

Lets track all the June approvals in this thread and not start a new one.
RD 6/20 Approved on 3/13

PD: 7/29/98 RD: 6/20/01 ND: 8/13/01 FP: 1/10/02 AD: 3/13/02 EB3 India
EAC 01 244 5****
Thank you guys!

Hello all - The list has been updated as per the approvals from last nite, if you kno of anyone that i may have missed out please advice.

tintin999 - Hi tintin999, your info has been updated!

WriteYork - Thanks for your appreciation writeyork, it sure serves as an encouragement.

Updated list enclosed!!!

According to my brief calculation, about 55% of 6er already got approved.

There should be some people who have not come back to update their status. So, the approval ratio should be more than 60%.
Good luck to all of the June filers. Hope all of those still waiting get their approvals in the next couple days. And those already got theirs, good luck to you and myself...
s_sudha, congrats and thanks for the update, rajaram345, please provide..


June case - spoke to IIO :(

Looking at all the approvals flowing in this morning i thought of calling AVM to check if i was going to get lucky. To my disappointment it had the same message so i waited to talk to an IIO and she had the same std. thing to say. "We are processing april cases at the moment, you will hear in a couple months" I asked if my case was assigned to an officer and she said we are not allowed to give that info, but she said there were no complications in my case at the moment when asked. Guys lets hope this wait ends soon now. This is just killing me with every new day!!!! :(

Good luck to all
Called up the IIO today !

Hi Hope99,
Spoke to an IIO today. He was very polite and told me that my case looks good and has been assigned to an officer. Since they are processing April cases, and they assign hundreds of cases to each officer, it might take 1-2 months before I hear anything.

I spoke to my lawyer today and he has said that he will try to call up VSC and find out the status. I have been checking the AVM everyday. It\'s really frustrating. Good Luck to all of us.
My case is assigned to an officer

as per the lawyer....but looks like he/she is on vacation..... :)

RD : 06/05
just now called IIO

got the standard answer.

Q: can you help me check my 485 case?
A: your case filed in June, we are processing April case, you have to wait we process June case?
Q: my co-worker filed 485 the same day as mine, her case got approved
A: you can\'t compare to other case because every case is different and the officer is different.
Q: Is my case with an officer?
A: We are processing April case.

hung up.
June Case Approved

EB2 India, PD 06/09/2000, RD 06/20/2001, ND 08/20/2001, FP 11/09/2001
Approved on 03/04/2002. Approval Notice recieved at home on 03/14/2002
 Case of AC21.. No queries...Approved for wife and daughter
Hi alphabeta! Congrats gujjuboss, you\'ve been updated on the list!!!

Hi there,

I guess that\'s the most standard answer these IIO\'s give. Wait for 1-2 months more, they are processing april cases. If they are processing april cases how come more than 60% june filers have been approved. Let\'s keep this thread alive and check AVM on a regular basis.
good luck to all
Pattern of june approvals-analyzing June.txt

This seems to be the pattern of approvals:

The cases seem being sorted by PDs. The EB-2 cases being approved are mostly with PDs 4/00 and earlier (there are few exceptions) and the EB-3 cases with PD 10/98 and earlier. I think mostly all june cases
are assigned to officers and everybody (with exception of RFE cases)
may be approved by end of March.

The PDs of 4-5-6/00(EB-2) and 11/98-1/99(EB3) should get their approvals next.
I agree with debjyoti

My PD is 4/2000, my co-worker\'s PD is 9/1999, we have the same RD and ND, her case got approved.