July 2011 Filers


Okay guys, I am back from the interview. I was not approved and will give a detailed write up over the weekend. The interview was a breeze. The officer said the case is approvable, and he actually wanted to approve me, HOWEVER the spelling of my name on my birth certificate John Smith is different from that on my passport, Johne Smith Williams :confused:which is also different from the name I have used all my life which is Johna Smith Williams:confused::confused:.

Williams which is our family name, was left off my birth certificate

Disclaimer: *Those are not my actual names but gives you the idea of the botching of my names.

I did have affidavits from myself and my father confirming the trinity :) of names indeed refer to one God. So he needs to show it to his boss, who will either make a decision, or will have to request the name checks of all the three names. He said I should expect to hear from them within the next six weeks.
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Hey Ananga evrything gonna be fine since the officer said the case is approvable. Can you please tell us what kind of questions did the officer ask you and how long was the interview?

Okay guys, I am back from the interview. I was not approved and will give a detailed write up over the weekend. The interview was a breeze. The officer said the case is approvable, and he actually wanted to approve me, HOWEVER the spelling of my name on my birth certificate John Smith is different from that on my passport, Johne Smith Williams :confused:which is also different from the name I have used all my life which is Johna Smith Williams:confused::confused:.

Williams which is our family name, was left off my birth certificate

Disclaimer: *Those are not my actual names but gives you the idea of the botching of my names.

I did have affidavits from myself and my father confirming the trinity :) of names indeed refer to one God. So he needs to show it to his boss, who will either make a decision, or will have to request the name checks of all the three names. He said I should expect to hear from them within the next six weeks.
Hey Ananga evrything gonna be fine since the officer said the case is approvable. Can you please tell us what kind of questions did the officer ask you and how long was the interview?

Hello eagle23! We're up next! Let's go Baltimore! :D
Yup Xingxin we are next. Hopefully its gonna go smoothly for every July filers.Don't forget to write ur experience after the interview it will b more than helpful for me on the 27
Hello eagle23! We're up next! Let's go Baltimore! :D
Yup Xingxin we are next. Hopefully its gonna go smoothly for every July filers.Don't forget to write ur experience after the interview it will b more than helpful for me on the 27

I will, I promise. :) I hope the IO won't be extra terrifying. :D
Baltimore Folks: Get there EARLY

Baltimore Folks, Please get to the office AT LEAST an hour before your interview. We got there about an hour to the interview however the security line took us a good 35 minutes or so to clear. Apparently it was a day for naturalization so there was a crowd of people.
Interview Experience:
Baltimore Folks, Please get to the office AT LEAST an hour before your interview. We got there about an hour to the interview however the security line took us a good 35 minutes or so to clear. Apparently it was a day for naturalization so there was a crowd of people. There were about four or five couples in the waiting room. My wife is a little affectionate, straightening my collar and doing all those little things. I am not one for PDA whatsoever. We waited for about thirty minutes before being called. Gentleman was from a country neighboring my native country, laid back kind of guy. We chit chatted for a couple of minutes before he swore us in.

The interview was 45 minutes long. Of the 45 minutes, about 25 minutes was on chit chatting [nothing to do with the interview] about where he is originally from [our original countries share the same border], where he lived and how long of a drive it was to the office, my wife trying to convince him to move his cable service from Comcast. We had submitted a lot of documents with the initial package.

Questions I was asked
  1. What’s your wife’s full name?
  2. Where does your wife work
  3. What is your address?
  4. When is your anniversary?
  5. Only about four of the Yes/No questions

Questions My Wife Was Asked
  1. What is your full name?
  2. Where does your spouse work?
  3. Where do you live?

When my wife brought out our heavy folder and album with additional stuff, he said it was obvious our marriage was legit and he was not interested in any additional info. We spent about 10 minutes on the issue with the three different spellings of my names on my passport, birth certificate and educational documents. After that he said the case was approvable but he would need to check with his boss about my names issue. His opinion was that the two affidavits I had provided were enough.

I was a bit disappointed not getting the outright approval but I tried not to show it too much so my wife would not get worried. My father is very ill back home and the plan was to leave for a visit home end of this month. We did tell the interviewer about it however he said we should wait for at least a month before making any travel plans.
And that was it. From there we went on to Rusty Scuppers for a nice early dinner and then went on home.
work permit is here!

I received my EAD card on Thursday, Oct 20th, just two days short of the 90th day mark. Whew! Luckily, my boss kept my job and I am back. Now I just want to get the GC interview appointment. Keeping my fingers crossed.

It's good to read everyone's interview experiences. Did you all bring original documents of everything? Ananga, I'm so relieved to read you got approved! I also have a different spelling on my birth certificate than on my passport and educational documents (translation from one language to another!!). I submitted affidavits too.

And rok8man, hahaha -- i don't really say y'all. I just like typing it out!

And please drop by here every now and then even if you all have your GC's. I don't want to feel like I am going to go through this alone. I feel like the tortoise in the race! :)


If you need company when your fellow July Filers are Missing In Action, you can stop over by the October Filers page. We'll be happy to entertain you. And over there, you'll definitely be the rabbit/hare and not the tortoise.

Take care.