John Kerry and Immigration Reforms???


Registered Users (C)
John Kerry hasn't even listed Immigration reforms as an issue. We need to make sure we get heard, please go to and send him a mail. We are sufferring at the hands of DHS and he should be aware of it. Here's what I wrote in my email.

Dear Mr. Kerry:

What's your policy to reduce the immigration backlog? I am one among thousand of Indian computer professionals who are suffering from delays at the hands of DHS. We are loyal, educated , legal workers making serious contribution to the American economy living thousands of miles away from our home trying to make a better life and make a difference to the American economy. But still the Permanent residency delays are killing us. I have filed my adjustment of status application two years back and I still see no signs of any progress, I had to wait 2 years for my labor certification prior to that. On top of that we have to renew our Employment authorizations (EAD) cards every year and we have to file 6 months in advance to get the cards in time so we can continue to work. Immigration reforms are a must and must be addressed in your speeches. Immigrants like me are making serious contribution to the American economy. We need your help in us be able to live the American dream!!

Thanks for lending your ear.

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joyd said:
Thanks for lending your ear.

Dear ABC,

Thank you for your letter. I am certainly aware of the problems that foreign professionals face attempting to immigrate. Unfortunately, employed foreign professionals cannot vote. Unemployed American professionals can.

Please get back to me when you are registered to vote. In the meantime, can you spare $100?


Senator John F. Kerry

Given the 'political' nature of outsourcing, he wouldn't talk about related subject of immigration(eventhough this is a country of immigrants), and I doubt that it will ever be mentioned by either political party. As realcanadian mentioned, as long as you can't vote, no politician will care too much about it...
The only thing available to us is attorneys ( More money gets you high powered attorneys).

Remember some of the well known politicians were attorneys.
Dear Senator Kerry:

Thank you for your reply.

Actually, being an employed professional, I can give you much more than $100 with which you can buy some unemployed voters. Call me collect at xxx-xxx-xxxx so that we can talk.


TheRealCanadian said:
Dear ABC,

Thank you for your letter. I am certainly aware of the problems that foreign professionals face attempting to immigrate. Unfortunately, employed foreign professionals cannot vote. Unemployed American professionals can.

Please get back to me when you are registered to vote. In the meantime, can you spare $100?


Senator John F. Kerry

I think another reform should be that anybody who pays taxes in this country should have the right to vote.irrespective of citizen,PR or non-immigrant
budboy said:
Actually, being an employed professional, I can give you much more than $100 with which you can buy some unemployed voters. Call me collect at xxx-xxx-xxxx so that we can talk.

Dear Budboy,

The Democratic Party needs your support and assistance. Thank you for your kind offer of financial support.

My finance team has informed me that due to some fundraising "issues" during President Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, we must be careful that all campaign donors meet the requirements of federal law - namely that they are US citizens or permanent residents.

If you are a permanent resident, I'd be delighted to talk.


Senator John F. Kerry

Senator Kerry:

How obvious is the solution to your dilemma -- help me become a permanent resident before November and then accept my legitimate contribution.

ps. I don't want to tell you how to run your campaign, but if your "finance team" misses such obvious fund raising opportunities, you may want to replace it while there's still time.

TheRealCanadian said:
Dear Budboy,

The Democratic Party needs your support and assistance. Thank you for your kind offer of financial support.

My finance team has informed me that due to some fundraising "issues" during President Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, we must be careful that all campaign donors meet the requirements of federal law - namely that they are US citizens or permanent residents.

If you are a permanent resident, I'd be delighted to talk.


Senator John F. Kerry


BTW, he has a harsh policy towards immigration community. He is against out sourcing and wants to protect Americans job. Which is quite legitimate. One should protect their people and look after first.
budboy said:
Senator Kerry:

How obvious is the solution to your dilemma -- help me become a permanent resident before November and then accept my legitimate contribution.

ps. I don't want to tell you how to run your campaign, but if your "finance team" misses such obvious fund raising opportunities, you may want to replace it while there's still time.

Dear potential immigrant,

Even if I want you to become a permanent resident, based on the current processing time ( and we both know its bu** sh**, see your delay is due to bush), you won't be able to vote by November. I only care about Nov. 2004. So don't waste my time.

.. ok, where did i stop? ...
... yes social security
... medicare
... safer streets
... stronger america
... fiscal responsibility
... lower health insurance deductibles
... no special interest groups
... tax cut for wealthy
... cleaner environment
... Help is on the way

wait, you potential immigrant you still here ? Get out... Help is not on the way for you.

senator 'anybody but bush' kerry
"Americans" - as if there are any.

A cow-orker from my company argued the other day that all these immigrants are bad and take jobs from real Americans, etc. I argued that 99.99% of Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants. She did not seem to take it. We continued discussion until I asked about her last name which was (sic!) Hohman. "Und zwar, ist dieses sehr amerikanischer Name!" I said and closed the subject.

So, fellow immigrants, beware - you may be more American than you will ever want to :)
EuCitizen said:
A cow-orker from my company argued the other day that all these immigrants are bad and take jobs from real Americans, etc. I argued that 99.99% of Americans are immigrants or children of immigrants. She did not seem to take it. We continued discussion until I asked about her last name which was (sic!) Hohman. "Und zwar, ist dieses sehr amerikanischer Name!" I said and closed the subject.

So, fellow immigrants, beware - you may be more American than you will ever want to :)

Wow, that should have made her wonder what struck her :).

BTW, about immigration I don't think these presidents have any say in the matter. The only thing which might be in favor of Kerry is that his wife Teresa, seems to have gone through the process.

I will never understand these govt. people. If the 'same or similiar' job condition is gone, than it will be good for the so-called "local IT intelligensia" to get back their jobs, while we can make money through other entrepreneurial ventures, contributing to the economy.

The government should publish figures about Legal immigrants Vs US born-citizens and compare the amount of people in either pool who are a drain on the welfare and justice system.