Job Title change


New Member
I am currently working on TN and the employer wants to make me the Team Lead. Is the job title change allowed? its not a managerial position so i wont be "managing" team members per say.
ok but i vaguely remember that the officer said something like you cannot manage people or something along those lines so i thought to confirm here.
ok thanks. Hope it wont be a problem on renewal as they could get picky on leading a team vs managing and take it as same..
they'd likely look at job responsibilities at the time of renewal. As long as its consistent with the engineer category, you should be fine. From what I can tell from the post (and you can confirm too :)), your job responsibilities will grow as you are growing in your career but more on the technical side and not management
Yeah, a Team lead largely is more responsible for technical decisions, not so much managing the team. But, as Mister points out, each time you go for a new TN, your job description must be listed accurately, regardless of the internal title.
if your functions have not chnge in the meantime, just the proportion, then there is no need to get a new TN just for that.

But be aware, if you were promoted to a supervisory position, you may no longer be eligible for TN.