Journey over - happy to share my experience

qili said:
"I heard it from a lawyer" or "I heard it on an internet forum" wouldn't save you in court.

true but, "i spoke to jennifer from your customer service line on Nov 14th , 2005 at 14:05, please bring the conversation tape to court, because you do tape them", is better than any lawyer / chat room / JoeF.
enough said !

if we can't trust these not pay not have them pick up the phone...they are there for a reason..and if they mislead me..the judge will be all over them !!!
PacMan72 said:
true but, "i spoke to jennifer from your customer service line on Nov 14th , 2005 at 14:05, please bring the conversation tape to court, because you do tape them", is better than any lawyer / chat room / JoeF.
enough said !

if we can't trust these not pay not have them pick up the phone...they are there for a reason..and if they mislead me..the judge will be all over them !!!

pacman, JoeF is jobless for many years and waste his and others times on numerous immigrations forums. I have suggested him to get some job long time ago, if he posts his qualifications, members can help him to get some minimum wage job to start with. enough said about him. Customer service line/lawyers are paid knowledgable people. So it won't hard to guess who is correct?? Paid informed CIS people or jobless idiots posting countless hours on this forum

To Joef, Get a grip on yourself, face reality and GET A JOB
The FBI number is (304) 625-5590, push option #3 to speak to a representative. If the first person you talk to refuses to give any info, call them again. The first time I called them, the lady said USCIS asked them not to disclose the results. I called four times and finally they gave me the results.
To Joef, STOP Posting CRAP . If you don't know, You are mentaly SICK. Get a grip on yourself, face reality and GET A JOB
JoeF said:
Oh, sure. There are no such tapes, first of all. Second, such tapes can not be used in a court.
Geez, how stupid do you think people are???

Indeed. You are naive and a lost cause.
LOL. Fact is, CIS has no obligation whatsoever under US law to tell you anything truthful.
As I said, you are naive...
"Consider the following:
* They have no responsibility or liability for information they provide.
* They are enforcement agencies and the mindset at the agencies is often to keep out as many people as possible.
* Information officers are frequently not adequately trained in immigration law and do not keep up with the latest developments.
* Individual case situations differ dramatically and agencies do not have the resources to properly assess your case and advise on how to proceed. "
Oh, and here is a nice case what relying on information from CIS gets you:

jeez get a life !!!
i will ask the judge to call INS right there in court and ask that question...they will give him the same answer they gave me...and see who the judge will rule for ? in your can bring your BEST lawyer, the judge will laugh at your face...
now as many said before...get a life.
JoeF said:
And the judge will not do that, because all that matters is the law.
Geez, you are really clueless about how the legal system in the US works, are you?

And it is obvious that you don't have any arguments anymore, and start posting personal attacks. A sign of a lack of maturity...
are you done ?
Picaso said:
To Joef, STOP Posting CRAP . If you don't know, You are mentaly SICK. Get a grip on yourself, face reality and GET A JOB

Is this true???

I'm just curious :confused: :confused:
JoeF said:
Geez, how stupid do you think people are???

JoeF, calm down. If you think you hold the truth, you don't need to belittle others to get your points across. Being rude in an otherwise civil discussion shows your weakness.

Now, PacMan does raise a valid point: if you so insistant on having superior knowledge than the ins information line, why don't you tell us why you possess such vast knowledge in a highly demanded field, yet you cann't find any employment?

Just what qualification do you hold in the area of immigration law? or you just presend to be a lawyer in the virtual world because you couldn't be one in the real world?
qili said:
JoeF, calm down. If you think you hold the truth, you don't need to belittle others to get your points across. Being rude in an otherwise civil discussion shows your weakness.

Now, PacMan does raise a valid point: if you so insistant on having superior knowledge than the ins information line, why don't you tell us why you possess such vast knowledge in a highly demanded field, yet you cann't find any employment?

Just what qualification do you hold in the area of immigration law? or you just presend to be a lawyer in the virtual world because you couldn't be one in the real world?
qili, let's not waste our time here anymore..we all do whatever we think is right anyway...i joined this website couple of months a go to share information, not to argue.
PG2006 said:
Is this true???

I'm just curious :confused: :confused:

I definitely think so. I have seen many so mindless arguments by JoeF with countless members and everytime he throws lot of attitude and very stupid comments on those members. Initially I thought he is just having some fun time, but lately I have to say otherwise. I think , JoeF is dealing with some very serious personal/mental issue and rather than dealing with that issue on face value, he is using immigration forums to throw out his/her frustrations with his/her life events.

JoeF, to Picaso's post, what argument you have?? Rather than attacking him/her mindlessly answer my following q/s....

1) Why you post on this and other immigration forum round the clock??
2) Do you get any financial benefit by posting here?
3) Do you have Full time Job??( Obviously NOT as you post here continiously)
OR does this/and other immigration forums pays you??
4) How you make living(day today expenses) by posting continiously forums??
5) Are you involved any illegal activities ??which covers your expenses as you can't be making enough after wasting time here...
6)Whats your education and background?
7) Do you have any childhood issue which haven't been dealt properly?

You can choose and pick answer to above q/s. But as you posts that your postings are credible and lawyers/CIS employees/CIS phone support/even IRS are not reliable, then why the heck members beleive that you are reliable?? Whats your credentials??Your REAL answers to above q/s might give you some credibility otherwise, I tend to beleive what picaso,gili and other many members posted all the time.. You need some serious medical HELP..
JoeF said:
Good riddance. People who give wrong advice are dangerous to anybody who comes here looking for real information.

I agree with you Joe..... from your advices to others, i have learn alot.... i thank you.
JoeF said:
Good riddance. People who give wrong advice are dangerous to anybody who comes here looking for real information.

thank god you finanlly realize what a menances you are to the community.

JoeF said:
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" (Isaac Newton)...

Newton is a giant of intelligence. and you are a giant of sucking sound, a giant of blackhole for intelligence. :)

Quite a few others have pointed this out for you: why do you think you are superior to the INS info line?

You have tried very hard in answering that question. You must have something to hide. Why?

I am not trying to pick on you. But this forum being a self-help community, and you are posting so aggressively here, using big letter words and intimidating techniques on new comers, and getting the wrong advice can be huge and long-lasting stress to a lot of people and their families, the members here deserve to know what you really are, and how credible your words are.

Without your truthful answer to those questions, we will have no choice but keep informing others of your lack of credibility, to warn people of your elusiveness, in the hope that no one takes your mis information seriously.
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astrix said:
Your comments about CIS are really harsh.

Calling their help line as 'mis-information line', accusing them of giving 'wrong answers as usual', and name calling them as 'clowns', and stereotyping 'anonymous outsourced' means bad, etc. are way out of line. Your knowledge and posts helps many in the forum but your comments about CIS are really shocking.

Could you backup your allegations with facts and statistics?

I'm the last one to take JoeF side...and people who know me well in this Forum understand exactly what I mean ;) :D :D

But, strictly related to the comments toward CIS...127,858 members of this Forum discussing their problems with CIS is not enough proof that something is rotten in Denmark...with CIS?!?
JoeF said:
I don't remember clashing with you ;)
But in any case, your posts are quite insightful, and even if I don't agree with everything, I always respect good arguments :)

Important think is that I got Naturalized on March 3rd. :)

Also important that you'll have your Oath on April 14th. :)

Find a parking space next to the main entrance (at the Convention Center) there are a lot of...compact spaces :p perfect for your won't be in the same situation like me to walk half of parking structure from my car to the door, or like another member here who got lost and took her 1 hour to find her car :D :D

The past...water under the bridge, don't worry maybe one day you'll figure it out, some of my friends here did it, some...didn't
;) :D
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JoeF said:
Well, I know that you post on Ron Gotcher's board under a different name... not hard to figure out when comparing the stories...

Especially since my story is so "common" and I've never been afraid to tell it like it is with all the details ;)

But anyway, I don't really care about that.

It is not important, we're just making "conversation", now.

With 10K posts here, I have come across a lot of people, and I don't keep track of who annoyed me (or who I annoyed) one time or another. Only the most obnoxious people end up in my killfile...

:D :D :D
JoeF said:
Bottom line: absolutely never believe anything anybody from the 800-line (the mis-information line) tells you.

Bottom line: absolutely never believe anything JoeF said. Period. End of story.

It you want reliable advice, do your own homework and listen to (but don't trust blindly) anyone including your lawyers.
qili said:
Bottom line: absolutely never believe anything JoeF said. Period. End of story.

It you want reliable advice, do your own homework and listen to (but don't trust blindly) anyone including your lawyers.
so who the hell am i suppose to believe/trust ????i see much better argument for me (in court or outside court), saying "i got my info from the CIS hot line" rather then "some lawyer told me to do this"..don't you think ?
I am amazed reading here that people really believe the information line advice. If I had a problem I would make an ifopass appointment and meet an official of USCIS or better still let my lawyer deal with USCIS. Never having done my 485 (used consular) and with "special handling" I had a minimal contact with USCIS. It will be different this time with my citizenship.