July & August Tracker!!!!!!With no reciept yet

Barakuda, I believe so that's what my mom and the place that I went to said. As I said before my test did come back positive and my xray came back negative. Sorry about the insurance that would have helped alot.
Barakuda, I believe so that's what my mom and the place that I went to said. As I said before my test did come back positive and my xray came back negative. Sorry about the insurance that would have helped alot.

Congrats Trini,,, one more appointment notice and u'll be a free lady......lol.
still waiting here fr my code 3 finger print appointment.:)
FP done

Hi everyone..
I had my fingerprints done today.My app wast at 2.00 pm but we were there early around 1.30 pm.Security guy asked if we had cell phones-my hubby took them and waited for me.they gave me worksheet to fill out...after a 2 min they told me to go to the other desk to check in...then to the other where not so nice lady took my picture and fingerprints.the whole thing took me maybe 5 min!!!good service altough without smile!

The lady gave me the app notice for my records and wished me nice day...that's it:)

about TB my test was positive too and had to do the chest xray-negative!but the doctor who did the egzam sent the results to the Loan Clinic and they called me to make an app with them to treat TB!!!I dont want to take one pill(antibiotic)every day for TB!!!what do you guys think?its senseless...
Hi everyone..
I had my fingerprints done today.My app wast at 2.00 pm but we were there early around 1.30 pm.Security guy asked if we had cell phones-my hubby took them and waited for me.they gave me worksheet to fill out...after a 2 min they told me to go to the other desk to check in...then to the other where not so nice lady took my picture and fingerprints.the whole thing took me maybe 5 min!!!good service altough without smile!

The lady gave me the app notice for my records and wished me nice day...that's it:)

about TB my test was positive too and had to do the chest xray-negative!but the doctor who did the egzam sent the results to the Loan Clinic and they called me to make an app with them to treat TB!!!I dont want to take one pill(antibiotic)every day for TB!!!what do you guys think?its senseless...

That is stupid, if your chest xray is negative why do you have to take pills. Do you have to go back after the so-call treatment is done for a follow up. And also did he pass your medical and gave it to you in the sealed envelope? If yes then you Another person trying to make a quick buck off the "ignorant immigrant". I tell you
stupid treatment

Well...I told my doctor that ofcourse the test is gonna be positive because i sort of have TB in me!He didnt wanna listen and told me that here in US they see everyone the same - so if the test is positive it means I have TB!
It was good that he didn't give me a hard time with the papers for immigration so...i had the envelope ready before july 26th-ufff! at the Loan Clinic they told me the same-1 pill every day for 9 months!!!!!!!!I was like-no!i am not gonna treat myslef with something i dont need.They said ok its your choice.I was worried that it might be a problem for immigration but it seems like its just up to me and the immigration is not involved so...good for me!
Well...I told my doctor that ofcourse the test is gonna be positive because i sort of have TB in me!He didnt wanna listen and told me that here in US they see everyone the same - so if the test is positive it means I have TB!
It was good that he didn't give me a hard time with the papers for immigration so...i had the envelope ready before july 26th-ufff! at the Loan Clinic they told me the same-1 pill every day for 9 months!!!!!!!!I was like-no!i am not gonna treat myslef with something i dont need.They said ok its your choice.I was worried that it might be a problem for immigration but it seems like its just up to me and the immigration is not involved so...good for me!
That's why they give you the chest x-ray, if the test comes out positive. I would get a second opinion and also taking unneeded or to much anitbiotics is not good for your immune system.

exactly!thats why i am not going to do that.All of my friends i know had the same problem and nobody went for treatment and i am not gonna do it eighter.as long as my papers for GC are good.
TB test results

I called my sister to ask her is she ever tested positive for TB skin test since she got the same shots I did (she's 6 yrs older than me)- she told me she did TB tests several times and they always came negative. She said her reaction was always so minimal that no doctor ever said she has to do chest xray. I guess I'll have to find out from our mom if she received second TB shot when she was older like I did. I guess it depends on a person if they get a positive TB test after they got vaccinated. I'm kinda worried if the doctors will then give me a hard time if I test positive on the skin test. How ironic because I've been int he US for 8 years (got my bachelor's and master's here) so I came in contact with lot of people here in the US :D
I called my sister to ask her is she ever tested positive for TB skin test since she got the same shots I did (she's 6 yrs older than me)- she told me she did TB tests several times and they always came negative. She said her reaction was always so minimal that no doctor ever said she has to do chest xray. I guess I'll have to find out from our mom if she received second TB shot when she was older like I did. I guess it depends on a person if they get a positive TB test after they got vaccinated. I'm kinda worried if the doctors will then give me a hard time if I test positive on the skin test. How ironic because I've been int he US for 8 years (got my bachelor's and master's here) so I came in contact with lot of people here in the US :D

Don't worry about it. I knew I was going to test positive, go to the doctor I told you to go to. Yours might come out negative, if it does then no chest x-ray.
I had no idea that a TB test will come back positive if you got a vaccination when you were a baby. I looked thru my book of shots (thank God I keep the original and an international one with me) and saw that I got one shot when I was born (close to being a month old) and then one when I was 14. So does it show positive for everyone who got a vaccination in their childhood? That makes me sorta mad b/c my insurance was just cancelled since I can't work right now and will most likely have to get a ches xray.:(
This is some info on the reason why TB skin test is alway positive:

"BCG (bacille Calmette-Guirin) is a vaccine for TB. This vaccine is not widely used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and small children in other countries where TB is common. BCG does not always protect people from TB. If you were vaccinated with BCG, you may have a positive reaction to a TB skin test."
Hey we got reciepts for I-485 & I-765, but not I-130 yet

So far we have got recipts for I-485 & I-765 in the mail and i have also gotton my FP notice but we still did not get the reciept for I-130 in the mail yet

I was able to check for all three [I-130,I-485 & I-765] online and it saids that all three were recieved and is pending and a reciept was sent and bla bla bla.....

But we got paper reciepts for I-485 & I-765, but not I-130 yet

PS. I mamaged to get the reciept number for I-130 through some guess work as other numbers I-485 & I-765 seemed to be following in a chronologycal order.

I will like to know if this is ok and do we need really the paper receipt for I-130 at any time or will the unavailablity of such a reciept create any issues in the future and if so how do we get the paper reciept resent to us in the mail.
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I just wanted to let you guys know, I did my Finger Prints as schedule today. I got there @ 8:40 this morning filled out the worksheet got a number 64 and waited and waited till I was called back about 10:30 am and sat for another 15mins and it was over in about 5-8mins.

If you live in the Las Vegas area you might want to get there about an hour early. I checked my case online and no updates so far.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Happy for you that all went well. Now according to this good thread which you started for the reason of us knowing what to expect after each step, I would think that you should get some good news any day now.

Now your FP's are done, I can imagine you are even more impatient, but everything should be fine: Hang in there...
This is some info on the reason why TB skin test is alway positive:

"BCG (bacille Calmette-Guirin) is a vaccine for TB. This vaccine is not widely used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and small children in other countries where TB is common. BCG does not always protect people from TB. If you were vaccinated with BCG, you may have a positive reaction to a TB skin test."

Thank you Shilling for clairing that up. You are right as that's how it was explained to me at the doctors office.
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Hi Trini

I have applied for my wife's GC on Sep 6th and still no reciept. Please update my list also in your spreadsheet.
I have mailed I1485, I 130, I765, I 693, G325a, I864 to Chicago lock box on 9/6/07 and Got confirmation from USPS delivery notice on 9/8/07 as the package was delivered.


I'm sorry but the list is for July and August. Please feel free to stay at this thread to discuss any matter with us. I do believe their is a thread for September but I don't think they have a spreedsheet. Again I'm sorry.
Happy for you that all went well. Now according to this good thread which you started for the reason of us knowing what to expect after each step, I would think that you should get some good news any day now.

Now your FP's are done, I can imagine you are even more impatient, but everything should be fine: Hang in there...

You are so correct, I'v been checking to see if their are updates and none so far I know it will take about a week of so, but still impatient at this point. Thank you for all of your support, and for supporting each other.
What is the phone number you guys use to contact uscis chicago lockbox office to find whether the application is received or not. I mailed my spouse application 2 weeks back and still the check are not yet credited and even no notic of reciept. Please help me how to find the status
Thanks in advance
What is the phone number you guys use to contact uscis chicago lockbox office to find whether the application is received or not. I mailed my spouse application 2 weeks back and still the check are not yet credited and even no notic of reciept. Please help me how to find the status
Thanks in advance

My friend you are going to have a little patience here is a link to were USCIS are on inputing info into their data base and after they do that you have to wait another 15 business days or so. Take a look at the spreadsheet on the link under my signature and see how long we waited for receipts. Link to USCIS http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=ace7ec20cfbd4110VgnVCM1000004718190aRCRD
What is the phone number you guys use to contact uscis chicago lockbox office to find whether the application is received or not. I mailed my spouse application 2 weeks back and still the check are not yet credited and even no notic of reciept. Please help me how to find the status
Thanks in advance
If you read most of the signatures, you will see that it will take a month or so for your checks to clear. Just relax and let USCIS take its time :)

I filed my husband's I-130 and I-485 concurrently in late July. My timeline is in my signature. At the time I did not have a need to file for an EAD or travel permit, but now my husband is having a problem with his boss ( grrrrr!! :mad: ) so we would like to have an ead for security. Does anyone know how and where I should file it since I already filed my other things in July?

advice is much appreciated :D
