July Filer


Registered Users (C)
I filed my N-400 in mid July and received the Yellow Letter on October 8 but still no interview letter. Is this normal?
I called the 1800 number on the yellow letter several times but was never able to talk to an officer. I set up an appointment with IO in New York and the officer said they haven't received anything from the main office and can't anything about it.

Do you know any number or address where I can enquire? I am from New York. Thanks!
Scheduale an InfoPass or something, perhaps those with a similar experience can chime in.
I filed my N-400 in mid July and received the Yellow Letter on October 8 but still no interview letter. Is this normal?

Hey Patelbro,
I’m from NYC, I field my case in early September and just like you I’m still waiting for an interview letter.
When you check your case status on USCIS.gov, what date was your RFE sent on?