July-revalidation applicants tracking

My SL receive date is 2nd july 2003. How many more weeks I still need to wait.
I have a travel to UK on business. So that I can give a approx. schedule date to my employer
Thanks in advance
Updated this list

pittsguy: Jul 2nd
Sahithi: Jul 2nd
mrp2612: Jul 3rd
wm_destroy: Jul 8th
raj_oc: Jul 9th
spmateti:Jul 9th
Hem@Immigration: Jul 14th
IPC302: Jul 15th
insat123:Jul 16th
optimystic: Jul 17th
mmillo: Jul 18th
posit_GC: Jul 21st
rico : Jul 23rd
xrajeshx : Jul 24th
saravanans: Jul 30th
blazers : Jul 31st
Yedati: Jul 31st
pain_labor: Jul 31st
bnikita: July 31st

From the postings of June thread, ppl are getting there passports in exact 3 months time. i think you should get ur passort in the first week on Oct'03.

All the best

From the postings in June thread,its taking 3 months exact to get ur passports back. i think you should get ur passport in the first week on Oct'03.

All the best
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I just called DC to confirm that they received my PP and I got shocked.
I send my PP on 27th July to SL and and it received DC on 2nd Sept.
I don't know Why it took almost month? Normally I seen it takes 8-10 days.
So can I still consider my SL. date 27 July valid???

sorry to hear that. :(

i hope that they just gave you the wrong date instead of sept 2, I hope it was Aug 2. :( Maybe next time you call them, try to ask again the DC date for clarification.

Hi all,

What is the number to call the DC office in order to find out the case status? Is there a web site where we can check the same info?

Hi all,

What is the number to call the DC office in order to find out the case status? Is there a web site where we can check the same info?

call 202-663-1225 press 1 and 0

they will ask your lastname, date of birth, passport number
then you will get your DC recd date.

But don't bother them. Jun-03 process is till going on....

just called DC ... they told that their receive date is 29th july ...
SL receive date is 15th July
SL receive date: 2nd Jul-03
DC receive date: 22nd Jul-03
Not sure why it took long to reach DC?
Lady told I might get at the end of OCT-03
OK, I finally did find out my dates , cause I took a risky (a.k.a stupid) step by buying tickets for Oct 16th ....odds are heavily against that I'll get the PP in time, but let's see ...

SL Recd Date - July 11th
DC Received Date - July 25th

Sahithi, you're right, it did take longer for you. Did you send your
app. by courier?
Actually Sahithi, a couple of thoughts struck me later, which could be plausible reasons for 'slower response time' for some ... I just posted this in the June forum too ... just my thoughts, could be wrong too.

"I believe one of the reasons might have to do with whether you are changing jobs or it is a visa for continuation within the same job ... I would think that the latter would take a little lesser time.
Another reason which I mentioned earlier is whether you have one or two PPs for revalidation (doesn't seem to be causing a delay as far as I can see) "
Yes I changed my employer. I sent my passport and wife passport
Actually I need to travel to UK on job ASAP to complete some task.
waiting and waiting.....sucks!!

When I asked about my wife receive date. The lady told she could not find anything in the system. Sounds strange. I sent both passports in a same envelop and used over night FEDEX

Any ideas?
That's all we needed .... the ofice closures due to the storm will probably delay the processing by a week, I guess.
