July16 Signing Off


Registered Users (C)
To my Extended Family,

It was a pleasure for me and my better half, to have been in the August Company of filers on this Forum.

After giving the below mentioned issues considerable thought, we have decided to sign off this forum.

1-Do I Need This Forum???

The Honest answer would be yes,
You can never sign off from your family, (Though sometimes Family does sign you off)
Friends you can select, family you are born with.
(Thats my Heart Talking).

The Logical answer is NO,
(Thats my Brain Wave)

2-Does the Forum need me???

The Honest answer would be NO
Reasons being!!
Did My messages of Congrats mean anything to anyone? (Not Really)
Did My advise help any body? (Maybe)
If I stopped advising would it make a difference? (Hell NO)

There are wonderful people here giving advise to other waiters, to the best of their knowledge and experience.

To Name a Few,
180DaysGuy, Girish Rajput, Vivekm, dr hangup, Jigesh, Bakshi, HarrisFeb2002, arin muk, Edison NJ, Deepash Jiwani, Dinosour, AMBYASASAM, baven, feb140, vidongre, sam99, asdasd, Gentle Breeze, I could go on and on and on!!!!

Not to forget the Inimitable style flair and humor of
phoaupkari, roran, Chicken65, patienceGC, dma_va, Bobby V, FutureGen1, WheresMahGreen, Scotgirl, Handsome, Lamborghini I could go on and on and still forget to mention a few (Those not named here, you are not forgotten, its just old age catching up with me) please do forgive me.

Bottom line is Neither One of Us needs the Other!!!!!

This is a Forum where people come for Solace, Patience, Knowledge, Support, Humor, Sharing Ideas and for Comfort.

My Views and Ideas and Humor, sometimes lead to Discussions that waste a lot of my fellow waiters time, which is a Shame!! They deserve better, they need what they came for in the first place, (Read para above this one).

So why am I wasting their time, No One in this World is In Dispensable, If One July16 signs off there so many more to help, advise, offer Solace, Comfort, and of course to start a Friday Thread.

So having taken all that into consideration, I am hereby SIGNING OFF.


My sincerest Thanks to Rajiv Khanna, Leila Lehman, milk, greaty_k, another wish and operations.

NB: My latest Case Status is, Interviewd and Stamped on 18 Oct 2002, Wife and Kids have recieved welcome letters, None of us have Recieved plastic yet. Will Up Date Rupnet when we do recieve the plastic

NB: phoaupkari, patienceGC and FutureGen1 you have my email address please do keep in touch.
Good luck

We'll miss you!

I cant wait for the day I get to say the same (and probably make a lot of people happy):D

Farewell my dear immigrant brother!

Keep in touch :)

I have posted very few congratulatory or good luck messages.. In fact I believe I was the first guy to let the cat out of the bag, by being the first to post your approval.

But today when you are signing off, I WANT TO SAY ALL THE VERY BEST TO YOU BROTHER AND YOUR FAMILY.. Never had an elder brother(I am the older), so kind of treated you as one.. Hope you don't mind.. Got emotional dude..

I'll PM you with my e-mail id, I am especially in the cricket scoops that you give 'like the casette for India innings.' Problem is I am not in NJ


I am sure you do not know me or rather noticed me here. Reason being myself quite new to the family. However, i have seen your vital input and also read people acknowledging your role here. I am sure your contribution shall be remembered. ( Atleast till the present fillers are commissioned ) LOL

I wish you all the success in future.
Good Luck!

You were a great help on this forum.

You could, though, sneak in from time-to-time just to make sure that we are still alive and breathing.

Wish you all the best!
Wish you all the best july16. It would be nice to have you around, but hey u gotta do what u gotta do. But we would sure miss you.

goob bye,
all the best

I m kind of silence surfer here 2, see you through those tough time is encouraging.
Enjoy your freedom and wish u all the best:)
Come on July16 dont Sign off so early

This is too early for you to sign off , If I am right you had your interview on 18th Oct , On very same day I also got approved .

It is really very hard to get away from this portal,i am kind of addicted to this site since my I-140 Day in 2000.

What will Happen to Friday Jokes

Wish you all the Best ..
Not so fast!

I mean, good luck in trying to sign off of this forum.
It keeps drawing me back. And I noticed a post
from Anita Gupta the other day on where to live.
We keep being drawn back to the well!
It's conditioned, habitual behavior and it's hard to shuck!

Old VSCers never die, they just relinquish the limelight.
Actually, they graduate to "Life after the green card" forum!

Nee ap kala murdi!
July 16

What happened buddy? I know there were some 'differences'... But I think you should not 'sign off' - you can slowly stop visiting the site - but you should not close the doors for yourself.

What if you're extremely bored one day and feel like sharing some jokes? What if Chicken finds another Anita on this board? What if you'r damn irritated and itching for a fight??? You gotta come here!

Well, the truth is we'll miss you. So think about it...
nice try

You really think you can sign off easily?
It is now a habit for you to visit the site daily.
I doubt you'd be able to stop this habit cold turkey :)
July 16

Sad to know abt you signing off buddy.

Well definitely I am going to miss you for all ur advise, humorous jokes and some serious discussions which I gather a lot of knowledge from your post.

Needless to say you are a excellent writer and I should appreciate for all ur post abt advises and congratulaorty messages. I haven't seen any -ve messages of urs inspite of abuse/degrade speeches from other members.

I wish you and ur family all the best and good luck. May god bless u.

I would definitely like to keep in touch with you if you can send me ur email address. Once again good luck buddy.
July16...without your Rolex?

I'm telling you man, this Chicken won't be lucky in crossing the road everytime. Just wait and pounce for your Rolex ;) In the meanwhile, good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Good to hear...

Thanks for your self realism. New leaf grow when old leaf fall. As a working professional (???), you should be more busy in your work now then spenting time here.